Stone Warrior
Here I am
The strongest weakling ever to walk the earth
A stone warrior
With a soft creamy center
A mock hero
Lying to myself again
Pretending things don't hurt me
But your words do hurt me
They hurt me more than pain ever will
They hurt me more than glass
But I'm not going to cry
I'm a warrior
A coyote
My fur is mangled and maggots crawl through it and i'm cold but i'm a coyote
No rabbit, no machine ever made the coyote change
his call
My body is my wall and I'm impenetrable
Except for that corner
Where things slip in
Tiger surrounding and weasel within I trick myself
again and again and i'm lyin and lyin and
lyin to myself
Everything beneath me goes above me and I'm tipped
but i do not fall
Warriors don't fall
Stone warriors do not cry
So here I stand before you
The shortest tower ever to have it's turrets in the


