[Unedited and untouched version of the Leif fan's now-defunct cautionary (& controversial) Guest Book! Look for my posts ("Karen Catalioto" on August 22, 1999 & May 21, 1999). Enjoy the cameraderie; however, please be forewarned of some language in question...]
The Leif Garrett Guestbook
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Aaron 20/Apr/2000:14:13:09 Check out the hot gay twink action pics at I recommend them :) annab 05/Oct/1999:00:58:12 Did anyone actually call that cat? Whatever. Im sick of seeing his post! Does anyone ever visit here? If so, come visit at the Godspeed
Board... at least theres SOMETHING going on over there!!
marv 16/Sep/1999:16:51:14 Call me and I'll give you Leif's home phone number
I met him this summer when I was in L.A. This is my work number as I live with my mom. 308 235 4645 Talk to you soon
Tom 14/Sep/1999:18:18:53 Lief sighting Sept 14, 1Sav On Drug Store on Ventura Bl. in Studio City. He looked terrible.
Heather 02/Sep/1999:11:23:43 I am 22 years old and fell in love with Leif when I saw him on VH1.
Great site! caity 01/Sep/1999:01:18:47 Get a job dude. How about telemarketing?
You can work fucked up.....which is all you know. Take it from the late Sam Kinison......"you suck"! tina fee 30/Aug/1999:21:12:06 Leif,my prays are with you to get stay clean. I was looking for a site
to find out how you are doing. god be with you. tina angry reader 30/Aug/1999:19:30:23 Too bad "Tom," the big kahuna can't even spell. Negative people should shut up! tom 30/Aug/1999:17:35:46 You are such a fucking looser! Steve 30/Aug/1999:17:23:52 Lief, I just saw that you underwent rapid detox. As a recovering heroin addict with 6+ years clean I wish you good luck. The road ahead for the next few years ain't easy. Getting clean and more importantly than that staying clean is the hardest thing I ever
I, like you, had it given to me on a silver platter and blew it big time.
I guess we just didn't really realize how good we had it. Lief, it gets much better trust me.
I also heard you and your bandGodspeed played locally here in the valley.
In closing, I think it would behove you to get a hold of Chuck Negron
if he hasn't contacted you at this point. He is very active as you know in the field of recovery and he's a great guy. Feel free to contact me if you want.
Take care,
Steve Geraldine Portente 25/Aug/1999:12:42:37 Hang in there Leif, Love, G.
Karen Catalioto THE SHIH TZU FORUM 22/Aug/1999:01:33:32 Hi, again! I'm re-posting as a follow-up to my original post here from last May. I just want to thank the folks who brought forth the availability of the Leif Garrett program -&- the biography written by his mother. I now have them (originals)! Even Leif's '79 Special tape! My collection is complete again. I'd like to also add that I met his sister, Dawn Lyn, who was grateful to autograph a page that I teared off from Tiger Beat magazine, featuring her. She also posed w/ my dog -&- me for photos! We spoke briefly. What a sweetheart she was. I certainly wish Leif the best w/ the rest of his life...he has a wonderful family. Thanks again! Sherry 21/Aug/1999:04:15:48 If Leif actually ever reads these, I personally apologize for some of the comments on these messages. I felt silly writing this because I am
in my early 30's, but you lived in my bedroom as a teen, the last person I saw at night and the first in the morning. Over the years I
didn't hear about you that much until I saw the VH1 special and was truly touched by it. I was so happy for you, I was hoping that this would have been some kind of closure for you and that you would be able
to forgive yourself and live a happier life now. I am embarrased to say that I did not know about your girlfriend until
I read some of these messages. I am truly sorry. I think that you really are a very special person and hope that you can overcome all the
obstacles in life you have faced and somehow can find some peace and
comfort you deserve. It doesn't matter how famous you are, what's in
your heart is what matters. Take care, your in the arms of an angel acf 20/Aug/1999:04:24:09 Dear RIP OFF, go to and read the message board.
It is by far your best chance of getting your CD and/or money back .
Sue Brooks 31/Jul/1999:22:47:42 I have been a Leif fan for about 23 years now. I saw his VH-1 special recently and I have to say that I was very impressed with his honesty. Not many people would admit to alot of those things on national TV. Needless to say I was very disappointed in his most recent arrest on July 9. But I guess he's just human like us all with all of the human frailties. We're still with you, Leif. 31/Jul/1999:18:45:17 One day as I was driving Leif, he said, "Hedy, you've got the emergency brake on". I was driving a production van and didn't realize I'd left it on. Kind of embarassed, I brushed it off and said, "It's okay". He said, "Yeah, fuck it, it's just a rental car". We laughed. Later, we picked up the Kipper Kids, a comedy duo who was appearing in the film. They are Brian Routh and Martin von Hasselberg (who's married to Bette Midler). As I was driving the three of them back to the hotel, Martin turned to Leif and asked if he was an actor (being English he didn't know who he was). Leif said yes, and that he was a singer. Martin said, "I'm not familar with your work. What have you done?". Leif said, "I had a couple of hit songs one was called,'I Was Made For Dancing'", and then Leif started singing it acapella. It was a very strange, surreal moment. He was off-key and sounded terrible. Brian and Martin looked at each other, trying not to laugh. It was truly surreal. Michele 30/Jul/1999:18:59:17 Hello! I run a site for Ryan Cassidy, the youngest Cassidy brother. We just started a new ring for teen idols of the '60s '70s and '80s and I
think your site would make a great addition!PCENTERA HREF=""IMG
border=0/A/CENTER Lila 28/Jul/1999:12:53:23 Solace With head in hands
Immerersed in deep thought
...Heart unsettled...
He yearns for peace.
...And she draws near,
In mind and spirit
To lay her hand
Upon his soul.
How may this be?
...She, unknown to him...
To want to soothe
The restlessness.
