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Her eyes widened as she walked over to him, her hands came up and rested his hands on her face.
The air was trapped in her lungs. “Harm....” how could he not know how much she needed him. She looked into his eyes and held his gaze.
A coldness washed over her as she saw the look there in his eyes.
The normal calm that she depended on was gone and she seen the blizzard of emotion danced in his eyes and he tried to shield his heart.
“You want to know what I was thinking as I poured that crap into the cup.”
Harm closed his eyes for only a moment as he tried to control his breathing.
Her touch was so warm, and comforting.
“All I could think was ‘god I need Harm.’” the tears began to fall slowly the rolled down her checks.
"Why can’t he be here right now’” His body stiffened next to her. He had done this to her, it was because of him?
He hadn’t been there to stop it. He clinched his fists together fighting this moment.
Mac seen him flinch “Do you want me to say it....” she thought he knew her well enough to know her heart.
He paused and looked down at her. “I need to hear you say it.” he briefly wiped fallen tears from her.
She knew that once she said this to him she would fight for them, walk though fire for them, she would risk everything for them. “Harmon Rabb Jr I need you more than the air I breath.” His heart quickened, could he trust her?
Somehow she sensed his apprehension, she let her thumb glide back and forth over his jaw “Harm you’ve been the most important person in my life for a long time now, I just couldn’t ever say it out loud. Your the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep at night.”
He bent down a little and rested his head on her forehead “Sarah” his voice was thick with emotion. It felt so good to finally hear her say it.
“When I’m sad its you I want to run to, when I smile I want you there to share it with me. When the light burns out over my bed I want you to there fix it.” she laughed a little with nervousness. “I want to share every part of my life with you.” She closed her eyes and let her lips lightly touch his. “I need you.” her arms dropped from his face to his shoulders.
That was it, he had heard enough, he opened his eyes for a moment and seen her. She was leaning her body into his and her eyes were shut.
He titled his head and let his lips play with hers. This was it, there would be no going back.
For a brief moment her career, his career all came crashing into his mind, but he didn’t want to think about it, and the only thing that made him not think was her, So he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her hard against his chest and his lips claimed hers.
She felt him pull her to him and she felt his lips come crashing down hers.
She closed her eyes began kissing, playing with his lower lip.
She tried to pull her arms free from between them but he was holder her tightly into his body and she couldn’t move.
Harm kissed her hard at first, wanting to feel her mouth on his. He slowly loosened his hold on her and her arms went back around his neck and he felt her pull him down towards her more.
It was then she realize that she really did need him. She need this feeling for the rest of her life. Mac let her mouth play with his, pulling at his lips, letting her tongue glided lightly on his bottom lip. He obeyed her pulling her tongue into his mouth deepening there kiss.
The moment she felt it, she knew she was never going to leave this place again.
After a moment he pulled a way looked at him. “Hi....” she whispered to him. She knew this would be her last first time. Never again would she experience a first time with him or anyone else and she wanted to remember every moment
“Hi....” he was nervous, he couldn’t believe it. He was an adult who had done this a million times and yet he felt so lost.
“I’ve waited a long time for this moment....” she smiled.
“I’ve waited my whole life for this moment.” he reached for her and kissed her again. A new song began to play on the radio and all they could so was look into each others eyes.

Its gonna me baby,
Its gonna be you baby
Time, I have been patient for so long
How long can I pretend to be so strong
Looking at you baby
Feeling its true baby
If I’m asking you to hold me tight,
Then its gonna be all night

“Harm I want you...” she whispered as let her hand pull the bottom of his shirt up out of his pants and he helped her pull it over his head.
She never let go of his shirt as her arms went around his neck and she kissed him again.
In a moment she dropped his shirt and let her hands travel down his chest, she wanted to really feel him.
When he felt her fingers glide over his nipples he sucked his breath in. Oh god he wanted her to touch him.

Its gonna be love
Its gonna be great
Its gonna be more than I can take
Its gonna be free
Its gonna be real
Its going to change everything I feel
Its going to be sad
Its going to be true
Its gonna be me baby
Its gonna be you baby
Its gonna be, Its gonna be love

“Mac I won’t ever go back....” he was pleading with her now, know where they were headed. He knew there was nothing else he wanted.

Time can not rest our love to be fool
How can you pretend to be so cruel
Maybe its me baby
Maybe its true baby
Maybe its everything we are dreaming
We’ve waited long enough

She looked into his eyes know she wouldn’t ever let him go back. “Me either”
She smiled as she let her lips and tongue play at his neck.
She loved him, believed in every thing about him. She didn’t want to hold anything back from him. She finally had no doubt.

The sooner you let two hearts beat together
The sooner you know this love is forever
Its gonna be love
Its gonna be great
Love needs time now or never
Its gonna be more than I can take
Its gonna be free
Its gonna be real
Its gonna change everything I feel
Its gonna be sad
Its gonna be true
Its gonna be your the one to do
Its going to be hard
Its going to be tough
Its going to be more than just enough
Its going to be love,
Its gonna be love
Its gonna be sad,
Its gonna be true
Its gonna be me baby
Its gonna be you baby
Its going to be love
Its gonna be me,
Its gonna be you.
You really got to believe
It’s gonna be strong enough
Its gonna be, Its gonna be love

She sucked on his neck. She loved the smell of him the feel of him.
Harm bent down and picked her up. “Harm....” she laughed and pulled her arms his neck. He made it into his room and let her fall on his bed.
Her laugh calmed his nervous only for a moment.
Then he leaned over her. His arms on either side of her waist.
Mac sat herself up on her elbows as she looked into his eyes.
“Permission to remove your clothes Colonel.” he smiled at her, he was still nervous but he was slowly remember how to do this.
“Permission granted Commander.” oh god the look in his eyes and the smiled he just flashed her made her melt into the bed.


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