August Issue

Pop Art Poem
Ray Fracalossy

This is the poem that isn't a poem,
this is the poem that got away,
this poem is one of a kind,
this is the world's first scratch and sniff poem,
this poem glows in the dark, hit the lights, check it out!

This poem is one in a series
collect all 64,
this poem will later be set to music,
and danced to,
by aliens learning about earth

This poem pronounces it "Pue em"
to sound European
this poem was brought to you by the good people at
Poems Inc.
This poem was created using a random poem generator
attached to a perpetual motion machine
it could in theory go on forever
There is a pose-able action figure of this poem
currently in mass production
children in Japan are already playing with this poem
This poem is polyurethane treated
this poem is water resistant
with proper care, this poem should last a lifetime
there are already two urban legends based on this poem
as well as a television pilot
pieces of this poem were given to the children at Fatima
they have only now been released
do not read this poem backwards
strange things have happened to those who have
just ask the fine citizens of Amityville

this is a good eatin'
lip smacking
in your face
eye poppin'
hip shakin'
bone rattlin'
piece of art,
its mojo is rising
while the moon in it’s second house is setting

This is a chain poem
If you get this poem
please make ten copies
and mail it to the poemless
this poem is totally organic,
no animals were harmed in the writing of this poem,
and believe me, we tried,
we even used hydrochloric acid
this poem loves old people and little children
This poem contains an Operatic intermission
which some people enjoy more than the poem itself,
might I add,
those people are fuckin’ jack-offs
If this poem had a flavor, it would be pizza
with a hint of bacon
and it would fuck you up royally
just for the hell of it
this poem didn’t go to it’s senior prom
because it was at the time living in a third world country
teaching it’s citizens how to read
it has been, however, lately inscribed on many tombstones
this is the poem that rose to the top of the charts
knocking my other poems off the top 100
in a few days, it'll move down several notches

thank you for my fifteen seconds of fame
this is my pop art poem