Let it be known
That she truely cares
Of the fate of
A kindred soul hedy 26/Jul/1999:01:14:58 One day another P.A. (production assistant) and I were sent up to Napa to pick up a fog machine and a catering truck from Francis Coppola's ranch (his son, Roman, produced the film we were working on - "Spirit of '76"). We ended up spending the entire day there waiting for insurance papers to come through over the fax. It was a hot, hot, July day and all I remember was being really thirsty and hungry all day, but no one (Coppola included) would offer us a glass of water. We had to sit and wait in Coppola's office which was a converted barn. There was a stack of old movie/gossip magazines from the Seventies on one table and many of those mags had stories on Leif. When I got back to the set, I told Leif that I'd read a dozen articles on him that afternoon. He said that a mag would send a reporter, interview him for ten minutes and out of that short interview they'd spin about ten different articles. We both agreed that the articles were pretty silly. Hedy 24/Jul/1999:02:02:36 I thought Leif would be pleased that I'd found him some week asap, but he got very angry at me because I'd told my friend that it was he who wanted it. He snapped, "What if they tell the National Enquirer or someone like that!". Personally, I didn't think the Enquirer would have been very interested because of Leif's diminished celebrity status at the time. Anyway, we drove into the city and when we got to my friend's house, he and his roommate had cleaned it immaculately (because a celeb was coming to their house - or ex-celeb). We all shared a joint and watched a little t.v. The Circus of the Stars was on one channel and we watched it for a few minutes, mocking it. I blurted out, "WHO would take part in such a stupid thing". Leif's face turned red and I said, "You were on one of those?". He nodded and we all laughed as he explained that he was on the celebrity tandom bike team. He laughed, too. Hedy 24/Jul/1999:01:56:35 To follow up on the "buying Leif weed" story, when he asked me if I could get some for him, I told him I'd made a few calls. He explained that he was really stressed out (due to the intense filming that week) and he felt it would help him through it. I called a friend of mine in the city (SF) who said that he couldn't meet us that night. I told him it was for Leif Garrett and then he decided he could meet us that night. When I told Leif I could take him to buy some right away, he asked me if I'd told this person who wanted it. I said that I had because otherwise he wouldn't have met with us that night (okay, I guess my friend remembered Leif in "Skateboard" or something. He and his roommate thought it would be fun to meet Leif Garrett, so they were very enthusiastic about selling to us. annab 24/Jul/1999:00:43:14 i DEFINTIELY Am not under the impression that LG is still that teen idol. I liked him then, but I wasnt whacko crazy about him. The VH-1
special just showed a different side to Leif that noone ever knew, and
showed that he is still a gorgeous man. I think it was a bit over- positive and showed him in the best possible light, without lying about
who he is today. I think most people who post on these boards would be
willing to accept him as he is today, but he seems to lack the drive
and motivation to get himself back out there. I mean REALLY get himself
back out there. He has alot of demons, and a seemingly weak will so I
do truly hope he finds the STRENGTH to get himself out of this. Hedy 24/Jul/1999:00:32:23 Someone asked me to add some more comments. I'd be happy to. Again, as I view many of the posts, I feel, for lack of a better word, dismayed at the posts asking Leif to marry them, etc. I don't think the teen idol phenomenon ends until people see a picture of their previous idol as an adult. When I worked with Leif ten years ago, I was first struck by how different he looked from his teen idol days. He was twenty-seven and not a hot commodity anymore in Hollywood. People's appearances usually change from when they were sixteen, but Leif really had changed. He was nearly bald on top and I think self-conscious about it. He was and is not by any means an unattractive man. But, he's not the little curly-locked blond kid that everyone remembers or has seen footage of from the VH-1 special. Phanny 23/Jul/1999:17:17:21 And, may I go on record to say that Larry is the biggest jerk-off to
ever post on a message board? Larry 23/Jul/1999:14:39:44 hhey! someone below mentioned that was cool site to go
to well let me let you no--it is. But, don't believe that stuff about
the bashers gettin' along with the fans. Most do. Fortune is the coolest
and the hotest hottie ever. But..I want to go on record that Mystery
Chick and Jordy are both mean, fat, retardo ugly hair back toe hair on
their toes bitches. for my sake go there and give back to them what they
give out they both suck and need to be taken out. they are farts. Coralyn 23/Jul/1999:14:33:58 I forgot to write, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if leif garret
EVER reads this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write me and then come meet
me and then MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I have blonde hair, blue eyes, i'm 5'4
petite, a cheerleader and model. what more do you want leif? I LOVE YOU
4-EVER!!!!!!!!!! Coralyn 23/Jul/1999:14:29:53 I love leif garret!! even though he is not hot like he used to be and i'm only 15 years old i'll always be a fan of his perfect smile, body,
and his baby doll eyes =D Destiny 23/Jul/1999:05:49:40 Wow, up until the BTM special, it was a mystery to me who Leif Garrett was. I was only seven when he was popular. Did any of his albums ever
win a grammy? Sounds like with this arrest he has really gotten himself
in some deep doo doo, really slipped up and fell right on his phanny.
He seems like a real hippie type now. Has he ever hung out with Michael
Jordan? To bad he had to pay Roland a fortune. Maybe he should go on
prozac to help him feel better? Thanks, Great book here. Holly Hobby 23/Jul/1999:05:43:52 Is there a web page with this guestbook?? Sarah 17/Jul/1999:09:16:00 Dear Hedy--please write again, your posts are very interesting.
