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“I can’t go on like this. Mic loves me, he wants to give me everything I’ve ever wanted. He doesn’t care about anything but me, and yet I stand here and I can’t move towards him because of you.”
“I like it that way and I know its unfair to you.” He was now standing in front of her, looking down at her.

“I know you hate me for that....”
“I don’t hate you Sailor, I don’t hate you. That I can’t do. Your friendship means everything to me... but that is why we can’t keep doing this.”
He smiled at the use of his nickname and the smile that almost came to her lips. “Sarah there are things.... things I’m just now coming to understand.” he reached up and touched her face. “Its not only that I like it that I have this hold on you, its the way I want it. And I won’t let it go. Not now, not ever. A mouth ago, maybe I would have walk away, I don’t know... but now.” he shook his head, his eyes bore into her heart “I won’t ... I can’t... I’ve search for my whole life for love to be faithful to me... and I didn’t find until you walked into my life....”
She couldn’t breath. What was this, this wasn’t what she was use to when it came to Harm.
“You can walk out the door and go to him, but I’ll come after you, and I will do everything in my power to stop you from marry him. Your mine, not because you belong to me, but because I love you and no matter what I do I can’t get away from that.”
She wasn’t sure what just took place. It was the most honest moment they had ever shared. She seen the fear still in his eyes and knew that it was her job to make that fear go away.
She felt his hands on her and she seen the truth in his eyes. It was never a question of trust, her resentment for this hold he had on her slipped away as she realized she had the same hold on him. She knew he had never told Jordyn, or Renee that he loved them.
Because he didn’t, he had just said it to her. The conviction he lived by overwhelmed her. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes “Your amazing.” how do you go from being in raged at a person to feeling nothing but love and amazement.
Harm knew there were still a million things to understand and come to grips with and he was willing to.
He lightly ran his finger over bottom lip as he leaned down and kissed her check bone lightly, moving to her chin, and then he kissed lightly towards her ear. “You mean everything to me.” he wasn’t scared of the fall any more. He was only scared that she would walk away and never come back. “For all the worst and all the best that we have been through your everything to me.” his heart was screaming that he was going to fast, saying to much, opening up to fast. But as he felt her body relax and her breathing increase he knew couldn’t go back. “I want you here....” he reached down and picked up her hand pushing it firmly against his chest.
Her eyes had long ago closed, she felt his hand push hers into his chest and felt his heart beat slightly faster than normal, her own heart speeding up.
“Sarah I’ve never been good a baring my soul to another person...” it was a whisper, needing her to know he was trying. “Your doing fine Harm.” she leaned into his shoulder whisper back into his ear.
It was humbling to realize how much he was letting go of. Nothing had ever compaired to what she was feeling.
Her fingers intertwined with Harms. She opened her eyes looked up at him. This was the moment, he had said things to her she would never forget as long as she lived.
Her eyes met his she couldn’t help but be memorized by him. Before she could think about the words they were out of her mouth “Your beautiful.” His head dipped slightly and look away from her. Slightly embarrassed at the commit.
She wasn’t only talking about his looks, there was no doubt he was about the way he looked, but she had been talking about who he was. “I’m sorry...” she smiled as she realized she had embarrassed him. “You just are.”


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