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Just What The Doctor Ordered

Mac turns away abruptly, but not before I see the tears in her eyes.

Oh no. Shit...she thinks..."Mac,’s not that I don’t want..."

She cuts me off, swiping angrily at the tears that have spilled out onto her cheeks with the back of her hands. "Forget it, Harm. I...I understand. Really."

No she doesn’t. "No, Mac, I don’t think you do." She doesn’t understand at all.

Turning slightly she looks up at me with those big doe eyes of hers then sniffs loudly. "Then explain it to me," she says shyly, looking down once more.
Without another thought I lean forward and whisper, "How about I show you instead?"

Her head darts up, her eyes wide with curiosity and wonder. Managing as best I can I give her a reassuring smile, letting her know without any more words that I’m about to give the go ahead to what we’ve both wanted for so long.

As she sits there staring at me, reality creeps up on me with all the subtlety of a steam roller. I’m sitting on my couch, robe hanging open and fully aroused...and I haven’t showered since yesterday or shaved in at least two days. Call me vain, but even knowing that Mac has seen me at my worst this is not how I expected to look the first time we...I just can’t go any further without taking care of some things.

The self conscious hand I run over my unruly hair doesn’t go unnoticed by her. I watch as her eyes dart back and forth between my spiky hair and my naked lap. After a few moments I hear a very peculiar sound; Sarah Mackenzie just giggled.

I find I’m slightly offended. "I’m glad you find this funny," I growl, wanting to be mad at her but then I hear what sounds suspiciously like a snort and I can’t help but find her laughter infectious.

"Oh come on, Harm. You have to admit that it’s kind of funny. You’re just so damn cute." I’m somewhat placated but when I don’t answer I feel her fingertips feather up my calves, running up the insides of my thighs as she moves back between my legs. I look on as she eyes my cock, licking her lips in what seems like anticipation. Oh man. "I thought you said you were going to show me something, Flyboy."

A fraction of a second before my lips meet hers I mumble, "I’ve got plenty to show you, Mac."

Hygiene is almost completely forgotten when our mouths do meet and it’s like touching two live wires together. Electricity shoots through my body, and I practically growl in my hunger for this woman. I have to touch her. I need to touch her. Vaguely the thought passes through my mind that kissing Mac probably isn’t the best idea where her health is concerned, but I push it aside. Right now I don’t give a damn. As bad as I’ve felt this past week, I couldn’t turn this opportunity down if I wanted to. And I don’t want to; not at all. This encounter has been too long in coming, that’s for damn sure.

It’s as if she can read my mind because a split second later she murmurs against my lips, "You’ll probably have to nurse me back to health after this is all over but damn, this is so worth it."

That’s all I needed to hear. I have no idea where it comes from but I wrap my arms around her, and with what seems like super-human strength, I lift her up and almost cum right then and there when her jeans drag and scrape along my cock. "Holy shit, Mac," I practically shout before grabbing the back of her head and bringing her back for a hungry kiss.


Somewhere, in the back of my mind, there’s a little voice that’s trying to tell me I should stop this. I think I’ll just ignore it because this feels sooo right. For the first time in my relationship with this man I’m not going to stop and think about responsibilities, regulations and all of the reasons why we shouldn’t be right here, on his couch, about to make love for the first time. I’m just going to go for it, take a chance, and hope and pray he doesn’t regret this in the morning.

Our tongues meet and mate, tangling together while his hands roam over my back just underneath my shirt causing goosebumps to breakout all over my body. I’ve never heard Harm talk or act like he has tonight; he’s usually the epitome of control, the Navy’s poster boy. But right now, that control is almost completely gone. And it’s all because of me. Somehow that knowledge makes me even hotter for this man.

