November 16, 2003 @ The Great American Music Hall- San Francisco, CA
Brand New

Brand New:
Well, this was my first time seeing Brand New. Your Favorite Weapon is an amazing record to me, for a long while it never left my cd player. So I was very excited that they played a great deal of songs from that CD. The new full length took some time to get used to, for more then one reason. It is very different from the previous recording, it`s much slower, more personal, and the whole thing has a completly different tone. I had been looking foward to seeing Brand New for quite a while, so I was sorry that it had to fall at a time where I "don`t wish many good things upon some of the people in the band." (If you don`t understand what that means then let it go). There was one thing I absloutly hated about the performance: whoever was doing their lighting. He/she should be fired. I`m not sure if this was the wish of the band or just a house lighting guy but I got the impression that either the band didn`t want to be able to be seen or they just didn`t know how to do their job. The backlighting was so bright you couldn`t see the band a for a good portion of the performance. Brand New, though, rocked the hizouse like no other. There was constant energy, Jesse Lacey`s voice was strong and consistant. My boyfriend didn`t like how some of the vocals from the newer songs had been changed a bit, I didn`t notice anything I didn`t like too much. The Weezer cover sucked, but thats because I think Weezer sucks. The set consisted of a pretty balanced amount of new and old songs. I don`t have much more to say other then they played well, the songs rocked, and I liked it. The end.


Check out Brand New here