January 16, 2003
New Transit Direction, The Blood Brothers, and TAKING BACK SUNDAY.
The Boardwalk, Sacramento $12 8pm
Let me start off by saying I didn`t think Sacramento was so far from Santa Cruz. It took us about 4 hours to get there, lame. We stopped on a good Taco Bell on the way, my friends convinced me it was the best Taco Bell ever. We got there and were the first people in line! We got into the venue Eddie came and said hi to me, I thanked adam for givin me the mic so many times last night and I was ready to rock.
New Transit Direction
They played better then they did last night. I made sure the lead singers zipper was upright in secure position. He laughed and we joked about it for a while. The crowd was dancing and moving around a lot for the band, I was happy. I think they felt the energy too becuse they were on it tonight! They played a short set, about 6 songs but it was pure rock n roll. I think a lot of the audience enjoyed them because people were askin about who they were after they played.
The Blood Brothers
Effin amazing! I was so pleased to see the crowd openly accept them tonight. There was a kid in the back of me who was singing along and just fuckin rocking out. The kids in the front were having a blast to this band. No shit talking in the audience, it was a pure rock show. I was very excited to see so many people get into hardcore music. The Blood Bros played about 6-7 songs and it was amazing. The pit was pretty bad though, being in the front I was smushed up against the stage. There were a few crowd surfers. The band played with amazing energy it was awesome. I bought a shirt and cd, I can`t wait to see them again! Check them out kids!!
Oh god. What do I say? It was the best night of my life. Taking back sunday played 9 songs. 1- you know how i do 2-bike scene 3-cute w/o the e 4- ghost man on third 5-great romances 6- new slow (new song, amazing) 7-so last summer 8- timberwolves in NJ and 9- my personal favorite, no i in team. The new song is amazing. They got a chance to write it after adams injury. We were so crammed in the front it hurt so bad. I have a line of a bruise on me from the stage, but it was well worth it. Adam told everyone to take a few steps back because the crowd was hurting the mafia, it was awesome. It was great to know that they appreciate the die hards. I got to sing in the mic about 165464 times. It was great. During one of the pauses between songs I heard someone over my shoulder say "does she know the band?" because I got the mic so many times. Adam would kneel in front of me and sing to me then let me sing, it was amazing. On top of it all, they played so well. There was no barricade to keep us from the band, there was such a closeness to the crowd and band it was wonderful. That about sums it up. They were mind blowing. If you dont check them out I wont be your friend. I cant wait until they come back.
