Jonathan Hayes

Jonathan Hayes is the author of Echoes from the Sarcophagus (3300 Press, 1997), St. Paul Hotel (Ex Nihilo Press, 2000), and self invented (split chapbook with Mark Sonnenfeld, Marymark Press, 2003). Recently published by Can We Have Our Ball Back?, M.A.G., and Transfer; he edits the literary / art magazine Over the Transom.

Anthony Liccione

Anthony resides in Upstate New York and has been writing poetry for 12 years. His poems have appeared in Spillway Review, The Stump, TMP, Real Eight View, Plum Ruby Review and soon to appear in The Hinge, Mad Swirl, 63 Channels, Poetz, Poetry Repair Shop, The Once Orange Badge and The Surface.He received a Pushcart Nomination in November 2004, andh isfirst chapbook has been published by Foothills Publishing.

Oliver Baer

Oliver Baer has been published in a variety of sources. He is the Editor, as well as a writer, for the erotic horror magazine, Cthulhu Sex: Blood, Sex and Tentacles. He was Poet of the Month on the Olive Juice Music website in 2003. He has also co-written a history of the martial arts gym, Wu Tang Physical Culture Association.

Jeff Crouch

Living in the Dallas-Forth Worth metroplex of Texas.
Reading culture as history, politics, and art, the conjunction
Analyzing time as if it were a Moebius strip.
Splicing poetry into this existence.

Phillip Overby

Philip Overby is currently a graduate student at the University of Southern Mississippi and a part-time plumber's assistant. In his spare time he likes to write, read, and speculate on a professional wrestling career. His work can be found online at Dark Truths, The 3rd Degree, and in bulk at The New Absurdist. He has been at work on a fantasy novel and has forthcoming work to be published at Blood Cookies.  Some of his pro wrestling pseudo-journalism can also be found scattered across the web.

Royce Icon

Royce Icon lives in Mansfield Ohio. Writing credits include editing and publishing the bi- monthly Idiot's Manifesto zine, co-editing the Corpse Fuck e-zine, and regular review contributions to Aside from writing, Royce makes a lot of music and runs a record label . He is currently at work on finishing a poetry chapbook. His ebook Meaningless text is available for free at:

Jim Wittenberg

Jim Wittenberg has been writing for over 30 years. He’s a single father raising a daughter, and he has an adult son. Jim lives in Sacramento, CA, and he writes whatever and whenever he wants. In recent years his poetry has appeared or will soon appear in sidereality, The Dream People, Sacramento News & Review, and The Moonwort Review.

Anyel Alexander Potyondy

I was born in Massachusetts in 1984.  I was subsequently raised in New Jersey, which I have recently been told is something like the New South Wales of New York.  That said, I am currently majoring in Asian Studies at Bard College in New York, have studied briefly at Kyoto-Seika University in Japan, and occasionally take joy in poking other people to death for sport (otherwise known to some as "fencing").  I have also spent several years writing poetry, one piece of which has recently been accepted by "Flesh & Blood Press."  (I could say that I won a contest once when I was ten, but then I found out around eleven that so has everyone else.)  I am equipped with a questionable sense of humor, a big invisible sign that says "GOTH" over my head that I can't seem to get rid of, a black belt, a lot of people who think I'm cute even when I'm being overtly disturbing, and a cat who sometimes sticks his paw in the toaster.

Andrew Walton

Andrew is a professional musician (drums/percussion) as well as an aspiring writer.  Musically, he has won a number of awards (including Outstanding Performance, Drums, at the 1992 Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival). He is currently a freelance percussionist as well as the drummer for a heavier/darker project called “Creepjoint” ( As an artist, poetry represents nothing so much to him as a shimmering reflection of the soul—both in joy and in anguish—through the infinite beauty of language. This is his first publication.

Kurt Newton

Kurt Newton's writings have appeared all over the literary map. One second he's kissing a baby, the next second he's flaying it alive. There are medical terms for his condition. Just be thankful he chose writing as a means of self-expression.

