Michael Lohr

He is a writer, university researcher and folklorist currently working on a nonfiction book, about Maori tribal folklore and Shamanic traditions. His writing has appeared in such diverse magazines as Rolling Stone; Rolling Stone.com; The New York Review; Vermont Living; Vermont Life; Southern Living; The Copperfield Review; Gothic.Net; Marsdust; ImageNation (England); The Journal (England); Legend (England) and Alien Contact (Germany), just to name a few.

He is currently the poetry and nonfiction editor for the British print magazine, Visionary Tongue: Dark Fantasy For The Millennium, (http://www.monas-press.co.uk/) which is sponsored by British author Storm Constantine. He writes a regular column on fortean, mythos and folklore topics entitled "The Mystic Bardo" for Midnight Street: Journeys Into Darkness, England's première dark speculative adventure magazine. He is also the US correspondent for the professional French genre entertainment magazine, Science Fiction Magazine (http://www.sfmag.org/).

His webpage can be found at: http://www.internet.is/music/writer/michael_lohr.htm

Valdis "Wally" Kaspars

Born in a displaced persons camp in Fulda, Germany, November 1946. With mother immigrated to United States and settled in Chicago (Logan Square neighborhood) in 1951.Immediately after high school he enlisted for three years in the US Army and was stationed in West Germany. Studied art at Roosevelt University and Wright College in Chicago, and has since avoided any conventional career pursuits. Lived in Germany for eighteen years, then returned to the USA in 1995. Currently resides in Louisville, KY. Previous exhibits include: Galerie Bruderweg, Galerie Motte, UNART Galerie, Around The Coyote, Thirteenth Floor Gallery, and Stolizzo Gallery. He is self-taught and thrives on variety, working with acrylics, colored pencils, ink, and gouache paints. His exceptionally bizarre book of outsider art, Living Lechery, is much sought after.

Jim Gardner

Jim Gardner was born in a small hut in Bosnia.  He escaped by writing a red A on the heads of children left unattended in a nearby play ground.  He writes with pencils and seldom injures himself.  He has worked as a free-lance embalmer, a genealogical hit man, and a voodoo hex consultant.  At present he lives in Salt Lake City where he is a sniper for the Mormon church.  His books include Snipe Hunting in America: The Best SitesDo it Yourself Dentistry and the much acclaimed A Twelve Step Program For Serial Killers.

Stephen Mead

Stephen Mead is a freelance writer/artist residing in Albany, NY. In addition to his writing being published in such magazines as Commonweal and The Evergreen Chronicles, his artwork has been exhibited boh throught New York state and in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Currently www.scars.tv has several of his web books online at cc&d magazine. Other online sources for his art are 123soho.com/members/Stephen_mead, www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/s/stephenmead, and www.art-exchange.com. Prints of his work are available in various formats: Xerox, grey scale, Adobe process, and color. The artist can be contacted via mead815@yahoo.com

Andrew Lundwall

andrew lundwall's poetry and prose have appeared in (or are forthcoming with) the following literary journals: ink magazine, spacebreather, eratio, xstream, xpressed, 3am magazine, sidereality, shampoo, retort, aught, shoestring, 5_trope, deep cleveland, get underground, muse apprentice guild, and others. lundwall has four poems forthcoming in the anthology Three-Chord Poems: Poetry Inspired by Rock n' Roll to be published through deep cleveland press.

lundwall is the founding editor of the literary journal the Tin Lustre Mobile: http://www.poeticinhalation.com/tlm.html.

J. Scott Malby

Not a vanity-press sort of fellow but rather clever; Scott is currently looking for subscribers to a limited edition autographed volume of his latest efforts. Those inclined to further his work can do so at the Paypal site by typing in beowolf2@harborside.com and contributing. Printing and mailing costs are estimated to be $800. When that goal is reached the subscription will be closed. If you are interested in an autographed copy of the specific work profiled in this ezine you can contribute $3. following the lead he has outlined above.


Dana Ellyn

My passion for art started early in life and has never wavered. I am now a full time artist - creating new photographs, paintings, and teaching art classes from my studio in Washington DC.

In February of 2002 I left the security of a corporate job to pursue my lifelong aspiration of being a full time artist. I have had to make numerous lifestyle changes in order to afford this decision. Now being outside of the "9 to 5" world, I can see clearly the overwhelming focus on consuming in our society. This ever growing awareness influences the subject matter of my art. Living in DC, I see such a wide range of social and economic conditions. I create images that are a reflection of the people and events that shape my life.

To see more of Dana's work visit her website www.danaellynart.com

Kevin Wilson

Kevin is a self-taught photographer from Fife, Scotland. Most of his work is inspired by his dreams, which includes photo sequences, digital artwork and multi-exposure photography. Kevin is a featured artist in the Association for the Study of Dreams 2003 Dream Art Exhibition. For further information visit his website at http://www.insomnium.co.uk/

Dale Michael Houstman

51 years of age, born in King's Lynn, England, and now lives in Minneapolis Minnesota. With friends Tom Clarkson and Barret John Erickson, he produces an irregular surrealist publication called "Blue Feathers" and also musical projects of an "undefined" quality. "Poetry is the main by-product of an obstructed colon minced in a cosmopolitan fashion, and acid-stressed to bring out highlights."— Therman R. Rugport

Phil Shoes

Born 1946, in a rowdy section of Barstow, California. Grew up hard and fast, in a family that couldn't care less, unless they were drunk. At 14, he hitchhiked to Muncie, and joined a low-rent circus that was not much more than a handful of thieves and a couple of perverts in greasepaint. He loved them all, and they returned the favor by abandoning him one gelid night on a stretch of rural highway, out where the wind stops blowing unless you pay it to blow. He nursed his bitterness back to health, and decided to become a writer. He has written ten novels, several hundred short stories, and a lot of rent checks, and is resting comfortably after his fall down a flight of stairs, caused by a sudden pique of charity.
["Phil Shoes" is Thomas Clarkson and Dale Houstman]

Kenneth Updike

The author is 18, growing up in Hanover Co, Va. His favorite food is ice cream and he's pretty sure his favorite person is really a banshee.

Shane Allison

Shane Allison's Pushcart nominated poems have been published in New Delta Review, Mississippi Review, Oyster Boy Review, Chiron Review, Coal City Review, Saucy Vox, Fifth Street Review, Velvet Mafia, Suspect Thoughts, Spent Meat, and has work forthcoming in The Glut, Frigg Magazine, Open Wide and others. His chapbook, Ceiling of Mirrors is out from Cynic Press. He can be reached at shaneomatic30@yahoo.com

William I. Lengeman III

William I. Lengeman III has published non-fiction in numerous
publications, including Saveur, Historic Traveler, Terra Nova, and the anthology, An Ear to the Ground. His fiction and poetry have appeared or been accepted for publication in such print venues as Andromeda Spaceways, City Slab and Dark Animus, as well as in numerous independent and small press online publications. For more info, visit http://wileng.home.mindspring.com/.
