||The Muckruckers CD Release Show||
March 8, 2003 Mitchell Park Community Center
Joys Panic, Army of Freshmen, Never Heard of It, Dexter Danger, and The Muckruckers
3800 MiddleField Rd. Palo Alto, CA 7PM $5

Joys Panic:
I didn`t see their whole set but the end of it effin rocked! They were releasing their CD tonight as well and I hear it is "fucking amazing." I wish I could have had the chance to pick it up, but theres always next time. They had a lot of fans tonight and played with TONS of energy, a change from the last time I saw them. I really enjoyed them tonight, much more then my previous Joys Panic experience. They gave grown a lot as musicians but even more then that they have improved their live show 100% The crowd was totally into them and they responded to that. I look foward to seeing them again!

Army of Freshmen:
Lots of pop is what comes to mind when I think about the show. But.... Lots of pop + an awesome live performance +optimistic, melodic, music= a great fucking time. This band knows how to bring the rock! They tour a lot which I think is what gives them the ability to know how to rock the crowd so much. They didn`t play that long of a ser, none of the bands did though to make time for the Muck to put on a rockin show, but more on that later. Like Joys Panic they got the crowd movin, dancin, jumping, singing and shouting, and worked up for the next 3 bands. Good show, I would definetly see them again.

Never Heard of it:
When I looked at tonight bill I thought I had seen this band before but boy was I wrong. I would definetly remember seeing them, clearly. This band, again, put on such an awesome live show. They tour which as I said before, I think that helps the bands know what to do and not to do to get everyones feet movin. Their singer had an awesome, very powerful voice. The whole band works very well together and the energy was amazing. They worked a lot with the energy of the crowd, using participation from the kids which always gets people screamin. I thought they did very well. I would go see a show with them again!

Dexter Danger:
Well, sheesh, I didn`t know they were laying this showm for some reason I just didn`t think thwy were going to play. So, of course, it was a pleasent suprise to see them. I`ve reviewed this band a ton of times so its hard to try and say something different about them. Well, the new lineup is definetly a change. I always expeect to see Sean and Josh but I don`t. I can`t say it wasn`t a good idea because it was. I think they play better, with more energym abd just a different feel to them is apparent when you see them perform. Their music ability has escalated, I think they are all just a step better as a live band then before. The new stuff has a "screamy" sound to it, makes the audience feel the music a lot more, Aymen looked a little tired tonight. But Miguel and the other two new guys (sorry, with my memory it`s going to take me a while to know their names) showed no signes of sleepiness they rocked hard. Glory stepped in for keys tonight- AWESOME job girly! But I must say I think this was the best DD performance I have yet to see. Good job boys... and Glory.

Oh... Where do I begin? I`ve been waiting months for this moment. The Muckruckers CD release show. The whole show excited me for so long that the anticipation to see the muck take stage was killing me. But before I get to their performance I must say that there were a few assholes in the crowd. These boys stepped in front of me and my friends (and being as though I only stand four feet, ten inches tall all I could see was their backs). One of them said mean things to my best friend. We`re pretty sure they were just being jerks to spoil the show. Ok so now that thats out, as soon as the muck walked out, in their black shirts and pants with pink ties and wrist bands everyone went effin nuts! Most people ever at a muck show. It seems like yesterday when it was Doug`s first show, Eric was on vocals, nick behind the drums, and maybe 10 people in the audience. Now they have Mitchell park packed and the lineup is much different. They played an incredibly long set but it went by all too quickly. The whole show brought tears to my eyes to have all the old muck fans there. I was suprised not to see Brian, their former bassist, but he is probably off protecting our country as he does so well. They played Osama, LACB, This Year, a new song that Doug sings- poppy but awesome. The new song is on the CD and it rocks so listen to it this instant! There was so much energy given to the crowd and to the band. Tons of jumping, singing (although I think I was one of the only kids who knew all the words- I guess that comes with going to too many Muck shows), and just a lot of people having an awesome time watching an awesome band perform their best show to date. Most of that probably due to the amazing excitment from the audience- the kids rocked so hard tonight. The only shitty thing on the Muck`s part is they didn`t play Loser... ZACHARY!!!! Next time I wanna hear "I don`t wanna be a loser, I don`t wanna be a loser...." But to give Zachary some credit he did pass water around to the audience, I was about to die and he came to my rescue, what a good friend. During Osama the mic was handed over from Zachary to me and about 5 other old Muck fans. It was amazing. I can`t stress enough how much they rocked tonight. Everyone was on it- Doug sounded amazing, Nick`s voice belted across the room, Zach was playin guitar and singin with a bright red sweaty face, and Jon beating the drums and screaming like theres no tomorrow. Let me just take a moment to say how much I think Jon helped the influence of the band. He gets out there and gives 150% always screaming, jumping behind the drums (well, when he can), and you can often see him singing along. He enjoys being apart of this 4 piece and it is always good to see a new band member do that. Nick`s takeover on the vocals is, as I have said many times before, just awesome. The whole band was just so powerful and awesome tonight I can`t say it enough. If you didn`t go tonight, you missed one of the best shows, I am thankful I could be apart of it. Also, be sure to look in the CD review section for the review of the new cd. Both Melody and I reviewed it so you can see both of our perspectives.
