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Her eyes filled with wonder as they drifted closed, when the bed sink under her with his weight she sucked in the air around her.
He looked down at her, never had he seen something more precious.
His fingers slowly pulled the button open on her jeans and he found her zipper, pulling it slowly down he seen the first signs of white lace."Ohhhh god." For the first time in his life he knew what he wanted, and he knew he was going to go after it, whole heartily. He would give everything he had.
He slowly began pulling them down and Mac raised her hips up off the bed to help him.
In her mind he was going painful slowly.
When he had removed her pants and threw them off to the side, he returned to the bed. This time her arms pulled him right down on top of her, needing to feel more of him.
She loved the feeling of his bare skin under her hands and she let them roam up down his back, she loved how tall he was, how his body would cover hers, how he bent slightly to look into her eyes.
He felt her pulling at his skin, touching him, and he lost every coherent thought he had ever had.
How could one women produce so many distinct emotions in him.
She had never seen him so lost, he was holding her tight against him, kissing her and she took a moment to push him over on to his back as she let either of her legs straddle him.
"Sarah...." it was only a whisper as he felt the strain in his groin.
For only a moment their eyes met and she smiled at him as she reached up and pull her shirt up over her head.
Harm reached up and touched her stomach, running his hand lightly across her skin. His eyes looked up and down her. Her bra was white lace stopped right above her nipple and left little covered. All he wanted was to touch the skin that was trapped underneath.
She reached behind her and unclasped the material. Harm was done taking his time. He reached up and pulled the lace from her body and threw to the side, he sat up and let his arms pull her closer to him, his lips found her breast bone and covered it with his lips, his hands came up slow under her breast and pushed the firm flesh up.
"Harm...." she pulled her hands to the back of his head, running them through his hair.
She smelled so good, her skin was so soft.
He smiled as his gaze fell upon her chest, cupping both mounds of flesh, he smiled as he gently, ever so gently began kneading them.
Her breasts were full, soft and heavy. He knew at that moment he would never touch another women this way. There was no one else for him.
As his tongue found her nipple.
His arms circled around her and he rolled them over, letting his legs fall in between hers. "Sarah your so beautiful"
She felt the muscle between his legs grow harder and she closed her eyes for a brief moment, oh how she had longed to be here with him like this for so long.
She reached between them and started pulling at his jeans. Mac watched his eyes, she could tell by the way his pupils dilated that she was doing something right.
He took a moment to help her rid himself of the rest of his close.
It wasn't much longer before he felt her hands again. Touching his skin, he was so hot already and her hands were pulling at his shoulders.
Harms felt his body slide up against his body, her breast pressed against his bare skin.
Mac loved the feeling of his body, her skin touched his. The hair on his chest sent a nervousness chill down her spine.
Harm pulled her mouth into his as he reached down and let his hands roam down her back, over her buttocks, under her panties pulling them from her body.
He pulled her close to him as finally there was nothing between them.
"Sarah" he groaned, breathing hard. His body was on fire, screaming for more.
Mac looked at him. She wanted more than anything to make him happy, make him forget everything but her. She reached up and let her lips touch his neck, kissing him lightly she found his Adams apple and her lips danced on his skin.
She felt the heat between her legs and pushed herself into him.
He let his hands cup her buttocks and pull her hard up next to him. He kissed her face lightly before he found her lips and let his hand slip between her legs.
When she felt his hand on her skin she gasped for air. His fingers lightly sliding over her and his eyes widen, she was so moist and soft. He gentle pushed downward, moving ever so slowly. He watch her face, she had her eyes tightly shut and she was gasping for air.
"Harm... please..." it felt so good to be laying under him, feeling his hands on her, but she wanted so much from him. She wanted everything and she wasn't sure if that was too much.
Harm slowly began moving his fingers round and round, pushing in lightly, separating the folds of skin. He let two fingers slip inside her.
Her skin was firm and the heat was seeping out around them.
He bent his head and began kissing her breasts. "Oh.. Sarah your amazing."
She threw her had back and forth, falling deeper into his bed. She was trying to hold on. As he was touching her, he was whisper to her, kissing her.
Her breast felt like they were on fire as she felt his lips return there once more cooling them.
She threw her arms above her head and turned her face into her arms "Har...m ... god you feel so damn good....." her eyes fell shut. She couldn't contain her reaction when he touched her.
He just wanted to make love to her, and until this moment he had never realized the difference in making love to a women and sleeping with one.
"Harm only you... please."
He felt the blood pumping through this body, his groin was on fire she was driving him crazy with the way her body was pushing into his hands.
She reached for his skin, her nails stroked his back and she pulled him close and kissed him driving him wild. He was breathing hard, he needed her so much.
"Sarah your soo...." he couldn't breath.
"I'm so wet... just for you... I want to feel you inside me... all of you ... right now." she was desperate.
He closed his eyes. Oh he was so turned on. Now just the sound of her voice was making him even harder. He pulled her up against his bare skin.
She reached down between them and took his hardness into her hands. God he felt wonderful. She gazed up to him.
His head was tilted back, his eyes shut slightly. She began moving her hands over him.
Her breath caught in her throat. Oh there was not one flaw, he was hard, long and he felt heavy in her hands.
"Sarah... I ... can't ... st...op ... I need you." he whispered.
His hands reached down and covered her smaller hand with his. He gazed up into her eyes and every so lightly he pulled her towards him. She let him help her guide him in her.
The very tip of his shaft touched the outter folds of her skin. "wow...."
When he pushed into her she let go of him and let her hands rest on his shoulders. His skin was hard under her hands.
Harm looked into Sarah's eyes as he pushed lightly the rest of the way into her.
She sucked in the air around her as she felt him fully, but before she could breath his name his lips found hers.
"Oh god" he breathed into her lips. He just wanted to make love to her for the rest of his life.
Sarah pushed herself into Harm's shoulders. She groaned as Harm started rocking them. This was the most unbelievable feeling.
She knew she was close, closer than she had ever been, but she couldn't do this out him. As she felt Harm push harder into her she gasped his name.
"Ohhh my god Harm."
"I'm here Sarah ... I'm right here."
"Not .... wit..h .. ou...t you..."
Harm pulled out of her for a brief moment and then he let himself sink deep into her."Oh .. Oh..." He felt her clench around him and it sent him higher.
Her whole body was weak and all she could do was lean her head into his shoulder. "Hey....." she breathed hard....
"Harm..." She kissed his shoulder "Please .. harder."
She didn't have as him twice, he pulled her firmly into him one last time as she clasped against him, breathing hard in his chest.
He took a moment, slowing down a bit, he felt the waves of joy roll over her as he felt himself explode into her.
There was nothing left for her to do, but lay there, holding on to him.
Harm took a deep breath and began to pull himself from her.
Mac gripped his shoulders "Slow.. Slower Harm." she wanted to enjoy every last moment she had with him. He smiled as his body fell next her, he pulled her up next to him and she rested against him."Sarah...." it was only a whisper.
"Hmmm...." she was tired, her mind was spinning.
"You were wonderful..." he bent down and kissed her lightly on her head.
He waited a moment and then spoke her name again. "Sarah?" He looked down at her. "Well beautiful ... so much for sexy, romantic pillow talk." she was already asleep.


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