January 15, 2003
New Transit Direction, The Blood Brothers, and TAKING BACK SUNDAY.
Slims SF $12 7pm
I went to the TBS/Used show two days in a row. Today was day one. Since we were driving up to Sacramento the following day we decided to leave after taking back sunday because I had an exam the next day. We waited for about 4 hours in line and I video taped people asking what they thought of tbs and why they liked them. I`m going to edit it all and make a mini documentry about it.
New Transit Direction
They had a Jimmy Eat World sort of feel to them. I really enjoyed them even though the crowd wasn`t feelin them too much. San Francisco is picky like that, they don`t always warmly accept bands they are unfamiliar with. Their singer had an incredible voice and their bassist was pretty dope. During the second song my friend and I yelled to the singer that his zipper was down. It was amusing to see half of the sold out slims crowd point and tell the singer his zipper was down. They had great stage presence and played very well, I was pleased.
The Blood Brothers
I`m a big fan of hardcore music so I was looking foward to seeing their performance. I had heard such great things about their live show and knowing that the blood bros are just plain awesome, I was in suspense waiting for them to take the stage. They exploded into their first song and took the audience by suprise. Most people didn`t know who the Blood Bros were, so I think they were expecings the bands to fall into the same music catagories as tbs and the used does. The crowd was not feelin them at all, like I said before SF kids generally don`t warmly welcome new things. The vocal levels had to be played with a bit to fineally reach a good balance, which took about 3 songs. I heard someone in the crowd once yell "we dont know what your saying!? what are you saying!?" (being that it was screamy music, if you didn`t know the words you couldn`t tell what they were saying... forget listening to the great music talent the band puts forth, if you can`t sing along- the band must suck, right?) Putting that aside, the BB played fucking great, I was very much looking foward to seeing them again in Sacramento.
The moment I`ve been waiting for. I love tbs so much its ridiculous. Adam gave a shout out to the TBS Mafia, which was Angela, Danny, and I. He gave me the mic like 10 times to sing, it was awesome. I got to sing "Everything I know about breaking hearts, I learned from you" from No I in Team, which for those of you who know me, its "my line." :) It was awesome to see them again. After begging from Danny they played Ballad of Sal, which is an oldie, not released on Tell All Your Friends. To my suprise, most of the crowd knew the song! (When they played with BCR at the Warfield, the crowd was almost silent.) They played 10 songs, including Bike Scene which they don`t play too often. If I recall correctly, kids in socal complain because they don`t play it enough down there. I was pleased to hear it. They opened with You Know how I Do and closed with No I in Team. Perfect, as expected. During the set Adam began to make a speech, someone rudely interruped and said "play a fucking song!" Adam retorted with "How about fuck you and wait until I`m done talking?" Classic. He then snickered and said "you paid to see me, so I guess I get to do whatever I want." Most people would have found this offensive but I found it hilarious being that Adam is nothing like that when you meet him. We talked to Eddie and Adam before the show and told them about the diehard fans! Taking Back Sunday blow me away. They played with such energy and of course, I cried.
