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Mac sat at her desk looking over the case she was getting ready to investigate when she heard a tap on her door. She had been hiding in here for while over 3 hours, she hadn’t even dared to venture out to get a cup of coffee.
Harm stuck his head in the door. “Is it safe to enter?” he questioned.
She smiled, she was glad to hear his voice. “Yes.”
He appeared with his famous smile plastered on his face, his eyes sparkled. He walked in and shut the door. “How is it coming?”
“Its going okay. What have you been up to this morning?”
“Bud and I are investigating an 3 star general that disobeyed a direct order and got 2 men killed.”
“Sounds big.”
“Yea.... but that is not why I’m here. I was wondering if you were free for lunch?”
“Ummm ...” she looked down at the paper work in front of her and she looked back up at him. “I guess I could squeeze you in.” she smiled as the phone rang.
“Colonel Mackenzie... Oh Yes... I had forgot... no that is okay... I can still make it today. No problem. Thank you so much. Goodbye.”
“Damn.” she muttered as she set the phone down
“Everything okay?”
“Yea. I just forgot I had a doctor’s appointment for today.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yea... I made it awhile ago. I normal check up, its a yearly thing.”
“Oh... what time?”
“Okay will lets get lunch around 13:00. Is that enough time?”
“Yea. That is perfect. I’ve got to get some background information finished up.”
“Okay you meet me at my car then at 13:00.”
“All right Sailor. Don’t be late.”

~ ~ ~

It was 19:00 and Harm was just finishing up. Mac hadn’t come back after her doctor’s appointment and he was a little worried.
He had wanted to leave early, but he had to get things set straight on this case. It wasn’t a low profile case by any means and the Admiral was already not happy with him, there was no need to fan that flame.
As he drove towards his apartment he had this feeling in the pit of his stomach that was something was wrong and he didn’t like the way it was growing by the minute.

He unlocked the door and pushed it open, when he entered he saw Mac sitting on the couch, her hands rested on her knees and she was leaning forward, she still sat in her inform.
“Hey beautiful. I wasn’t sure...” he trailed off as she noticed she didn’t even look up at him. “Sarah you okay.”
“We need to talk.”
A cold chill washed over his body.


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