Jennifer 17/Jul/1999:01:29:14 Hi Leif I just wanted to say How sorry I am about your girlfreinds passing. I heard about it today while you were doing an on air interview with some local jocks here in detroit. And also to hear about how you fell off the wagon. I know you were going through some tough times and I myself and glad you have made it through. And I do hope everything is going well now. I ,like many others watched the VH1 special many times now.Even when I watch it now I think back to those days and remember the posters and all the stuff. I to am now thirty-something,but I am still a fan of the music. I even recently purchased the collection that was put out a year or so ago. I still love the stuff.But wish it was'nt so soft.But it is still Good. I also heard about your new album. Will it be released nationally? I do hope so. I would be curious to hear "Are You Satisfied" and also the nirvana remake. Well, Good luck with the album.And please stay clean,There are alot of us out here who do still care about you. God Bless Jennife Hedy 16/Jul/1999:21:32:12 Leif felt very stressed (as anyone would) during one particuliarly long week shooting inside a disco. His character was the focus of most of the scenes being shot. I jokingly said to Leif, "Hey, if you want any weed I can get you some". Since he has spoken openly about his drug use, I don't feel I'm saying anything injurious about his character by admitting this. He later asked me to get him some weed and I took him into San Francisco to buy some from a friend. I was 24 at the time and smoked often with my college friends. We walked down to Haight Street afterwards and Leif bought everyone burritos. He was very generous. I watched the VH-1 documentary hoping that his life was going well. I was sad to hear about the heroin addition (but not surprised. I have friends who've moved on to heroin and one that's died of it). I felt sorry for Leif and Roland in regard to the accident and their subsequent estrangement. It seemed very intrusive (and sensational) to have cameras in their face when they met. Hedy 16/Jul/1999:21:21:38 My comments were cut off. Perhaps I can send them in segments. After that initial meeting, he was warm and friendly everytime I picked him up to take him to the set. He had a nice sense of humor, as well. I see a lot of hero worship and romantic worship in the other comments here and it seems surreal. He's got faults and good points just like anyone. I asked him once, "What was it like being worshiped like that? Having people waiting in line for hours just to see you". He said that it was very disconcerting and that he didn't understand it since he wouldn't wait five minutes to see someone. My observation of him at the time, was that he seemed like a lonely person. I remembered one day when he came to the set even though he wasn't needed that day for shooting. He sat in a chair watching the filming. I went over to say hello to him and noticed that he was drinking from a bottle inside a small paper bag.
Hedy 16/Jul/1999:20:54:02 I worked with Leif Garret ten years ago, during the summer of 1989 on the film "Spirit of '76" (also starring David Cassidy and Devo). I was a film student at San Francisco State and worked on the film as a production assistant. One of my chief duties was picking up the actors every morning from their hotel and bringing them to the set (except for David Cassidy who had his own rental car). Because I had to drive Leif to the set every morning and to other appointments, I spent a lot of time w ith him. I'm 34 so I remembered seeing Leif Garrett in magazines and on the t.v. show "Three for the Road". He seemed pretty aloof the day I first met him. He looked out the window as I told him that I'd enjoyed his t.v. show. I assumed he was bored by the flattery. The next day when I went to his hotel to pick him up, he was sitting in a white sports car in front of the hotel. I bent down and talked to him through the driver's window. He was frustrated because he wanted his own wheels but the producers of the film w Bobbie Jo Beeman Poetry By Bobbie Jo Beeman 15/Jul/1999:18:27:08 LEIF, and Leif watchers and bashers: I am totally unashamed of my admiration for Leif. He is a piece of my very young childhood.
All of you can bash him, make fun of him, worship him. He's just a human being. Who's to say if we were in HIS shoes that we wouldn't have
done the same? I bet none of us were so good-looking at 15, but that
isn't my point. He is a part of teen-idol history, and my memory. To those of you who make fun of his problems, it comes back around. You make fun, like it's a joke. No addiction is a joke. I hope
he is well, if he is not, I pray he gets there. If you check out my homepage, look for an American Flag. This piece was written with my older sister and Leif in my about four or five years ago.
Hey, everyone, Leif, Godspeed.
Bobbie Jo Beeman
HE WAS MADE FOR DANCIN' annab 15/Jul/1999:02:16:05 You guys
should check out! there are chats
there and sometimes the band shows up.. We could use a few good positive posters over there!!! It may seem strange but this bizarre symbiotic relationship with a group od Leif bashers has formed.. it is
fun nonetheless. Like i said we need positive posters!! bigtime 14/Jul/1999:04:53:08 hey all you horney chicks-over 18 of course-Leif was alright...thats
alright....but i am hung like a horse And Drug free. If you gals want
to fornicate with a less famous rocker give me a ring. Also Leif had
tough times...Who gives a shit....he had it once but now its gone. I've got it now and its in my pants....possibly in your mouth.
Oh by the way Leif i did listen to the new jams....not bad dude....not bad. " Words and Music " "lose your music? lose your lovin" anyhoo keep the faith Man..... Okay chicks back to Sex want it i got it....hachaa And that horney chick in OHio???? give biggie what he wants..........,smoooch and more tender shit like that....... Georgina Byrd 12/Jul/1999:17:09:02 I SENT A CHECK FOR LEIF'S NEW TAPE AND STILL HAVEN'T GOT ANYTHING. I JUST HEARD THAT LEIF WAS BUSTED AGAIN AND I WANT TO KNOW IF LEIF RAN MY
MONEY UP HIS ARM! GIVE ME MY TAPE LEI OR GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY! I'M NOT GOING TO LET SLIDE SO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! GEORGINA kim *save the goafers* 12/Jul/1999:16:58:19 leify....he's just way too adorable for think i could eat him...i love you sweetness * kimberly lynn * 12/Jul/1999:16:54:52 amy 12/Jul/1999:04:59:41 Leif,
I feel so silly writing to you, I am 32 years old now, but I felt like
I had to lend my support. You meant so much to me as a pre-teen. I fell "in love" with you back then, and you will always represent a certain time in my life. When I think of being 12, I think of you. No
matter what happens in your life, I will always hope and pray for the
best for you, as I do now. I know times are tough for the young prople
who are pushed into the limelight, but I only hope you can forget the
past and know that you are an awesome person right now, who still has
his talent, and still has the ability to be someone special. And please remember you can be someone special without being famous. Love
always.... Jodie Miller 11/Jul/1999:22:49:13 I've been a Leif Garrett fan for many years. When I met my husband (now of 17yrs) I fell for him right away because I thought he looked
just like Leif. I was 14 when you came to Phoenix. It was so awsome meeting you. I remember I just kept snapping pictures. :) You were wearing a blue satin jacket and looked so gorgeous with your beautiful
blue eyes! I will pray for you that the hard times will come to an end! Phoenix loves you LEIF!!!
