Scarlet, Remembering Never, and Evergreen Terrace
July 14, 2003 Jim Dandy`s in Prunedale, CA 7PM $10

Scarlet was a powerhouse full of rock. The kids were into it, the band was into it, and the rock went accordingly. I missed the first couple songs but that didn`t sway my opinion of them. I wasn`t able to get too close which resulted in shitty pictures but nevertheless it still rocked. They had a pretty neat light displaying their name in light bulbs, it reminded me of those mirrors you used to see in television shows, the ones they are lined in light bulbs that make you wonder how you don`t go blind looking in the mirror. It seemed like they were rock stars. I always enjoy shows in Salinas because the kids know how to rock and they are very friendly people. Their set was pretty long for being one of the opening bands, they defineltly lived it up. Even though I wasn`t too into them I still really enjoyed seeing them, it`s always good when bands know how to perform. Now, I`m starting to ramble so thats all for Scarlet.

Remembering Never
Oh sheesh. Of all the words that enter my head when I think back upon their performance the only ones I can muster up to say is: HOLY SHIT. They were AMAZING. I managed to get to the front and eventually ended up on the stage to take pictures, I`ll try to post some in here. I got to test out my new Nikon Digital camera which was very nice so the pictures came out pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. I have heard a lot of Remembering Never and I liked what I heard so I was really looking foward to seeing them, I had also been told that they put on a good show, and a good show it was. They rocked the effin house. Since Evergreen Terrace was going to play a short set Remembering Never got to rock a long one for us. They played so well. Constant energy, amazing vocals, lots of crowd participation, lots of band member participation and enegery given to the audience, and just an all around amazing time. I couldn`t help but smile while watching the kids go nuts. The drummer was a fill in, you couldn`t tell, he seemed to know the songs well but he did look a bit nervous or more so cautious of himself. I think the highlight of the show was when the singer of RN made a comment about vegetarians and vegan kids and commended them on their efforts. He said that he hopes that the next time someone goes to stuff their face with McDonald`s they have some compassion. (It was something along the lines of that). Some of the kids seemed bummed on that but I didn`t care, hopefully they will have some compassion. The set seemed to fly by and by permission of Evergreen Terrace they were able to play an extra song. Amazing it was. I knew instantly this was going to be one of my favorite bands and now their cd has been in my car since the show. I definetly recommend you check this band out. Pure rock.

Evergreen Terrace
Well they played a super short set due to someones back problems, apparently one of the guys flipped a disc or something so he was trying to recover. It was awesome that they still played due to his problems. They played a decent set though, but there was a weird vibe about the singer. He was one of those people who his face didn`t really match his voice but thats trivial. There was a fight during their set, it seems every time I go to Jim Dandy`s theres a fight. It sucks because it definetly takes away from the music, oh well though. The band only played about 6 songs, they were jam packed with energy and lots of crowd participation involved. I don`t have that much to say about them, I thought they rocked, they played very well, they made it clear that they didn`t dig the fights going on which was good that they didnt promote it or push it further, and yeah, they rocked.
