October 17, 2003 @ UC Berkeley and The Warfield- San Francisco, CA
October 19, 2003 @ The Crest- Sacramento, CA
Taking Back Sunday

At the UCB show my friend and I rocked out during your own distaster. Adam, Me, Angela, and Danny rocked the harmonies- it was purdy. Ang said someone told her it was the purdiest thing. Made me feel special. That show was awesome. Fred did some Michael Jackson, forgot the chords, Adam sang the second verse twice on a song (my horrible memory is helping me to forget the song) and we rocked the hell out. He said something during one of the songs like "so you can write about this on your next record" pretty sure it was No I. Kinda a little inside humor there. So, before they went to play Danny and I went up to say hello to Adam. Danny said she was going to go to the Sunday show in Sacramento but she would be going alone. With the look of shock he asks why i am not going... I sadly informed him I had no money. He said he would guestlist me, I told him if he could arrange that I would go. He did, and for angela too. We were so thankful... So off to San Francisco for the show that night we got to the show during Moneens set. My friend Nichole was up in front, she called to tell me she had room next to her so I could be up front. Rock. I had the best spot too. I was off to the side, almost right in front of Fred, there was no barracade in front of me because it ended to my right. There was a security guy in front of me who didnt seem to care I was there. It was awesome! I didn`t even break a sweat. Adam saw me so let me sing a couple times, during no I and another song. It was rad. The girl next to me, nice but a total teeny bopper, was all "I feel so lucky standing next to you!" I told her to not be, I`m not cool. It was weird though... When he came over to sing to me and then let me sing all the hands went up toward him, kind enough though, he pushed them out of the way. It was weird to hear people yell "I LOVE YOU" hmmm. San Francisco that night was awesome... Not the best but awesome. Sacramento: Oh geez. Well I originally wasn`t going to go, then I was going to go after Adam told me he could get me in, then Danny told me I would have to drive my own car so I decided I might not go. Then i told myself "its probably going to be another 6 months, its a free show, Jen you`ll regret it: So I drove myself. So we get there about three... Wait in line, meet some girls, Downtown Sacramento is gross and fly infested! All bad. So we see Adam who tells us he wants to go buy some chucks, and does. We make sure everything is ok for Angela and I to get our tickets and yeah. We go in and sit through Moneen.... I don`t like them too much. There was only about 10 feet of floor space so it wsa painful being in the middle. since I was right in front of Adam`s mic every time someone he came toward me people rushed and it hurt me so bad. At one point the pressure was so severe I thought I was goign to break something. But I`m not complaing too bad, I loved every minute of it. So they play I think it was three new songs. Adam said something like "so you can write about me on the internet" it was amusing again the little inside jokes he makes. . Fred was so full of energy. Ed was sportin the popped collar. Mark seems to be enjoying shows more. Before the split whenever I saw him it was always with a frown on his face, so serious. Now its more of a look of enjoyment. He alwyas bring out sticks and such to the crowd too. A pleasant change. Matt was rockin it out. One point in the set Adam came ot sing to me, for quite a while. Just kneeling there in front of me mumbling something (like how he does in no i in team.. when you dont really know what hes sayin... but its something) so thats what he was doing... i just probably had a dumb smirk smile of happiness. He did that twice. I was happy. I got to sing a couple times. They rocked so hard. It was amazing, I am truly sad to not be able to see them for such a long time. But it was greatly appreciated. So after they played angie and I got out... Hard to do because of everyone pushing but yeah we did.. She was in pain from her head, I felt bad but there was nothing we can do. We sat around for a little bit so my adrenaline would burn off so I could drive home. They rocked. The end.


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