Take care,
Jodie Mona 11/Jul/1999:02:25:21 Leif, Whats going on with the bust Leif? You have so many fans and people that want to help you. You have to want to help yourself also. You have
so much to offer with your God given Talent. These drugs that you were
busted with will screw your life up. It will screw everything you have
battled to get back up where you are. Your fans are screaming that we
care about you and want to help!!!!!!! We like your music. You have a
terrific voice. You tell us what can we do? You have my e-mail address
if you need anything, a place to stay till this blows over, a freind to
talk to, it doesn't matter I'm here. I want to see you succeed. I will
pack up and leave my job to come help you if thats what it will take.
You let me know, I'll be waiting and checking the e-mail. Stephanie
11/Jul/1999:01:35:30 leif
I know you probably never read these but it makes me feel better just
to write it. When i was young i remembered hearing about you. Only recently have i found that I admire you. Youve battled and battled. Only to fail every time but you still battle. Ive given up. And though you may feel like shit right now your not. your just trying to
live. So if you ever need someone to talk to just remember that there's a girl in ohio who knows how you feel. Rachel 10/Jul/1999:23:18:03 Leif:
My soul goes out to you. You've been dealt a few life altering cards, but you're stronger than you think. Your reaching for the wrong
support, look to your truest relationships for support they sometimes
are right beside you. Coming to L.A. next month, let's have dinner. I
know this site lifts your spirits, stay strong. All my love completely,
heart and soul. See you soon.
Rachel diane sandlin 10/Jul/1999:21:31:23 dear leif i am so happy you are once again making music. you have brought so much
joy into my life, that it was hard to see that you have had so much pain in yours. my hope for you is that you do find complete happiness
in all that you do. you will always be a source of joy for me, even through difficult times in my own life. i am a lifelong fan and always
will be. thankyou for sharing yourself so honestly. love always, diane diane sandlin 10/Jul/1999:21:18:44 julie armas 10/Jul/1999:06:38:16 well i've been trying to find stuff on you ever since i saw the vh-1
behind the music. i have to tell you that when you and roland were reunited i started to cry. i was surprised you didn't have them turn
off the camera earlier. you also talked about your earlier problems with drugs and i'm very sorry that you are having trouble again. i hope that just knowing that there are so many of us out here that still
have you in our thoughts, makes the tough times alittle easier. I'm 34
years old and used to have your posters all over my wall. my grandma
even took a picture of me kissing one of them it's pretty funny now,
but back then i was dead set on meeting you. of course it never happened i didn't even get to see you in concert. i still have all of
your albums they are not in the best shape, but i refuse to get rid of
them. well i really hope your hard times pass without too much incident. take care. my best wishes are with you. kathy 09/Jul/1999:06:16:54 HI, Leif if you read this, hope all is well. I was a major fan as well
as everyone who singed the guest book. I have the Wonder Woman episode
and Chips episode on tape that you were in. I drove my mom nuts with
your lps, and still to this damn day, she calls me and says I saw Leaf
Garrett on VH1, uggghhhhhh!!!! Im sorry to see your having tough times,
but shit in the world of Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears , go figure!
I was surfing the web of a cool pic of you to put on my desktop and stumbled across this site. I could tell you what a huge lusting fan I
was but I wont. I just want to say that do whatever makes you happy, do
whatever makes you feel good about yourself, screw negative people and
people that darg you down. I will tell my grandma that prays for everyone down to Robert Urich with cancer to say a prayer. I myself isnt relgious but we can all use a little prayer! Peace ,
S. B. 08/Jul/1999:14:28:38 What's going on with Leif? So sad. I was hoping he had it together.
Does anyone know what happened with him getting busted? morgan 08/Jul/1999:02:52:55 i love leif garrett!!!! he is the most bestest thing to ever happen to this world!!!! robyn 08/Jul/1999:02:48:28 i just read some of the other signatures and i see i was not the only one thinking about your circumstance. you have quite a fan club still.
so now i feel stupid, like a groupie. i have never seen you and never
had your poster on my wall and i dont know any of your music. i just
remember you in teen magazine and i saw you once on wonder woman. ha!
i am 28 and i am a nurse and i am married. and i bet you dont even read
these. robyn 08/Jul/1999:02:39:32 heard you got busted? sounds like your depressed. why else would you be doing heroine? this vh1 stuff got you thinking didnt it? well, now
you got us thinking. dont be doing no shit like the guy for nxs. we dont mind you getting high, just dont go killing yourself. there are
more babes on the scene and yea your ex was pretty fine and so were you. things change. if your still looking for that inner peace, give
christ a try. its corny, but its the best advive a man or woman could
ever give another human being. who knows what could become of you. i cant beleive you got this email address. i was just curious and bam,
there it was. later. Beth Moon 07/Jul/1999:00:42:50 Leif, I too as most of your fans saw the VH1 special. I was touched and felt
deep compassion for you and what you have been through. It is amazing
what people, places and things can do to a person. I had a big crush
on you when I was a teenager as well as millions of other girls. I even tried calling Los Angeles information to find your phone number so
I along with my friends could tell you how much we loved you. You were
our favorite teen idol.
You seem to have many unresolved issues that you need to address. Believe me I have been through my own personal hell, but through therapy and forgiving myself and others I have such a freedom from all
the garbage I carried for many years. You will have to go through pain
to get to the freedom, but it is so worth it. You must forgive yourself for what happened with your friend. You will not be able to
heal if you don't deal with this issue. God has forgiven you, so why
can't you forgive yourself?
