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Damaged Goods

Part 8

She kissed him hard, forcing his head to back against the headboard as she put all her weight against him. His arms tightened around her back, as her tongue gained entry to his mouth. Their teeth clicked together noisily, there mouths coming together brutally. In her mind she knew that it was wrong, that their first time shouldn't be this way but she couldn't help it. She needed him now. Hard. She needed to be in control.
He seemed to sense it, letting her stroke his bare chest roughly while he soothingly massaged her back through her tank top. He groaned into her mouth as she scraped her nails less then tenderly up his abdomen. "Harm" she breathed against his lips before nipping her way up to his ear. "I need you." She begged softly.
His breath hitched at her request. "Mac-." He began but she cut him off.
"I need to touch you." She groaned rubbing against the obvious bulge in his shorts. He mouthed 'yes' and she nodded letting the answer roll over her.
Rushing forward she again crushed her lips heatedly against his, this time his tongue probing her mouth hungrily. She pushed away from his bare chest to yank her shirt off over her head and toss it away. Licking her lips she twisted her fingers in his hair and guided him toward her right, bare breast.
She was rewarded with his willing mouth closing over her already hardened nipple.
She inhaled quickly, a sharp "Oh Gawd" passing her lips. She moaned feeling his teeth gently tugging at her while she raked her nails across his shoulders.
His hands held her in place as he devoured her flesh. Her hips rolled methodically into his, and he unconsciously bucked in response. Freeing one hand he used it to massage the neglected breast.
Pulling away tenderly he began kissing her neck, shoulders and mouth. She was quickly becoming frantic with lust. Releasing her left hand from his hair and slid it down into his boxers, grasping him and pumping his shaft rhythmically. His breath caught and he leaned his forehead against hers.
"Mac" he groaned her name harshly and he looked up into her face. Her eyes were closed and she was panting lightly while her hand still tightened around his length. He waited a second before removing her hand from him.
"Touch Me," she whispered shifting slightly in his lap. Obeying he started his hand at her shoulder then gently skimmed it down, over her breast caressing both, then continued to the top of her panties before dipping in and cupping her mound. She hissed audibly and ground down against his palm.
"Mac do you want me to stop?" he asked softly. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at him for a while before shaking her head 'no'. "Please don't" she sighed.
She groaned feeling him slide a finger deep within her and began slowly pushing and withdrawing within her depths. He felt her wrap her left arm around his neck and wrap here right arm under his shoulder as he added another finger to his actions. He could here her ragged breathing in his ear then it caught as he curled a finger inside her. She buried her head in the crook of his neck, biting at the place where it turned into his shoulder. She contracted her muscles around his fingers. Her hips began to rock in a counter motion against his hand. She'd been silent up till now, as she let out a small cry against his skin.
The bed squeaked from their restrained movements. Leaning her back slightly he wrapped his lips around her left breast. "Fuck" she hissed. He looked up into her face just in time to see her orgasm washed over her without warning, a small whimper passing her lips before she fell forward against his shoulder.
Her breathing was callous in his ear and he stroked her back lovingly. Slowly she pulled back from his body and looked at him, a frown creasing her forehead. Slowly she leaned forward and kissed him once, twice then a third time before he noticed a soft sob escape her throat.
"Sarah-?" he began but she cut him off kissing him again this time gently. His hands came up and tangled in her slightly sweaty hair. He could feel her fingers lightly tracing his sides easing the pain of the angry red marks shed left seconds before.
Pulling back she looked him in the eye, now he could see the unshed tears in her eyes. "I want you to love me." she whispered. "I do." he breathed softly.
"No. I want you to love me for real, not because of what happened." she whispered searching his face as his hands rubbed her back.
"I" He began but she kissed him.
"Its okay" she whispered then he felt her mumble something about damaged goods against his mouth before she began stroking his erection. She released him through the hole in the front of his boxers.
"Protection" she murmured as she kissed his jaw line.
"Top drawer" he managed to hiss through clenched teeth. Moving off of him she reached over and grabbed a condom from the drawer and discarded her shorts and underwear in the process. Settling on his thighs she handed him the foil packet and he quickly rolled it on.
Quickly she guided him into her body and heard him groan in response. She could feel frantic need tarting to build within her again as she began grinding down on him hard. With a moan she buried her face in the crook of his neck inhaling his masculine scent. His hands lightly gripped her waist and guided him atop him. Within no time he felt her muscles clench around him as her climax approached. Soft moans filled his ears as she clutched his back. He knew this was about her, and he was determined to give her pleasure, make her feel his love because she wouldn't believe his words.
She dug her nails into his back as she reached her peak, letting the feeling wash over her. She felt him still beneath her as her body quivered, once her body relaxed he began thrusting again until he felt her tense and a long moan as another orgasm crested over her then he finally came.
He woke to the sound of the shower. Glancing over at his clock he saw it read 3:52 am. Rolling back over he saw the empty space beside him. Throwing the comforter back, Harm walked slowly to his bathroom. As he founded the corner his heart stopped for a second
Mac sat in the bath, knees drawn to her chest and her arms wrapped securely around them. Her hair was soaked, matted to her head and she wore a black tank top and panties that were completely saturated. Slowly as not to startle her Harm kneeled beside the tub and slowly turned off the water. She looked up at him through red-rimmed eyes.
"Hey marine" he whispered leaning over to caress her face gently. He smiled as she leaned into his touch. He heard her stifle a sob
"Harm I-I love you" she whispered not looking up at him at all.
"Hey then why are you in here crying and not in bed with me" he joked.
"I'm sorry that I used you. I just just needed to feel loved." She said looking up into his blue eyes.
"You know I do love you Sarah. With my entire being, damaged or not. You're still Sarah Catherine Mackenzie, a US marine, a lawyer, my best friend and the love of my life." He assured her gently, taking her hand in his and kissing her palm. She smiled at him 'finally a real smile' he thought smiling back noticing how it reached her eyes. "Now if I'm not mistaken we need to go looking at apartments and we need to stop at your old place then stop bye JAG." He said helping her stand out of the bathtub.
"Harm Thank you." She smiled as he wrapped a towel around her.
"Any time Marine he smiled and she laughed softly.
"Now how about some breakfast for this marine?" she asked with a laugh as he guided her from the bathroom with a chuckle

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