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A.J looked over at the women sitting in his car. He wasn’t sure if she was still breathing or not. He had made it an order that she come with him and though he could see that Brumby was extremely unhappy with the idea there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
She turned her head and looked at her C.O. She knew that he wanted to keep a eye on her, she was being driven my emotions and she knew he wanted to get a handle on it before she saw him.
“There has been some tension between you and the Commander the last few weeks.”
“Yes sir there has.” she spoke quietly.
“Is there some type of problem you would like to discuses?”
“I’m not sure Sir.” she didn’t even know how to sort it out in her own head. “He doesn’t want me to marry Mic.”
A.J’s hands gripped the steering wheel. Nobody, including himself wanted her marry that guy, but it was no ones place to tell her that. “Has he said that to you?”
“No, I see it in his eyes. I think he was hoping that his carrier quals would come up and he could skip town for the whole event.”
“Well Colonel if that were true he wouldn’t have been in F-14 trying to make it home.”
“Its only because I was so hurt when he told me. I was angry and at him and said some pretty nasty things. I think I made him mad because I saw right through him and he knew I knew what was really going on.”
“You two have always had the ability to see through each other and I’ve come to rely on that over the years.” They pulled into the hospital and he shut off the engine. “I have to give the both of you praise in the fact that you have kept all personal problems out of the office to the best of knowledge. And right now I’m going to suggest something you, and at this point its only a suggestion. The two of you need to fix this, and soon.” he looked over at her “there is no reason for you to feel trapped into anything. Its never to late to say no Mac.”
With that he pushed the door open an made to the other side of the car as she stepped out.
In his best Admiral’s voice he stood in front of her, pushing the door closed. “One other thing Colonel Its not very often I see you let your emotions get the better of you. However I’ve witness that tonight and I want to make it very clear that you are to knock it off. The Commander is no condition to handle it. Renee is in there and Brumby is in there. So you will get a handle on your emotions. There will be a time and a place for them later. And if you can not get your emotion under control I will make it an order for you not to set foot in that hospital. Have I made myself clear?”
She starred up at him, realizing his was right of course. “Aye, Aye Sir.”

~ ~ ~
She stepped into the hospital to find everyone already there. They were all waiting for word on how he was.
Chloe came over and wrapped her arms around her. “I told you he would be okay. I told you. I just knew he would be....”
Mac looked over at Mic how was standing next to her.
“You okay.”

A.J stepped into view. “Alright people ... They will let us see him for a few moments. He is pretty banged up and they are still monitoring with tubes and wires. They have assured me that they will be removing all of it from in a few hours when they know he is stable. He is sleeping right now and needs his rest so we are not spending alot of time here tonight.”
~ ~ ~
“Mic I’m not leaving this hospital.” they were standing out side. Everyone had left, she had stood in the parking lot and waiting until she saw all the car leave before making it very clear she wasn’t going any place.
"Is that why you asked Harriet and Bud to keep Chloe tonight? You knew this all along.”

“I won’t leave. Not yet.”
“And I’m sure that there is no point in trying to change your mind.”
She didn’t even answer him and she turned and headed back inside.
~ ~ ~

09:35 Zulu
Dulles International Airport
Washington, DC

“I’m sorry about all this. I will call you soon and you can come back. I will make it more fun next time. I promise.”
“Are you going to be okay.”
“Sure I will be fine.” she smiled.
“Are you and Mic still going to get married.”
She wasn’t going to lie to her. “I don’t know Chloe... I really don’t know.”
She thought for a moment “Is Harm your friend?”
“Yes... he is my bestfriend.”
“Well you once told me that if your lucky your bestfriends gets to be your boyfriend.... Why don’t you and Harm get married. You love him.” “Oh Chloe... sometimes things are not that simple.”
“I think it is simple. You both will be happy.”
She had to put an end to this conversation. It wasn’t going to get her anyplace. “Chloe.... you have a plain to catch. You call my cell phone when you land and get home. Let me know your okay.”
“I will.” she hugged her tight before turning to get on the plain.
Mac stood watched, waving to her until she was out of sight.

23:55 Zulu
Bethesda Naval Hospital
Room 123
It was close to midnight and here she sat in his hospital room. He was sleeping and she was crying, she was a damn strong marine but the tears wouldn’t stop falling. She took a deep breath wiping more tears away. She had really been able to talk to him. She had seen him once since he had been awake.
She couldn’t get over the fear that had gripped her heart. She just needed to be close to him, to hear him breath. She had been so scared and she thought that once he was in her sight she would calm down, but that hadn’t happened yet.
A.J wondered down the hall of the hospital, on his way to 123. It was late and he knew the Commander would be sleeping, and he didn’t have reason to wake him. He just wanted to stop by and make sure that he was still doing okay. He was amazed at his attachment to the young naval officer.
As he came into the room he seen her sitting there, her back to the door. He heard her sobs and knew she was crying. He was a little confused. She was sitting there as if he had Harm had died. He would have thought she would be okay by now. But he realized she had been though a lot in the last few days.
“Colonel I didn’t expect to see you here.” the truth was he would have thought it strange for her not to be here. “Is everything Alright with the Commander?” She stood up facing him.
“Yes sir he is fine.” she tried pushing tears off her face.
He stood there, crossing his arms at his chest. “I was just coming by to check on him. I’m going to be on my way.”
“Sir you don’t have to leave on my account. I can leave if you need the time.”
He wait only a moment before he spoke. “No Sarah I think you need the time. I also have a feeling that now would be a fine time to let go of some of those emotion. No one is here, and I’m sure he won’t have any visitors for at least another 10 to 12 hours. I will come back in the morning and check on him.”
“Yes sir.” it was a whisper as she watched him leave the room. Harm slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust to light.
He heard her before he seen her. Soft, heart gripping sobs. He let his eyes look around the room and he seen her sitting there. Her head resting in on hand.
“Mac...” he said softly. His heart skipped a beat when she looked up at him. “god you look like you have been hit by a bus. You look about how I feel.”
She stood up take a step closer to his bed “Are you okay? Do you need anything?” she wiped her tears away and more spilled out.
“No, No I’m fine.... what are you doing here?”
Her voice cracked “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
He needed her to be closer, he wanted to reach out and feel her. “Hey come here...”
She didn’t even think twice as she moved towards his bed.
When she was in his reach his hand took her and pulled her towards him. “Hey Marine... What is the matter.”
“I’ve just been so worried about you....”
He wiped some tears from her face. “Come here....”he pushed himself over on the bed.
She laughed a little. “What?”
“Come up here. I want to hold you.” he couldn’t really believe he had said it. But he didn’t care, he would blame in on the pain medication later. Right now he only wanted to hold her.
She didn’t think twice as the words fell from his mouth. She slowly climbed up on the bed with him, laying her head in the croak of his arm she let her arm fall across him.
He winced in pain as he felt her arm across him and he seen her jerk her hand away. “I’m sorry... Harm did I hurt you.” her body was stiff next to his, not knowing how much pain he was in.
He reached over and pulled her arm back over him.
“Sore ribs. Its okay.” he rested his arm over hers. He was already feeling better.
She turned her head into him and let the tears fall. He was okay, he was here safe where she could touch him, feel him, hear him breath.
He tightened his hold on her. “Its okay baby... its okay...I’m okay.” he sighed. For the first time since he had woke up his body relaxed next to hers.


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