You will not be able to qu vicki sykes viswhisp 04/Jul/1999:00:22:38 Dear Leif,
I remember you in thew 70's. I also had pic of you all over my room. my mother said if i took them all of my walls would all fall down because of all the holes. You were great then and I am still a fan now.
I hope your live is what you need it to be now? For you desever peace
and love hope and joy. Godspeed is a very good namefor a new band. I
wish you gods speed. For always gods love. Yours always,
Vicki Del city, Oklahoma Patti Fons 03/Jul/1999:22:06:55 Dear Leif,
I was one of the millions that had a crush on you in the 70s (I am now
36 years old). I remember having your poster up on my bedroom wall (along with Shaun Cassidy). I never really knew whatever happened to
you until I watched the special on VH1 not too long ago. It's such a
shame, although not suprising. Nowadays, you hear a lot about things
that child stars went through. I am glad to know that you overcame the
tragedies in your life. - Patti (Michigan) Mona
03/Jul/1999:16:58:28 LEIF,
MONA Darlene 02/Jul/1999:15:12:44 I think you are beautiful Cindi 01/Jul/1999:17:53:58 Hey, Leif! I was totaly IN LOVE with you when I was a teen. As the
years marched on, I grew up. I am now 38 years old and I often wondered
whatever happened to you. I was shocked,saddened, and surprised to hear
everything that you had and are going through. I never would have thought that MY Leif would ever have touched any drugs what so ever.
Your story on VH1 was a slap in the face to me. It showed me that no
matter who,what,or where you have problems just like everyone else. It brought me to the reality that fame or no fame, a person is just a person and is only human. I have happy child hood memories of my "Crush" on you!! To this day they make me smile and I
have shared those memories with my teenaged daughter. No matter what
you do,Leif, you are never alone. You have all of your fans past,present,and future to always be there for you and to get you through the hard times!! You are always in our prayers!! Kris 01/Jul/1999:00:12:42 Lori 30/Jun/1999:15:48:51 Just wanted to say that I think it takes a lot of courage to go through what Leif did and never give up. I don't think anyone should judge anyone unless they have been ther, done that. I've been a fan for years anf my interest has been renewed since the VH1 special. Best of luck, Leif an ROCK ON!!! Heather 28/Jun/1999:18:28:31 I wasn't even alive when Leif Garrett was really popular. My mom was a big a fan of his in her teenage years, and she often talked about him.
After watching him on VH1, I fell in love with his music. He is so awesome. I have been trying to find his CD (the Leif Garrett Collection). It is the one with Surfin USA, Put your head on my shoulder, Runaround Sue, I was made for Dancing, and many more. I haven't been able to find it in stores, but I did find it ar, but my mom won't let me order it on here, because she
doesn't want me to put the credit card number over the internet. If any
of you know where I can find it without giving out my credit card number out over the internet, PLEASE let me know. I REALLY REALLY want
the CD!!!!! Thank you! Jenaveive014 27/Jun/1999:17:22:14 DEAR
JENNIE V. michelle 25/Jun/1999:06:24:57 leif has got to have one of the strongest souls, he seems to be a survivor in the crazy world he's been put in JEFFREY MOEN EITHER 25/Jun/1999:02:43:21 DO YOUR BEST AND MOVE FORWARD, I HAVE AND SO CAN YOU,JUST TRY IT MY
COULD OF BEEN FRIEND. Sharon Ann Kross 25/Jun/1999:02:36:21 hi there leif garret used to be my teen idol along with barry manilow how ever i was very disapointed in the drug habit he had and yes that was a sad story and im sure he will be sorry until the day he dies for what he did to his friend im 34 im younger then leif and he looks bad i loved him when he look
good ,now hes wearing eyeliner under his eyes ,i mean come on now. sicerely
sharon ann kross Holly Gerber 22/Jun/1999:23:31:11 Everytime I see Leif I want to fuck his brains out. He is sooo hot I almost cum just looking at him. I LOVE him!! Michelle 22/Jun/1999:04:47:03 Dear Leif,
For many years I have been a Big fan. Do you ever get in contact with
your fans from today and from the past? How I would love a letter or
better yet a phone call from you. I too am in my late 30s and I am sure
we might have a lot in common. Is there a way for me to get in touch
with you? Please give me a e-mail back if you can. I look forward to
hearing from you soon. One more question how do I hear the new music?
Love you,
Michelle Faith 20/Jun/1999:23:38:44 I have been a Leif Garrett fan for many years. I have always tried to follow his career. At times, it has been hard to find out anything about him. I am 36 years old and I have been loving Leif since I was
13 years old. I saw him in concert and also at a music store. It was
2 of the best days of my life. I still have all of my Leif stuff. The
pictures that I took, my magazines, albums and much more. I could never bring myself to part with these things because Leif was always in
my heart. I just loved the VH1 special. I cried through the whole thing. Leif, I wish you all the success in the world!!!!! You deserve it. Leif, I loved you then and I still LOVE you after all these years. Thank you VH1 for bring Leif back into my life!!!! Suzie 20/Jun/1999:12:10:58 I was so touched by the behinde the music special.I spent my teenage
years dreaming about Lief Garrett. I am so happy that he survived all
the trauma that life threw his way. I hope he knows there are so many
of those little girls who loved him then that still love him now. I was
brought to tears during that special. I happy to see that he has tackled the things that were keeping him down and moving on to bigger
and better things.I hope he will find the happiness he deserves and success with his new music.I will always be fan of his music.I'm 35 now
and when i think about my teeenage years I think about him. michelle 18/Jun/1999:14:19:33 Hello to everyone. I am a great fan of Leif Garrett's from way back.
I am in Sydney Australia.Unfortunately I dont think we will get the VH1
special here that you guys all seem to have seen. I would really love
to watch this special.
