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Loved Enough To Know 1
Loved Enough To Know
Chapter One ~ Half A World Away

Sept 9, 2003 ~ 22:13 Zulu
Bethesda Naval Hopital Rm# 173

As Harm’s long legs carred him down the hall to were Mac was laying lifeless only one thought consummed his mind. He was going to kill Webb for ever putting his ex-partner though this.

Webb stood tall over Sarah MacKinzes bed, his heart broke as he realized her life was haing over enternity and it was all his fault. He never should have put her in such danger.
“You outside now.” Harm’s deep, harsh voice filled the room. He was only inside long enough to point his finger at Webb.
Lt Sims watched as a defeated looking Webb followed a very determined ex-commandor towards the exit. “I better find the Admiral. This can’t be good.” she handed a sleeping child to Petty Officers Coates.
“Oh Boy.” was all she could whipser.

Webbs hand blocked the door from swinging back and hitting him in the face. It only took a slight push to make it swing again, but it took all the strength he had left to do so.
He found his voice and spoke slowly to the man’s back in front of him. “Rabb ... This can wait don’t you ....” he never got the chance to finish his sentence as Harm’s fist connected firmly with is jaw, throwing him back a few feet.
“You stupid son of a bitch.” his fist knocked Webb to the ground and Harm leaned over his body pulling at the collor of his shirt. “So help me God.” he said though clinched teeth. “If she...” he shook his head, gripping the cotton meteral in his fingers. “I will kill you.” he hadn’t felt this much rage since he had found out who had killed Diane.
“Commandor.” was all the Admiral could get out before Harm pushed Webb back to the ground and stood up.
“I’m not in your Damn Navy anymore.” with that he turned back and headed towards the Hospital.
“Just stay the hell away from me.”
Webb was on his feet lightly rubbing his jaw “What does he mean he is not in your Navy?”
“He quit.”
“For her ?”
With that said they headed back inside. “I’m always getting knocked around by your people A.J.” “Sometimes you deserve it Webb.”

Sept 10, 2003~ 08:17 Zulu
Bethesda Naval Hopital Rm# 173

A.J Stood silent for a few moments at the door watching a very pale looking Harmon Rabb Jr. as he sat at Sarah Mackinize bed side.
As each moment passed the Commandor was looking worse and worse, he was slowly pushing everyone away.
“Commandor.” it was spoke with much concern.
“I told you once AJ I’m not in your Navy anymore. Drop the Commandor.” he didn’t bother looking up, he knew that the man standing on the other side of the bed would see the emotion tearing at his soul through his eyes.
The Admiral took caution in his next words. “Alright Harm” his voice was light.“you need to take a brake, get something to eat.”
“I’m not leaving her.” It didn’t matter, he had made up his mind.
“You can not keep doing this to yourself.” He pushed towards the heart of the matter.
He hated seeing his people go through so much.
As his heart took on that famiular ache he picked up Mac’s small hand trying to find strength there.
“I don’t....” his voice caught in his throat and the emotional turmoil crashed in around him. He was forced to drop his head into his hands. He didn’t even try to fight the tears that slipped down his face.
AJ stepped around the bed placing his hands on his shoulders. “She is a fighter Harm. Nothing is over. Her will to live is much stronger than deaths grips.” he hoped his words were reaching this mans heart. “She wouldn’t want you doing this to yourself.”
“I can’t lose her... I can’t.”
“I know son.”

Same Day~ 15:11 Zulu
Bethesda Naval Hopital Rm# 173

“Sir.” A female voice came from the door.
He looked over his shoulder at the young Petty Officer. He tired to smile, but knew it only came across fake.
“Its okay Sir. You don’t have to pretend with me.” she entered the room as his eyes turned back to the window.
“The rain is going to let up. That is the news said.” she sat the vase with the flowers down. “The Admilral asked me to bring this.” she held up a paper bag. “And this.” she shurged the bag on her shoulder.
Harm turned his attention towards her and she began again.
“Sandwhich and clothes.”
“Ya from your apartement. Bud gave me an extra key he had. Hope your not mad Sir. I was only trying to help.”
“Jen ... drop the Sir and its fine.” he walked towards her taking the bag.
“Thank you.”
“Any change.”
“No none.”
“She looks better today. She has got some color.”
Harm looked down at her. “Ya. They still don’t kno whats wrong with her. she had a bad night last night. Her heart rate keep dropping.” He said with no emotion.
Jen felt the surge of fear hit her head on and she tried to graps all the navy training she had had to hide behind, but her own voice betraied her. “I’m so sorry Sir.”
“Oh Jen.” he saw her struggle and gathered her into his arms. He could find no words so he just gentle rocked her.
Jen pulled away from enough to look up into his eyes. “I’m so glad you found her.”
“Me too.” he knew he needed to give her something more to focus on, so he stepped away from her and began to talk to her.
“How are things around JAG?”
“Awful. Everyone is very worried about you.”
“I’m not the one laying in a hospital bed.”

2 Weeks Later
Harm sat at her side, watching her. She wasn’t waking up, and that was the one thing he needed her to do.

“Just when they sky runs out of rain.”
“Just when the sun runs out of light”
“Just when the earth is still with pain.”
“Just when your body is out of fight.”
“I will be there.”
“I will be the smallest piece and everything.”
“And I would give myself.”
“Before I brake this promise to you.”

He needed her to wake up, to understand how much she meant to him. He was getting weary, but he wouldn’t give up.

“Melt into me.”
“Don’t you want to be.”
“The one that last forever.”
“I’ll be your everlasting.”
“and the enemies they take your will.”
“But they won’t last forever.”
“I will be your sword and sheild.”
“And I will be your sword.”
“Your sheild.”

The tears would no longer come and his voice could barley be heard over the macheins pumping life into her body. “Sarah your everything I have left, Please don’t let me live this life without you.”

“Just when the ocean starts to dry.”
“Just when the air is sick with smoke.”
“Just when the stars start to cry.”
“And fallen angels lay broken.”
“I will be there.”
“I will bhe smallest piece in eveything.”
“And I woul.d lose my life”
“Before I brake this promise to you.”

“I can’t live without you.” Its in this moment I feel her fingers struggle to find mine.

“Melt into me.”
“Don’t you want to be one to last forever.”
“I’ll be your everlasting.”
“And enimies they take your peace.”
“But they won’t last forever.”
“I’ll be your sword and shield.”
“I’ll be your sword.”
“I’ll be shield.”

I’m on my feet faster than I thought posable with what little strenth I have left. “Sarah can you hear me?” The only movement his her hand in mine.

“I will be your gracious angle.”
“I will be your favorite stranger.”
“I will be the mortor holding up your walls”
“I will be your army.”

Like cool water to thirsty lips, hope floods his soul. “Come on baby I know you can fight this. I’m right here fighting with you.”

“Melt into me.”
“Don’t you want to be the one that last forever”
“I wll be your everlasting”
“And enemies take your feast”
“But they won’t last forever”
“I’ll be your sword and shield.”
“Ill be your sword”
“Your shield”
“I will be your army.”

When my eyes open I can't help but squeze them shut again as the bright white light assults my brain. Through blurry eyes I see him and I find comfort for a short moment. "Harm." my mouth is dry and he doesn't hear me right away. "Harm."
"Hey." My hdart leaps as I finally see into her eyes. "I'm so glad to see you."
I let my lips softly fall on her forehead.
I want to reach out and touch him but my arms are to heavy and I feel sleep coming back again.


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