December 28th 2002
Red Asphalt, Rapscallions, Gametime, and Richard Snakedick.
Christmas Ho-down! Los Gatos Outhouse, 6 bucks, 7pm
I always like going to the outhouse because its close to home and the people are almost always friendly. The turn out tonight wasn`t that great though, which I think majorly contributed to the lack of crowd participation and excitment as a whole for the show. That didn`t stop my friend Danny and I from being all too excited for this show. Gametime, one of Danny`s all time favorite bands, was in town from Kansas City, Mossouri. I was supposed to catch them at Warped tour but with all those damn stages and all the bands playing at once I missed them. So needless to say I was anxious to have my first Gametime experience and Danny, oh geez, she couldn`t be held down for one minute. So the anticipation began with us waiting for them to arive and Danny, with a worried look on her face, was peering out the window to watch the big white van pull up. But in the mean time we checked out some bands. Alex Security from Mall Security was on the bill but only played one song, I`m not sure what the deal with that was, but the one song was pretty good. I don`t think the kids in the audience appreciated it all too much, but for the first and last song he played, he got up there with an enormous amount of energy.
Red Asphalt
This band had a numetal-ish feel to them. I didn`t watch their whole set because Danny and I were helping work the door. They played a pretty long set and totally got into it. The crowd tonight at the outhouse seemed to be a younger one then I normally see there. That was also a factor in the lack of excitment on their part. The band played well though. They weren`t really the type of music I like but as far as stage performance went they did a good job.
Oh geez. These boys can always bring a smile to your face. The one thing I really don`t like about them is that they take sooo damn long to set up. They don`t have too much equipment, mics, a keyboard, and a dj but it took them longer then it should to set up. They played a long set and I think everyone had a smile plastered on their face . They sang a "slow jam" about a girl and it was fucking hilarious. Danny turned to me and said, "they`ve gone soft." They also flow a lot about San Jose and have a song about the town. Its pretty cool to see a bunch of guys make such asses of themselved but have a ton of fun doing it. I told one of the guys they should tour with Heiro, so maybe one day we`ll see the Rapscallions on stage with Del.
Ok so the moment I have been waitiing months and months for. But heres the shitty part, during the Rapscallions I got a massive headache. I am pretty deaf from going to shows, I can stand next to the speaker and be just fine, but tonight I found myself in search of earplugs, and even those didn`t help. SO my rock level was pretty down for Gametime which made me sad. I don`t think they thought I liked them so much because I didn`t move around too much but really, I was rocking on the inside. There wasn`t too much promotion for this show and the band, being from Kansas City, not a lot of the kids knew who they were. There were two girls from Livermore, Casey and I can`t remember her sisters name. They wose I <3 Gametime shirts, and it was super cute. They were really nice girls. Then of course, Danny was there singing and dancing with a smile on her face. Their set was of decent size, about 35 minutes of rock. They exploded onto the stage and blew me away with the energy. The vocal levels on both of the Kyle`s mic`s could have been turned up a bit more but other then that the sound was awesome. Nick has a broken hand, due to one of the Kyle`s, so he stated that if he messes up it isn`t his fault, I don`t think anyone blamed him though. This band brought the fucking rock to the outhouse tonight. I noticed that during their set less kids were walking in and out of the venue, mostly they just stayed where they were. There was a pit/wrestling match during one of the songs, which I think brought smiles to the guys faces. They covered Linoleum by NOFX. The vocals were too quiet and suprisingly not a lot of the kids knew the words. It happens to be my favorite NOFX song so I tried my hardest to rock out. The drummer, Gabe, went nuts, climbing up on thigs and he too brought the rock. Overall, if you have half a brain you`ll check this band out. Good job boys! They`re coming back in may and again in mid summer for Warped. But if you just can`t wait, they`re playing in San Luis Obispo on Jan. 2nd. check them out.
Richard Snakedick
Well it`s hard for me to write this review on him because I don`t know what to say. I don`t think the peroformance tonight was his band. Its hard to explain. The band was a bassist, guitarist, and drummer... Then the singer, who was wearing womens underware, and thats all sang a lot of cover, and he they were pretty awesome. He decorated himself in spraypaint and sang songs while in his panties. It was a hilarkious sight. At one point in the set he said "this is total bullshit" and walked out, and mind you, it was fucking cold and wet tonight in Los Gatos. His set was pretty long, the whole show ended a lot later then expected. Everyone in the room tonight was amazed by the performance they put on. Everyong was laughing and I think in amazment of was going on. At the end of his show he said "we don`t have merch, we don`t have a website, but we`ll probably be back next christmas." So I suggest next Christmas check them out and prepare to be rocked.