If anyone has a copy that theyd be willing to either send me to view or
even sell me, I would be very grateful indeed. Please email me if you can help me out!!! Thanks Michelle P.S Leif is one great singer, not to mention great guy. I hope he has a
wonderul come back and that or old fan supports him!! Brittany Alexander a 13/Jun/1999:23:28:45 We are 2 15 year old girls who now LOVE Leif Garrett!!! We have ever since we saw his sad, yet wonderful "Behind the Music" story on
VH1. His story touched our hearts and introduced us to a great person
like Leif. We just wish that we could have teen idols today that are
as talented, hottttttt, and as over all good as Leif is!!! We are just
2 teenagers added to the long list of people that will adore and support you for many years to come! Please e-mail new information on
Leif if possible. This page was great! Keep up the great work Leif! WE LOVE YOU!!! :-) Sincerely,
Britt -&- Steph Melodie Russell 13/Jun/1999:14:29:26 Sue 13/Jun/1999:02:46:55 Leif i am a big fan of yours and i always have been. i am 32 and i hope
that you get a new ablum out so i can buy it. i love you and i hope that things are going good for you. take care and remember i am one of
you biggest fans and i always will be. have a good and wonderful life. Sexy thang 05/Jun/1999:08:10:20 I want LEIF Catherine 04/Jun/1999:13:21:05 oops! Anyway,as I was saying. R.O. Gould, it sounds to me like you are
jealous of what Leif has, so all you can do is put him down. I also think that maybe you should practice what you preach, because I dont
know of one Christian that would be saying to follow Jesus in one sentence and then cussing in the next. You might want to pray about that and truly follow Jesus's example. Anyway, LEIF, REMEMBER THAT YOUR
FANS, OLD AND NEW, LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU!!!! Catherine Garza 04/Jun/1999:13:14:47 Well, it looks like everything that I wanted to say about Leif has been
said already, so I will keep it brief. I was a fan back then, although
not as huge as some, and I also saw the VH-1 special. The man that I
saw was nothing like I remember, and I am glad! I think Leif is so much
better looking now than he was then. I also think that the things that
he's been through are what made him the fantastic man he is today. I am
sorry he had to go through what he did and I wish him luck on sorting
out and getting over his feelings for Nicolette Sheridan. I also know
that his new music career will take him further than he ever went in
the old days, because he is exceptionally talented {not to mention, the
most georgeous man I have seen in a long time}. Leif, you have the stamina, sensitivity, style, and grace to make it bigger this time around, so rock on. I have one more comment to make and that is to someone who signed the guestbook previously. R.O. Gould, it sounds to
me like you are j Dan none 02/Jun/1999:15:11:33 Hello My name is Dan Cherry, I want to say nice web-site.
I am 30 years old, I remember lief being in16 magizine with KISS alot.
I really did not know much about him then only his song I was made for
dancin. But anyway when I saw the VH1 special, Made me think a lot about
my friends, through thick -&- thin, decided to see each other again.
I thin that is great.
gabrielle 01/Jun/1999:21:11:01 Dear Leif: I saw you on Video One the other nite. I was quite impressed with your
interview. I really respect where you have been and where you are going.
You are a real genuine person. It was sad to see how the industry used
you... I was especially touched on your reunion with your friend. I hope
you'll stay in touch with him. Bad things happen to us all. But it's how
you deal with them that matters. I like your music style now. I really
hope you succeed.
Gabrielle Milo 01/Jun/1999:17:16:18 Great web page. I enjoyed the visit. I saw Leif Garrett on Rosie O'Donnell awhile back, and found his story to be quite sad. I am glad to
see that he seems to have his life together. I wish him all the best. Holly 01/Jun/1999:15:13:45 Holly Sue Gerber 01/Jun/1999:14:51:06 I don't know who's page this is but for what it's worth I adore Leif. I
know he's had some promblems but I really think he's a beautiful person
inside and out.I have so much respect for him. See ya later. R.O.Gould 28/May/1999:01:08:29 I wanted to finish my statement which said young men of today,don't follow in Leif's footsteps.Go to your families,go to Jesus,go
to God.Leif will sooner or later,I will,and so will you.Believe in yourselves for you are the stars of today.Leif needs you more you need him and that's the truth.Brothers,you are the heroes of today just believe in yourselves.I didn't slander Leif or call him
dirty names,but the truth will set him,me,and you free.Check it out.Thank you Jesus. R.O.Gould 28/May/1999:01:01:02 Garrett whereever you are ,stay there.I will
not say bad things about you ,but you did nursery rhymes like "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" and "Come Back When You Grow Up" and people in this guestbook call you a great talent?Come on you were like all the other teen idol clowns who had fun at the expense of the young but dumb teen age girls who followed you and now want to see you come back.
Garrett in your prime you were no Elvis or Stevie Wonder,you were more like Fabian.So let
us come on now and tell the truth.You get on Behind The Music and tell the world how the Scotti Brothers ruined you sure they ruined you with a lot of cash and you blew it on drugs and liquor.You had what thousands of young men your age could have only wished for so stop whinning. Garrett the Roland Winkler episode well that's life man shit happens.But you were both doing cocaine how do the people who wrote LEIF RULEZ in this guestbook come to understand that?I am not hollier than thou but young men of today out there,Br Kelly Rae 27/May/1999:16:09:58 I was only about 6 when 1980 rolled around, so I don't really know much about Leif Garrett. What I've heard of Godspeed has sounded good, but
my exposure to it has been quite limited. I saw VH1 though, and I must
comment that it was so real, that alot of it reminded me of me and others that I know. This is, I guess, more than anything else, a commentary for those, that are so quick to judge. People are people and we've all done stupid things in the past. I don't know how Leif feels about this, but I do not regret a single thing that I've ever done. Everyone I've ever met, whether I've hated them or loved them,
everything I've ever done, everything that I have yet to do and every
one I have yet to meet has been and will be great. All of these things have helped to form the person that I am today, and frankly, I
wouldn't want to be anyone else. Leif, rock on. People say mean and ignorant things. I'm telling everyone, you have to look past it man.