The real world seems to melt away and all that exists is the heat between his body and mine. Breaking our kiss I run my fingers and my mouth across his chest, the hair there tickling my lips. I reach a nipple and tease it with the tip of my tongue. Once it is wet, I blow on it and the sudden cold makes him cringe. He groans, knowing that I'll continue the torture if he doesn't divert me. He grabs my ass, pulling me tightly against him. My eyes fly to his and I see it all written there. We both know exactly how this is going to end.

He leans down to kiss me and I take the opportunity to throw my arms around his neck . He lifts me with him off the couch and I put my legs around his hips. We only make it a couple of steps before I realize he doesn’t really have the strength to be carrying me like this, although you’d never hear him admit it. I unwrap my legs and slide down him but he doesn’t let go of me, holding me gently but firmly against him.

He only pulls back for a moment, only long enough to pull my shirt over my head and throw it onto the floor. I smile and watch his face light up as his fingertips trace the lacy pattern of my bra. I am sooo glad I listened to whatever voice told me to wear the Victoria’s Secret tonight.

My nipples harden in response to the feather-light touches dancing over the swells of my breasts. He has such beautiful hands. Seeing them touching me...I take a deep breath and rock my hips, pressing myself closer to his exposed erection. His hands move to my hips, holding me in a bruising grip. Oh how I want him!


Okay, I have one of two choices. I can go for the bra, and finally see what I’ve only been dreaming about for forever. Or, I can go for the jeans, and see the matching set before I get her completely naked.

Decisions, decisions.

My eyes dart quickly over the wine colored lace covering her breasts and my decision is made. I definitely need to see the panties.

My fingers curl inside of the waistband of her jeans, pulling her closer before fumbling with the button. It gives way easily and immediately I’m pulling down the zipper. My hands glide around her sides and down over her hips inside of the denim, pushing the fabric down her long legs. When they puddle at her feet she steps out of them, kicking them to the side.

Oh yeah! This was definitely worth waiting for. She’s every word my pre-adolescent mind has ever thought of and some that my now more mature nature can appreciate. Oh hell, mature nothing. She’s hot!

"That’s some underwear you have there, Marine." I make no attempt to hide the lust I know she can see written all over my face.

My hard nosed, Jarhead partner turns into a shy little girl in the space of a second. "You like them?" she asks, walking her fingers up my chest.

Taking that same hand I place it over my hard on and let her see for herself exactly how much I like them. "What do you think?"

Purring she pumps my shaft, squeezing me between her fingers. "Mmm...I’d say you got a *big* problem there, Sailor."
All at once my earlier thoughts pop back into my head. "I need a shower, Mac. You up for it?"
She giggles again. I swear that is one of the sexiest sounds I’ve ever heard. "I’d say you’re definitely *up* for it, Harm."

I can’t help but laugh. "You’re just a laugh a minute tonight. But you’re right. I’m definitely up for it," I say while walking her backwards toward my bedroom, heading towards the shower.


Could this man get any more sexy? I mean really. We’re here in his bathroom, me in my underwear and him in his still open ratty old robe, while he shaves the scruff that has built up on his face for the last couple of days. Damn! I mean he brushed his teeth and I thought I was going to lose it. Now...he even makes shaving look sexy. I don’t remember Mic’s shaving ever having this much effect on me.

I know it may seem vain for Harm to go to all this trouble just to have sex with me, but I know my Flyboy. This was going to bug the crap out of him until it was taken care of. Like I care. I’ll take him any way I can get him. But unfortunately, that’s just Harm being Harm.

And so, here I sit on the toilet lid, watching his every move with a dreamy expression on my face like some love sick teenager. And I am in love with him, however I think I’m going to hold on to that little piece of information for just a little while longer. Don’t need to scare him to death before I get what I want.

He glances at me out of the corner of his eyes every so often, I guess to make sure I’m still here.

Yep! I’m here...and wishing he’d hurry the hell up.

When he’s done, he wipes the rest of the shaving cream off of his face before turning to me with that bone melting grin. I can’t help it. The breath catches in the back of my throat.

