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Colorless Magick

The idea that magick is colored is the subject of quite a controversy amongst several individuals associated with Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism. The question I was once faced with from those who are unfamiliar, as I'm sure many on this path may have been as well, is "Oh, so does that mean you only practice white magick?"

When I was first asked that I was a newbie and didn't know what I was saying. I answered, "Yes." Point blank. And later on I found my foot in my mouth.

There is no such thing as white magick. Argue it if you must, but to a lot of people there is no such animal as white magick. It's an impossiblity. Nothing is all good. Just as nothing is all bad.

A lot of people will disagree with me on this and that's fine. But to me there is no such thing as white magick. The reason why is because whatever you use to cast your spell loses a piece of itself (energy), and you could be inadvertanly affecting someone else, or something else. In other words, you are meddling in the affairs of Fate. While your intentions may be purely honorable, you are still sticking your nose where only Fate & Karma belong.

Magick, if it ever took on a color, deserves only three. Gray, Black, and Green. Gray, as I just explained is due to the fact that you're helping speed up Fate, which would rather travel at it's own speed (and to us humans, that can sometimes seem too slow).

Black magick is a color best reserved for love spells that are set on a specific target, and any other magick that is worked for selfish, malignant purposes. For instance:

Marie has got a really bad crush on a guy at work, Bobby. Bobby, even though he passes Marie's cube every day, doesn't even know she exists. One day Marie decides she's had enough and tries a love spell. She figures if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. She has nothing else to lose. She logs onto the internet and gets a general love spell from She lights her candles, she says the words, she envisions Bobby falling madly in love with her. The next day at the office, Bobby stops and says Hi to her. Two weeks later he asks her out. Four months later she's having him arrested on the charges of aggrevated assault and stalking. Six days after Bobby makes bail Marie is found dead in her apartment. She's been raped and strangled. Bobby is sentenced to life in prison.

This is the worst case senario. Why did it turn out so bad? Because Marie, who didn't know better, got in the way of Bobby's judgement and freewill. Yes, what could have been a harmless spell turned out into something horrible for both parties. Would it have turned out better if Marie had not been directing her magick specifically at Bobby? Perhaps. But it doesn't matter because now it's too late.

When you get in the way of someone else's free will, or you cause harm to another because they're in the way of something you want, or you hurt anyone or anything (including yourself) for any reason you are dealing with black magick. The more selfish your intentions become, the darker your magick gets.

Anything that you do without thought or concern for the welfare and welbeing of the person or thing in magick is black magick. If your intentions are even slightly selfish and lacking of humanity you are only causing more trouble on yourself. It's exactly like defying your parents by sneaking out to go to a party at 2 am. Eventually, you will be found out and you will be in very deep kimchi.

This is in no way meant to scare you out of never doing anything. But when working magic you need to have a strong set of ethics and morality. If you are in an agitated state, don't do any magick. You need to have clear thoughts and be able to think rationally. If you're not thinking rationally, you're going to wind up in a lot of trouble sooner or later.

Last, and certainly not least is green magick. This magick got it's color simply from it's use of herbs and other botannicals. Used mostly for healing the body, mind and spirit.. it's known to many as Kitchen Craft. Kitchen Craft can be anything from making a soup for the flu, to making a salve to help regrow hair.

It is entirely up to the individual who is doing the magick as to if they want to color it or not. And even what color they want it to be.

I prefer not to color code magick at all. It becomes confusing, and if you're more worried about what "color" it is rather than holding your focus then it's not going to work no matter what you call it. However, there are those that wish to color it because for them it makes it less confusing. But honestly, for me, it's just one more thing to remember that isn't really necessary.

I would like to know what other religions refer to their magick as. Divine? Well, all magick is divine.. unless it's the malignant kind (which I consider to be driven by ill-emotions, and the misuse of the darker side to Divinity). Depending on the magickal folk (if any) you associate with, you will be able to tell, sooner or later, who's working beneficial magick and who is just in it for the so-called "power".
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