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Damaged Goods

Part 9

Harm glanced over at her in the passengers seat. She was looking out the window towards her old apartment. He wasn't sure if it was such a great idea for them to go there but it was unavoidable. They also were going to look for a new apartment, so she could start over again. Slowly his eyes returned to the road and his mind wandered to the last night. How she'd come to him completely trusting him not to hurt her.
He thought of the way her lips felt against his, how her skin tasted. How she felt wrapped around his fingers, around him.
"Harm" He was brought back to reality by her soft voice.
"Yea?" he asked looking over at her.
"I can't go back there" she whispered defeated.
Looking into her eyes he could again see the pain and fear in her eyes. "I don't want to remember" she sighed leaning back.
"Ok, well lets go stop by JAG, How's that?" he suggested and she nodded.
"Harm thank you" she murmured.
"Always Sarah." He said reaching over and taking her hand in his.
Mac stepped into the bullpen and was immediately bombarded by her friends.
"Hey, Mac. Looking good. How you been holding up?" Sturgis asked wrapping her in a hug. "I'm surviving." She smiled pulling away.
"Good" he smiled solemnly and she nodded. Stepping away she was greeted by Bud and Harriett then Carolyn Imes and Mattoni. Finally she looked up at the Admiral.
"Morning Sir" she said standing straight before him.
A smile formed on his face "Welcome back Colonel. But I thought I gave you and Rabb 2 weeks off."
He laughed. "Sorry sir couldn't stay away" she grinned. "I'm glad" he said looking down at her before pulling her into a hug.

7:34 Rabb residence

"Harm I don't know, I really liked the first apartment we saw" Mac said as she leaned back against his chest, her fingers tracing his wet palms.
"Hmmm" was his only reply as he reclined back against the rim of the bathtub and wrapped his arms around her right below her breast. "Hmmm, what does Hmmm mean?" she asked and he could hear the smile she had. " I was just thinking you know maybe you could I dun no… stay with me. Live here."
He said into her wet hair. She was silent for a long time before he spoke fearing the worst. "Mac" he whispered. "You don't sound very sure Harm." She said softly.
"Sarah this is one of the very few things that I'm absolutely positive about." He said kissing her head.
"Okay" was her simple answer and he sighed with relief. "I love you Sarah" he breathed. And she gently entwined his finger with hers beneath the surface of the water.
"I love you too." She murmured softly as he began kissing her neck.
"You smell really good." He sighed before he gently took her earlobe in his teeth and tugged gently. She groaned as a shock wave shot through her body. "Lets get outta here and somewhere more comfortable.
Harm had every intention of taking her to his bed but was surprised by her passion and they were now on the living room floor, a towel spread under them, and he was doing a good job of kissing her breathless. His hand wandered down between her legs and caressed her intimately. As he stroked her, his free hand began massaging her bare breast.
She groaned against his mouth a he slipped a finger inside of her, and began a small circular motion.
Her hips bucked off the floor towards his palm. Reaching down she gripped his forearms tightly.
"I love you," she breathed, and he smiled down at her. Before leaning down and kissed her deeply, and continued placing kisses down her body till he was nuzzling between her thighs. "Oh God" she hissed when she felt his mouth.
He smiled at her as he gently traced her folds with his fingers before probing her with his tongue. His thumb ground out tight circle against her clit. He felt her fingers tightly grip his hair and raise her hips to meet his hungry mouth. "Gawd Harm" she hissed as she felt the tale tail signs of her impending climax.
Harm again slid two fingers deep inside her softly probing; finding the spot that made her lifted her upper body completely off the floor as her orgasm washed over her. He felt her muscles tighten spasmodically around his digit and he continued to move them curling them inside her making wave after wave of pleasure crash over her head.
She felt him pull away and come lay beside her but her eyes remained closed. His hands slowly caressed her stomach the occasional tremble of the muscles making him smile.
"I'll be back." he whispered before standing and heading toward the room. Within seconds he was back with a blanket, pillows and a small foil packet. Lying down beside her he wrapped the blanket about them and sliding a pillow beneath her head and placed the condom above on the floor.
"Sarah?" He whispered leaning over to nuzzle her neck.
"Hmm?" she moaned. "You tired?" He asked. "No" He said pulling him on top of her and kissing him. "Harm make love to me." She said against his lips.
"Always Sarah." He moaned reaching for the condom and easily rolling it on he slowly thrust into her. They began a slow even rhythm but soon their love was all but consuming as he thrust powerfully into her and she rocked against him.
She whispered softly as her orgasm washed over her "Harmon" and he came from hearing his name on her lips. He collapsed on top of her and she gently stroked his back before he pulled out of her body and quickly deposited the condom before climbing back under the blanket with her and pulled her body towards his, her back to his chest.
"I love You Sarah" he whispered in her ear.
"I love you to Harm" She whispered stifling a sob. "Everything is going to be ok now" he whispered smoothing her damp hair. "I know because I have you. I don't feel damaged because I have you." She murmured before slipping into sleep.

The End

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