Ephedra-Free appetite suppressant for people who shouldn't use ephedra |
Trim Spa Trimspa |
Price: $29.99 |
Customer Review:
I really like [Trimspa]. It curbs my desire for snacks and fast food. I am more in control of what I eat. I only take two Trimspa pills in the morning before breakfast - mostly everyday!! I am not thinking about food most of the day, as I normally would be. I find my clothes fit better and I suddenly feel better about myself. I have been using this product Trimspa for about a month now and will get it again, thanks!! -- Anonymous on April 7, 2004
Trimspa Trim spa is an Ephedra-Free appetite suppressant for people who shouldn't use ephedra. Results may vary based on individual effort and other factors. |
Trimspa |
Contact |
P. O. Box 50618 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150 |
Slimmer Diets and Fitness |
www.slimmerFitness.com |