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11:25 Zulu
Harm’s SUV
JAG Headquarters
Falls Church, Virginia

“Okay I will see you back at my place in 45 minutes. Don’t be late Marine.”
She smiled “Being late is your MO Not mine.”
He smiled back at her “Your right.”
She made a quick glance around the parking lot of JAG and then lightly leaned over to him and kissed him. “I will see you soon okay.”
“Okay. Now hurry up.”

~ ~ ~

Mac climbed into her car and headed off towards her apartment. She needed to pick up a few things and she wanted to check see if Mic had left yet or not.
For some reason she had been feeling uneasy with him at her place and for her own piece of mind she wanted to go by there.
Harm seemed to understand and it didn’t seem to really even bother him.
She smiled, it was nice to have him understand for once what going on in her head. She thought back to there weekend. It had been wonderful. They went and seen everything, did a little shopping she had picked up a few things for Chloe and Harm even bought a toy tomcat for baby A.J.
All in all they had a nice weekend, the weather had been wonderful, the sights had been great and the lights that over spread the city from there room was simple amazing. Along with the lights the sex had been amazing too.
She relaxed behind the wheel, it had been such a long time since she had been really, truly happy.
Things seem to be going perfectly.

~ ~ ~

Harm was sitting in the living room reading a book when Mac used her key to get in.
“Hey beautiful. Everything okay over there?”
“Ya it was fine. Mic is still there. He wasn’t happy to see me.” she headed toward the bedroom to unpack and to her surprise her bag was over in the corner empty and there was the a small gifted wrapped box on the bed. “damn” she muttered. She had never got around to give it to him before they left Philadelphia, she had been sort of nervous and had waited too long.
She threw her purse on the floor and next to the her bag and picked up the box and walked out to the living. Harm hadn’t moved from his spot and looked up at her.
“You just had to go and be nice and everything and unpack for me huh.”
Harm set the book aside as he shrugged his shoulders and smiled at her. “If you weren’t trying to hide things from me this wouldn’t be a problem.”
She laughed as he pulled her down on to his lab. “I got you something this weekend.” she kissed him lightly. “I don’t know if you will like it or not.... but I just wanted you to know ...” she took a deep breath still looking down at him. It was still hard to be completely open with him. “I just want to say thank you for everything.”
“You don’t have to thank me. I love you.”
They looked at each for a moment longer. “Can I have it?” he said, smiling as she handed him to gift wrapped box.
He slowly pulled the paper from the box, looking for what was hidden beneath.
She draped her arm around his neck as the little wooden box came into view.
He opened it to fine a set of 10 fine cigars. She watched him for a moment, he didn’t say anything just kept looking at them.
“They are suppose to be really good... I don’t know, I don’t know that much about cigars.”
“They are nice.” he looked up at her. “They are very nice. Thank you.” he was touched, she really did know him.
He reached up and began kissing her neck moving towards her mouth. “I think I should thank you in the bedroom.” he stood up with her in his arms and carried her off towards his room.


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