Dale Michael Houstman

51 years of age, born in King's Lynn, England, and now lives in Minneapolis Minnesota. With friends Tom Clarkson and Barret John Erickson, he produces an irregular surrealist publication called Blue Feathers and also musical projects of an "undefined" quality. "Poetry is the main by-product of an obstructed colon minced in a cosmopolitan fashion, and acid-stressed to bring out highlights."—— Therman R. Rugport

Steve Verge

Shampoo Demons is Steve Verge’s first published poem, so he now plans on having his children call him Poet Laureate of the Shower.  His short fiction first surfaced in small press magazines Haunts and After Hours.  Since then, he’s won Scavenger’s Newsletter’s Killer Frog Award and earned honorable mention in The Year’s Best Fantasy And Horror.  His third place story from the Flash Fiction Contest at the 2004 World Horror Convention is currently available at  Look for more in the upcoming anthologies Modern Magic, Travel A Time Historic, Goremet Cuisine, and Mind Scraps.  He also has a trio of shorts waiting in the wings at Flashshot.

Corey Mesler

Corey has a chapbook of poems, Piecework, from the Wing and a Wheel Press. He won the Moonfire Poetry Chapbook Competition 2003 and his chapbook, Chin-Chin in Eden, was published by Still Waters Press. Another chapbook, Dark on Purpose, is just out from Little Poem Press. And another, The Heart is Open, is due from Mayapple Press in 2005. One of his short stories was chosen for the 2002 edition of New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, edited by Shannon Ravenel. His novel-in-dialogue, Talk, was published by Livingston Press in 2002. A forthcoming novel, We are Billion-Year-Old Carbon, is also from Livingston Press. He has been a book reviewer (for The Commercial Appeal, BookPage, The Memphis Flyer), fiction editor, university press sales rep, grant committee judge, father and son. With his wife he owns Burke’s Book Store, one of the country’s oldest (1875) and best independent bookstores.

Karen R. Porter

Karen resides in the Pinelands of southern New Jersey where she writes, does conservation
field work, and tends to a whole bunch of critters. Some of her writing has recently appeared in/on Dark Krypt, Not One of Us, Illumen, and Arsenic Lobster.

Ricky Garni

Ricky Garni is an illustrator from Florida. He has been published in various journals including Dicey Brown, Sidereality, 42 Opus and WriteThis. He rides a bicycle called The Final Stamp.

Jeannie Smith

jeannie smith is the co-founder + managing editor of the bimonthly art + literary journal Poetic Inhalation, at

Willie Smith

Never owned a car, never had a credit card, never even opened a checking account. He wanders through the city daily and spend hours in the public library, with the rest of the bums. Walking is his religion, the world is his church. For the past year has been ungainfully employed. More of his work can be glimpsed at,,,,, etc. His offbeat novel OEDIPUS CADET is available from Black Heron Press. A few more years of this life and that should do it. It's been marvelous.

Rowena C. Pagarigan

Rowena C. Pagarigan is currently a college student/visual artist/ ghost/dilettante living in NYC. She digs anything fantasy, sci-fi, or horror related. Her ultimate goal is to break into films (preferably animation). She has been previously published both on the web and in print, at The Dream People, Eye Candy, and Bloodcookies. For more info, check out her website, Furst Warlock Productions,  at

Andy Aidar

I draw since childhood and studied history of art in school. But I think that what made me start drawing was my interest in the tv cartoons. Because of them, I started to read comic books in adolescence and it created my interest to become an artist. After a time doing portraits in crayon, illustration and comics, I felt necessity to do some art that could be more individual. So, I have started doing watercolors in canson paper using my own cultural references.

My technique is almost like a violence against the paper and was developed mainly by instinct (I had instruction in drawing, portraits, comics and a few about painting, but when I decided to develop painting, I started doing it by myself, to have a more personal approach). I did it this way to find my own style from chaos. I wanted a kind of creative adventure in painting. I did it with watercolors and I am actually starting to do it with acrylic.

My references that I use for the thematic are basically old TV cartoons that I have seen all my life (like Tom & Jerry,Woodpecker,Wacky Races,Stop That Pigeon,etc, and the japanese stuff),libertine literature (specially Marquis de Sade), military stuff, punk and glam rock aesthetics and the horror movies and comics. I use to say, as a joke,that my paintings are like "the cartoons that your sons should not see."

William I. Lengeman III

William I. Lengeman III is an Arizona-based freelance journalist, humorist and fiction writer. More info at

Noel Nebee

For more information regarding our cover artist, Noel Bebee, visit

Kevin Dole 2

Kevin Dole 2 is the author of Tangerinephant which will hopefully see print sometime this year. Visit his site at
