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Nothing would ever feel as good as the touch of his lips at that moment. He slowly pulled her into him, kissing her lips, exploring what he already knew so well.
It felt better than any other time he had kissed her because he knew he wasn’t going to stop, there was no time limit, no fear of tomorrow and no thought of what if. Just her in his arms.
She knew what it was like to kiss him, it was mind blowing, each and every time she had the pleasure of feeling his lips on hers everything in her would just shut down.

It was like being kissed for the first time in her life, when you didn’t know what to do or how to do it. But Harm always lead them.
And she let him, let him control the pressure, the depth, the timing with no thought of wanting anything but his control over her mouth. Her only thought was ‘god this feels good.’
Her arms went around his neck and he straightened to his full height, bring her up on her toes to reach him.

His arms were secure around her back, holding her as close as he could. This was the only thing in life that matter.
When he pulled away she rested on her feet again, leaning into him. She wasn’t sure what all just took place but she knew everything that had ever happened between them was forgiven.
His eyes were closed as he felt her body up next to his. What took him so long to do this. He felt so safe standing there next to her.
“Harm...” it was only a whisper. He never answered her as he pulled her up to his mouth and again and began kissing her again.
She couldn’t remember what she was going to ask him as his lips once again touched hers. She wasn’t even sure she could remember her own name at this moment.
“Please never let this stop.” she thought as she began to feel him moving, pushing her back towards as he walked forward.
He wanted all over next him and so he started moving slowly towards his bedroom, his thoughts of Mac had always been on the verge of indecent, but at this moment, though he was a man, his intention were pure enough.

She didn’t know what he was doing and she didn’t care, as long as he didn’t stop kissing her.
It wasn’t until she was flat on her back and his weight was neatly spread out across her that she realized that somehow they had made it to his bed.
Her hands ran across his face, her touch was soft and soothing, like nothing he had ever felt. She felt her legs adjust to his as they sandwiched together and he pulled her closer to him, moving on his side slightly to relieve his weight from her body.
His lips collided with hers once he was done adjusted them to their new position. His kisses were soft pecks that were making her hungry from the bottom of her soul for something couldn’t name. He kept touching her lips lightly and she could feel the moistness of his tongue just a mere breath away from her lips and then on them, flicking light. Daring her to want more.
Harm moaned softly before he pressed his tongue against her, relief flood his soul, he was so tired from everything he had been through, yet in this moment the exhaustion vanished, his left knee had been aching as he had stood there telling her everything he had ever wanted to say and couldn’t and yet as her leg rested between his, he couldn’t feel anything but her.
She felt his tongue slid into her mouth and she sang even farther into the bed, His tongue touched the tip of hers, rubbing, stroking, pushing deeper. All she could do was grasp handfuls of his shirt and her insides jumped into chaos
She pushed her body to his, pressing her breasts flat against his chest, she had a need to touch his body with hers, it was an obsessive desire she could barely keep under control.
Harm didn’t mind as he felt her spring into action, pulling on him, pushing herself into his body and doing the sweetest thing he had ever felt with her tongue in his mouth.
When they parted and Harm looked down at her she smiled only slightly, it accrued to her didn’t know how long it lasted, the battle between their mouths and this a surprise to her as she always knew how long anything took.
But in his arms even time was forgotten.

“Are we making out in my bed?”
“Yes Sailor I think we are....” she whispered to weak to really say any at all to him at that moment.
“I haven’t done this since I was a teenager.”
“I never did this even as a teenager.”
“Well Marine ... you are really very good at it.” He smiled down at her as she was laying on his arm, he pulled her towards him once again to kiss her. “You fulfill every fantasy I ever had growing up... “
“I will never get tired of this.” she whispered as they parted.
“I hope not....” he pulled her firmly to his side.
“Oh Harm... “ she spoke softly after a few moments. “I’ve got so many things I’ve got to say....” she rested there in his arms against his chest.
“Tomorrow .... or the next day, or the day after that. Let me hold you for awhile..... Just you and me... and tonight....”


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