August 10, 2002
Dillinger Four, Lawerence Arms, & Toys That Kill
924 Gilman, Berkeley, CA

I had never seen any of the bands playing tonight so I knew I was in for a surprise. I mainly went to see Dillinger 4 so I wasn’t really expecting a lot from the other opening bands.

Toys that Kill was a pretty good live band. They were a mixture of punk and rock. Pretty basic music. They had a very powerful stage presence, and their singer was exceptional! There isn’t really a lot I can say about them, I was getting shoved around almost the whole show by crazy Gilman mosher kids, so the night was a bit hazy.

The Lawerence Arms were so great! I had heard good things about them through friends so I was anxious to see them, but let me say, they were awesome! Their sound is a mixture of emo and basic punk. They had so much energy on stage, everyone was feeding off of it. All of the bands played decent sized sets, which was appealing to viewers. They are one of the best performing bands I have seen in a long time. I bought the CD, which to my dislike was disappointing; they are definitely a live band. Nothing wrong with that, but I would like it if they made a live CD. The singer sounded different on the CD then live but overall they were a spiffy band. To my dislike, there was a big sign on the wall that said "The Lawerence Arms. No Fucking Respect" So needless to say I was surprised they weren’t going to be "rock star assholes" (like a lot of bands that play Gilman are) and not play. They joked about it, but still it is kind of mean to have that written about a band that is going to play your venue.

Ok.... Dillinger Four..... Fucking fantastic. I own two of their older CDs and they are wonderful. I have heard the new CD, which I wasn’t too pleased with. They don’t have the anger or edge that the other 2 CDs had so I wasn’t expecting too much, considering they were promoting the new album so I knew that not a lot of material from the older CDs wouldn’t be played. They are one of the funniest bands I have ever seen. They don’t seem to take themselves very seriously, which is such a great thing. The guitarist dropped his bands, baring all and put the mic in his ass... while the bassist licked the guitarist’s wanker. Beautiful. Overall I was happy with their show, I didn’t know most of the songs, being they were from the new album but they did play some hits from the old records, including max. 'Piss and Vinegar', a great song. They had such energy I enjoyed seeing them. The crowd seemed to love them too, everyone was beating on each other, good times.

Overall I enjoyed the show, one of the best in a long long time. I think the bands are worth checking out. On the contrary to what most people believe, I think that 924 Gilman puts on some of the best shows ever. You don’t really run into a poorly run establishment there and for the most part they have good bands. It was packed, good bands played, no one was hurt, and everyone had fun.

The End