It doesn't matter what y Sue Perdew 21/May/1999:16:13:33 I have been looking everywhere for the Godspeed CD and can't find it anywhere in Minneapolis. Does anyone know where I can find it besides
ordering it through the Godspeed fan club? Let me know! Thanks! Karen Catalioto 21/May/1999:13:45:18 Hi! Great other site of Leif. Boy, there are more sites than I expect of Leif. I enjoyed being a giggly fan of his during the 1970s. I collected just anything on him, especially those Tiger Beat type magazines! I still kept them all, plus my scrapbook that I made on him. One regret was that there was no color copies made off the concert programme (1979) for me, that I borrowed twice from 2 people. Also, my mother destroyed a book of him written by his mother. If anyone's willing to send me copies, I'd greatly appreciate it! E-mail me-- I'd love to chat with other old-time Leif fans...I'm 34 now, by the way! Also, I enjoy reading you folks' messages on this site-- very insightful... liz keith 19/May/1999:20:08:54 im 13 and ever since i saw behind the music i was hooked on him.
i have his cds and was able to find some old 70s amgizines and some old
records. i also bought a pair of nikes that he used to wear in the 70s!
i guess you can say im obbessesed. oh well for all the fans out their
understand how you can be obsesed with such a cute boy, *sigh* years ago... 18/May/1999:06:48:26 I'm new to the net...I wanted to look up something obscure and was very
surprised to find so much on the love of my life during my teen years.
Now married and a mother of two who can't get enough of N'SYNC, it's
fun to share my trunk of my "Leif Life" with my girls. I go back to look at all the items i have in relation to Leif and I'm amazed. I have a complete trunk full of items from Leif's "Glory Days". I'm so
Happy to see that those wonderful memories of him are continuing...He
was worth the time then and I beleive he's worth it now. Good luck to
you Leif, your fans are still oyu here (and some of them even look like
they did back then.. of course with better hair! Nancy 16/May/1999:13:32:00 A long time ago, back in my early teens, I wrote a "screenplay", if you
will, and sent it to Leif! Not thinking anything of it, weeks passed
and one day the screenplay came back. Leif DID read it, made notes on
it for me and wrote me a beautiful two-paged letter stating how impressed he was with it! He told me to keep up the good work, etc. I
couldn't believe it and won't EVER forget it! Now, almost 20 years later, I never became a screen-writer but the memory still lingers and
lately, for two days straight, I've had DREAMS of Leif! I don't know
if that means any thing but I'm just sorry I missed his appearance on
The Rosie O'Donnell Show! I haven't heard any new songs from his CD and I can't wait! And, like someone else asked on this guestbook, if
you do read this Leif, keep up the good work and I'm so proud to see
you're back in the music business! And, by the way, I don't mind you
haunting my dreams, either! :-) If ya need a pal to just write to and
vent at, (you know lhurst 12/May/1999:04:15:55 i hope leif does well with his new band.
and he comes back better than ever i loved him when i was a teen he was my frist crush but who didnt have a crush on his cute face. thank you for this site. sincerly lhurt patricia 28/Apr/1999:02:57:22 I,like so many others, was truly moved by the Vh1 special. It brought
back so many memories of my teenage years.I was inmlove with Leif.As an
adult I can understand what young teenagers go thru when they like a
current star...I had over 342 posters of leif..every album..recorded
every show..etc. I'm thrilled he is back and hope as an adult I can see him perform(since I couldn't when I was young)..keep the peace Leif Giovanna 26/Apr/1999:00:42:05 Leif was a babe! I love your gallery. I'm 16 years old and a new Leif Garrett fan. Your site is kewl. Keep up the good work. Bellestar54 The Godspeed Fan Club 24/Apr/1999:06:03:53 Hi Lukkas, I thought I had posted before, but I guess not! I've been here several times and love your site. Do you still have your opinion
page? kelly 24/Apr/1999:00:26:39 I have become enthralled again with Leif Garrett after seeing the vh1 special. I was also thrilled to hear him sing on Rosie O'Donnell's show this week. It is so impressive to know that he has survived in the face of adversity all these years. vh1 showed a perceptive in- depth view of Leif. It brought back many memories for me to see Leif
again. I actually remebered some of the pictures and photos they showed!! I am excited about "Godspeed" and love, "Are You Satisfied?"
I am certain that Leif was a wonderful young man in the 70's and am even more certain that he is a perceptive, interesting man today. I am
a 30 year old teacher now and would love to spend some time talking to
Leif. I guess we all can dream, can't we??? By the way, anyone have an e-mail address? I would love to let him know that someone is thinking about him and wishing him well. Leif, if
you read this...........I wish you Godspeed and would love to hear from
you. Thanks. Ann Marie Adkins 21/Apr/1999:22:53:16 Would love to know more of what Leif is going to do in the near future.Will Leif tour in small clubs to promote hisn album! I would love to see Leif in concert I never got te chance when I was a young teen.Now I"am in my early 30's and want to see him perform. Please write back! Cindy 25/Mar/1999:02:51:38 Hi,
Just wanted to say I just now found your site and it's pretty KEWL! I like to check out any Leif site.He's my favorite person in the whole
world,has been for 24 years!!I just love Leif to pieces. Leif if your reading this,just wanted to tell ya that I LOVE what your doing now with all your new projects.Cant wait to hear your new CD!
