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9th November 2002

ISSN: 1541-776X

The Weekly e-Zine for Soda Memorabilia 
Collectors Worldwide

Up for Grabs

From Christie Jensen : While going through some old belongings of my parents, I discovered a picture of "Bireley's Orangeade General Office and Plant, Hollywood, April 12 1937" If anyone is interested in this picture, please contact me at :

From "Mike Coke" : Brand new Coca-Cola Sprite Boy bobble head doll. Check it out << here >>. If you want to order one << E-mail me >>

From Me, CokeGirl : "I am still clearing out some of the duplicate items in my own collection on eBay. I have added some different things, as I have found them, click <<HERE>> to see what I have listed so far. Also, feel free to email me with any questions."


Send your favorite links to:

From Ted Whitcomb : Hi! The Hurricane Chapter is located in the South Florida area. Our new web site is Thanks

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Q&A: Post your questions online @ the QuestionF orum

Q Do you have a particular item, or items, that you have been looking for a long time to complete part of your collection, or something you want - but have not as yet been able to find? Send it so all of us can help you look. You never know where it may turn up! E-mail:

From Frank : Does anyone know where I can find a So. Boston, Virginia 1915 Coca-Cola bottle?

From Ruth Ann : I am looking for Dr. Wells items for sale. I have a son whose name is Wells and we would like to decorate his room with these items. Thanks.

Q From Lynn : My 84-year-old Dad and I were recently talking about old sodas and he
mentioned one I had never heard of, "Creme Camel." I live in Illinois, so it might just be local, but I know I don't have this bottle in my 200+ collection. Now I am curious about it. Can anyone tell me anything about it?

If anyone knows anything about "Creme Camel", please E-mail

Q From Michael : I just purchased an old DP bottle that is 9-inches tall and approximately 2.25-inches across the bottom. It is clear, has 6 diamonds inside slight rectangles with tiny bumps around each diamond. It has a vague shape of a Coke contour bottle. About 1/3 the way down the bottle, the words "DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO." are in raised lettering going around the bottle. On the bottom edge of the bottle are the words "SPRINGFIELD,MO." On the bottom of the bottle are the raised letters and numbers: "7OZ" "2" "34" and the letter "N" inside a square. If anyone has any information on this type of bottle and the approximate value, please let me know! I do realize that it was bottled in Springfield MO.

Send any info you may have, including value, to 

Send your best deals, favorite items, stories, etc. and comments to
They are always welcome.

What's New ?

New bottles or cans, or anything soda, in your area ?
Please send the info so all of us can know @

Upcoming Event Reminders:

From Reggie Lynch :
The 1st annual Greensboro Antique Bottle Show and Sale is Sunday, November 10th. Full show details, including maps and dealer applications, can be found on the show page:

November 15-16 (Friday-Saturday) Denver, Colorado
Antique Bottle Collectors of Colorado's Show & Sale
(Fri-early admission 3pm-7pm; Sat 9am-4pm)
at the Englewood Knights of Columbus Hall, Englewood, Colorado
Info: Mike Hofer, 304 Shepperd Ave., Littleton, CO 80120, Ph: 303-797-7507 

November 17 (Sunday) Springfield, Ohio
Antique Bottle & Fruit Jar Show & Sale
(Sun. 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM) at the Heart of Ohio Antique Mall
US 40 at I-70 exit 62, Springfield, Ohio
Info: John Bartley, P. O. Box 53, N Hampton, OH 45349
Ph: 937-964-8080, E-mail:

The World of Coca-Cola will be presenting its third annual Holiday High Lights extravaganza on Saturday November 30, 2002 from 6-8 pm in downtown Atlanta. The celebration will feature a 40-foot lighted Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Coca-Cola Polar Bear and a performance by Travis Tritt. The event is free and will be open to the public.

Any new events  in your area? Mail so all of us can know, to:

FYI : Collinsville Show Well Attended

By Michael M. Elling, Sharon, Tennessee

The Metro-East annual Bottle and Jar Association Show and Sale, held Sunday, November 3, 2002, was well attended as cool, rainy weather brought people indoors. The weekend was also scheduled for driving among the brilliant autumn foliage surrounding the area. The show is held at the Gateway Center in Collinsville, Illinois, across the river from St. Louis. An estimated 450 people attended.