Knowing exactly what he’s doing to me he walks over to the shower, turning it on before turning back to me. His robe drops off of him in slow motion. I stare, open mouthed at the sight before me. Harmon Rabb Jr., completely nude and fully aroused. Oh my...

"You going to join me or just sit and stare?"

His husky rumble rolls over me and again my skin tingles in anticipation. "I’m going to watch you." That really wasn’t what I was going to say but now that I think about it, it has definite possibilities.

With a quirked eyebrow, Harm doesn’t question me he just moves into the shower. Reaching for the shampoo he quickly lathers his hair, scrubbing briskly before letting the spray rinse it away. I watch in fascination as the soap treks down his chiseled frame. His arms, his chest, over that six pack...his very impressive manhood and further down, thighs, calves...damn, even his ankles are incredible.

When he goes for the soap I actually have to remind myself to breathe. He lathers his whole body, paying special attention to his erection. He knows I’m watching every move. Our eyes locked, he strokes himself, his own hand pumping up and down his shaft. I can feel the wetness pooling under me as I squirm, trying to find some kind of relief. Without even thinking my hand drifts down my body, my fingers slipping under the elastic of my panties...


Mary, mother of God!

That’s it I can’t stand this any more. Shutting off the water, I don’t even bother with a towel as I head straight for her. Her eyes get as big as saucers when I make a grab for her. "Harm?"

"Now. I need you now." I pull her up to me and take her mouth, my tongue pushing past her lips.

Dragging her back to my bed, I push her onto her back, rolling slightly to the side as I come down with her. I don’t want to crush her. We roll and toss together, each of us trying to kiss and touch as much of the other as we can. There’s a fever burning inside me that I’ve never felt before, a hunger to possess the woman beneath me that’s writhing and moaning my name. The few garments she had on are now history and I am now able to feel every inch of her bare body, her skin on fire from my touch.

I suck her nipples, alternating back and forth between each breast, sucking as much of her in as I can. Her taste, her smell...I’m intoxicated by her. I move down her body, nibbling her flesh as I go, until I’m there. That dark tangle of black curls draws me in and like a starving man I feast on her. She spreads her legs wider, offering me all she has and I take it.

My tongue circles around her clit and she bucks up to meet me. Her lower body begins thrusting in time to each move I make, every swipe of my tongue, every thrust of my fingers inside her. I suck her deep into my mouth and that’s all it takes. Release floods her body and she shouts out my name.

Without giving her time to recover I’m covering her, my body seeking out her warm, wet heat.

I stare down into her eyes, those eyes that have always held the key to my soul. I see her plea there in those deep, dark pools before I even hear the words. "Take me, Harm. Come inside me."
With that, I’m buried in her as deep as I can be. We both cry out; the pleasure is so intense. There’s no way I could keep still now; I don’t have a choice. My body isn’t my own any more. The pace is set, every thrust in rhythm with the blood pounding through my veins. Our bodies tighten in unison as the edge of our cliff nears.

"You’re mine. You know that don’t you?" I demand. I want her to know that after tonight she’ll never belong to anyone else.

"Yes," she barely murmurs.

"Say it. Say you’re mine, Sarah," I whisper savagely.

"I’m yours, Harm. I’ve always been yours," she shouts as her body convulses around me.

That’s all it takes. One more thrust and I’m there, emptying everything I am into her.

It’s a long time later when I finally gather enough strength to move off of her, pulling her with me. I need to touch her, to make sure that this really just happened and I’m not in some drug induced hallucination.

"I’m real, Harm." I swear it’s scary. It’s like she really can read my mind.

Still, I kiss her just to be sure, unable to just take her word for it. "I’m glad," I say still nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Really," she replies, breathlessly, as I move to nip at her earlobe. "I got the impression you weren’t very happy to see me when I got here tonight."

"On the contrary," I reply, rolling her on top of me, hearing her gasp as she realizes I’m ready for her again. "I think you were just what the doctor ordered."

The End

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