Im behind ya 100%.Leif my man you still have it :) Leif we liked the boy you were but LOVE the MAN you have become. Your fan and friend 4-ever Daneille Root 21/Mar/1999:21:37:53 Lily C 18/Mar/1999:22:34:23 Wow!! This site is really cool!! I love Leif and well this site I love the links and well speaking for me and my friend this page ROCKS!!! -LILY JAY 16/Mar/1999:06:50:20
JAY 16/Mar/1999:06:47:34
JAY 16/Mar/1999:06:45:47
Jill 10/Mar/1999:22:37:11 Hey everyone - in case you've come back to this site, LEIF'S CD IS
GO TO It's for sale in the store
Let's get the word out! Jodi 09/Mar/1999:21:28:39 I love the new photo gallary!!!!!!!!!! Bethany 09/Mar/1999:00:22:03 I finally caught Behind the Music and recorded it! Now every time I see it I start to cry
Thanks Elizabeth 07/Mar/1999:01:17:07 Leif you can make such a comeback with a new CD I heard you were working on one and I hope it comes out soon. I saw you on Wonder Woman
and on CHiP's and I love you so much I record you anytime I can! Love
PS I love you but I am only 14! michael scott Deadtime Stories 02/Mar/1999:00:24:48 Roland has absolutely no knowledge of what Leif does or does not do on
a day to day basis. They are really not in any contact and regardless
of if they were, Roland has no right to slander Leif or to attempt to
discuss Leif's personal matters. Roland appears to be using his new found fame or infamy and Leif's career as some sort of publicity. DK 28/Feb/1999:08:41:16 I missed the last time that Leif was on "CHiPs" but I found out
they are showing it again, this Friday (March 5) at 7 -&- 8 am
Here's the address for TNT, where it will be shown-- click on "schedule".
The episode is called 'Roller Disco'. I hope someone finds this information useful; I will certainly be watching it. Alexsis 26/Feb/1999:16:22:41 Leif on Behind the Music you said that you had stopped using drugs. But
at the Roland Winkler page he said that you were still using drugs and
he said he would not be surprised to hear that you died because of drug
use. Please if you still are using drugs stop! I had my two best friends die of drugs and people don't need more bad news. Love you Alexsis Liz 24/Feb/1999:19:48:10 Leif I want to meet you so badly!! I have your CD and lots of Pics! I am young though. All the Pic's I have of you are from when you too where young. I really want to meet you still. I think you lead a hard
life. I am sending my video to MTV's Fanatic and maybe I will be able
to meet you and ask my questions!
Love ya 4 ever!
Big Fan Elizabeth
PS I wish I could put my Head on your Shoulder Elizabeth 22/Feb/1999:20:34:26 Leif I love you so so so much! I am young but bought your Cd and love
it I want to meet you so badly!
Love ya 4 ever Elizabeth
PS I wanna put my head on your shoulder Suni Leif Garrett Rocks On. . . 18/Feb/1999:00:31:38
Your Leif homepage keeps getting better and better! :) Kerry 17/Feb/1999:09:51:45 Leif Rulez! bb 11/Feb/1999:22:34:43 Although I consider myself open minded, I must admit that I was shocked by the centerfold type picture of a very young Leif Garrett at the beginning of the VH1 special. Who took this picture
and what was his mother and agents think? Jenny 11/Feb/1999:15:50:29 I just LOVE this site! There are pictures here I've never seen before! I just can't seem to get enough of that man!!! :):):) Keep up the great work on the board! Sara 09/Feb/1999:14:57:32 I watched a rerun of VH1 Behind the Scenes last night. I found myself crying at the end. I was mad that they showed him, present day, singing
with a band, recording a song, but they never mentioned a name or if he
was releasing any new music. So I got on the internet and started searching. This is the only site I could find that has updated information on him. I will definetly drop a line to People magazine and
I will keep checking to see when is running. Also,
as soon as Leif releases that EP, I will RUN out and buy it. I was born
in 1971, so I don't really remember Leif, but after watching his life
story I want to know more about him and support him and help him become
famous again. Kathy Bylo 07/Feb/1999:05:36:05 I just wanted to thank you for giving that wave"I was looking for love" It made me very emotional and I actually cried. Not because of Leif but
because of what his music meant to me back then in my childhood days. I
listened to his music over and over 24 hours a day! I havn't heard any
of it in almost 20 years. It just brought back so many memories listening to the song! Thank you for that blast from the past! Kathy Sacha hansonzine... where hanson is fact and the rest is 06/Feb/1999:21:23:32 Hello there!BRBR I too became a Leif fan after seeing the Behind the Music episode (I
couldn't resist the urge to tape it the second chance I got...), as I
was only a baby during his heydays.BRBR I have complete faith that his comeback will be a tremendous breakthrough. We need more people with his drive and determination to
give us music. :-)BRBR
A fellow Leif fan, BRSacha Nicole Raby Jan 06/Feb/1999:17:42:39 Leif OH Mania chat BEGINNING TOMORROW NIGHT for AOL members ONLY! 8pm
EST. Go to PEOPLE...Find a Chat...chats created by AOL members...Arts
and Entertainment category...listed as "Leif OH Mania" See you there
EVERY SUNDAY! michelle Tigger419 homepage 06/Feb/1999:01:25:14 I Am 17 Years Old And I just Became A Leif Garrett Fan After Watching VH-1 (Behind The Music). His Story Was Upsetting. I Am Glad I Wasn't Born In The 70's Because The Music He Sang Is Not The Type I Listen To Except I Was Made For Danicing. The New Song I Heard At The End Sounded Really Awesome. I Love His Eyes And Smile. I Think He Looks So Much Better As An Adult Rather A Kid. Can Someone Please Inform Me When His New CD Comes Out I would Like To Buy It Thank You. martha 06/Feb/1999:00:23:37 daddy said we should be NICE to them! ... leif kicks it hardcore. i'm definitely going to keep an eye out for leif tonight ... don't know if he'll be at any of the local haunts,
but if he is it will be good ... REAL good. Stacie Steinmeyer 05/Feb/1999:16:20:03 I dig the page. I am very interested in Leif gARRETT NEWS AND pICS THAT
Stacie Steinmeyer
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