My Greedy Wishlist

I want so much
I don’t know where to start.
I could begin with a car,
a red Mustang with beige leather interior,
complete with a CD player.

I could begin with a satisfying relationship,
with someone who could be serious
and accept my past and abundance of energy,
a man who would always be honest
and actually put in time to make things work.

I could begin with eliminating
worry and stress.
By eliminating bad grades, and always
acheiving above ninety percent
without having to study,
without having to stay up all night.

I could begin with my apperance,
wanting long hair,
getting rid of my curvy figure
and losing excess pounds
that nobody sees but me.

I could begin with something
not so selfish,
for something cliched like
world peace or the end of
poverty, and for everyone to
always be happy,
but that would make things
too perfect.

I could begin with saying
I want too much.