Over 150 tables were available for collectors to browse. Antique bottles of all kinds, medicines, sodas, inks, fly traps, lightning balls and fire grenades. One vendor set up a table of glass marbles, some dating to the earliest days of American glass making.

Among some of the soda bottle finds were Susan Kaiser, of Holt's Summit, MO, with a 1pt. 8 oz. , Lily Belle, in unusual green glass picturing a nude kneeling holding  two calla lilies. The paint is white/red and the bottler is Tru-Ade, of St. Louis, in 1951. For the techie's, this bottle features the terms, "Needle Point Carbonation" and the initials "L-B" at the neck.

Fred Arwood, of Gate City, VA, found a Tumble Brook, a highly prized quart from Hartford, CT, dated 1965. This green glass bottle features a woodland scene in bright yellow/white paint; a clear glass quart from Ashland, WI, Paramount Beverage Company with a mountain on it in blue paint; and a 12 oz red/white, Tops For Thirst. This Grapette Bottling Company item from DeSoto, MO, shows a large picture of a soda bottle, 2 drink glasses, and an ice bowl over a large rectangle. It is mould dated 1955.

Delbert Roley, of Stewardson, IL, always a lucky finder, got a non-Dr Pepper clockface bottle called Berry's Big Time. The 10 oz clear glass shows a large clockface with the hands set at 2:45. It has a knurled neck, is in red/white, and is a Fairmont, WV, factory of the Owen-Illinois Company dated 1958. Sparkling mint, this New Lexington, Ohio bottle was tagged at $25.00. 

Delbert also found another scarce Knox Glass Mississippi Delta bottle, a Dixieland. This is the one showing a cotton boll, and a ginning factory, in white/green from Jackson, MS. The reverse picture is a road map showing Jackson as the commercial hub of farm and industry in Mississippi, with the terms "Crossroad of the South." Mould dated 1946, the item was only in grade 3 condition and tagged at $125.00. "By getting this one now, maybe I'll find a mint one next time," Delbert explained.

Milford and Sue Anglin, of Siloam Springs, AK, were set up and selling many scarce ACL sodas. Milford found a very scarce Maumee Valley, with the trademark Indian Princess in Canoe picture, but in red/white clear glass in 12 oz! The bottle is an early 1941, issued by the Cleo-Cola/Whistle bottler in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The color is still complete and the item is by the Glenshaw Glass Co., and coded with the letter "M".

Among the celebrities seen was Mr. Bill Meier, of Breese, IL. He is current manager of the Excel Bottling Company, and grandson of the founder. He is the last remaining bottler of soda products in returnable glass bottles in Illinois. He bottles Ski, the highly successful non-caffeine citrus drink of the Double Cola Company, and several other fruit flavor drinks under his own brand. He currently uses Nesbitt's bottles for marketing these. He attended the show looking for more glass leads in high quantities and had his 3 young children with him. He has the ability to scan a table covered with soda bottles and spotting all of the ones his company has used over the years instantly.

I too found a scarce quart, a NEHI. It is green glass and has the classy "Par-T-Pak" brand name and the flavor "Tom Collins Mixer" in white/red paint. The picture shows a bevy of party tumblers and stem glasses full of mixed drinks indicating this is the product to insure party gaiety. The bottle is in perfect color and glass registration and is dated 1964, by Liberty Glass. The bottler name is "Royal Crown Bottling Co. Main Office, Salisbury, MD." It was tagged at $40.00

The bargain of the day was a partial case of Bauneq Beq Beverages quarts from Springvale, Maine. These bottles were made by the Reed Glass Works of Rochester, NY, and the action scene is a male snow skier flying far above the pine trees in green/white in 1949. They were tagged at $8.00 each in near mint condition.

If you have a soda-related subject that you would like to see here as an "FYI" article, or have information you yourself would like to contribute, don't be shy, send it to:

Until next week, Happy Collecting! CokeGirl

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