A Letter From The Editor? |
Q: Who am I? A: I am Paul Bradshaw. Q: Who is Paul Bradshaw? A: Paul Bradshaw is a person. Q: So? A: I eat, sleep, breathe, urinate, defecate, ejaculate, and dream strange dreams. Q: So why am I here in this editorial? A: I was invited. Q: Who invited me? A: John Lawson. Q: The Dream People guy? A: Too true, dude. Q: Why did he invite me? A: He wanted me to make an announcement. Q: Why should I make an announcement? A: Because I am editor/creator/publisher of The Dream Zone. Q: What is The Dream Zone? A: The Dream Zone is a print magazine of bizarre fiction. Q: And? A: Well The Dream Zone and The Dream People are joining forces to promote the bizarre genre. Q: No shit! A: It's true. The Dream People will remain an online zine and The Dream Zone will become a print version of The Dream People and yet still retain its originality. Q: That's absolutely fantastic! A: I know. Q: So how can I find out more about The Dream Zone? A: The Dream People has added a link to The Dream Zone website, where you can find details of the current issue, writers guidelines, and subscription information, and you can purchase the magazine online. Q: Cool beans, dude! A: I know. Q: What is the name of my budgie? A: I don't have a budgie. Q: Why not? A: Because I'm not hungry. Q: I eat budgies? A: Er... I gotta go now. I have to feed the alien. Q: The alien? The alien?? THE ALIEN??? |