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Her heart caught in her throat, she was looking in his eyes. It was the most amazing things any one had ever said to her.
No one had ever spoke those words to her with such conviction. She heard it from his soul, it wasn't just words falling from his lips to get her into his bed, but it was his life, it was everything he was.
"Harm...." she had never felt such joy, slowly the tears spilled from her eyes, she couldn't stop looking at him.She wanted so badly to touch him, but her entire body felt weak.
All she could do was let her eyes drift shut.
His eyes watched her, for a moment he cursed at himself, maybe this wasn’t the right time, but then it was never the right time with them.
“Sarah....” maybe she didn’t believe him, maybe she thought he was just saying it to her. “I love you with... everything that I am.”
Mac let her eyes open and they met his. “I have loved, always... I’ve always loved you.” she wasn’t sure if she said it, or if the words were only tumbling around in her head. She leaned over and gentle kissed his lips, letting her head fall back onto his pillow.
His breathing quicken when he heard the words and then he felt her move up next to him and kiss him lightly. This was heaven in the real world.
It was a brief kiss and when he opened his eyes he felt her head rest on his pillow.
He reached up and wiped away her tears. “Why 0the tears Marine?”
It accrued her that he didn’t understand. He didn’t realize what this moment meant to her. Sure she had enjoyed there love making, but people had sex every day, and most of the time it didn’t mean anything. But he was confessing something to her, saying something to her that she knew he would never say to another women and mean it completely.
“I’m happy with you.”
For some reason he had been so apprehensive, thinking that maybe she did feel what he felt, but as he heard her speak the words he realized that he already knew she loved him, he already knew that there was never going to be anyone else for him. “It has been along time since I’ve seen you happy.”
“It has been a long time since we have been this close.”
“I don’t want us to ever drift that far apart again.”
She smiled up at him. “Okay only if you promise to make love to me like that every day.”
He laughed. This was all too delightful, to know that he could take her as his any time he wanted.
“Every day of the week and twice on Sundays”
She took a deep breath and smiled “Twice on Sundays huh? I don’t think you can handle it.”
“Ohhh sweetheart I can handle it....” his ego made a short appearance before he pressed his lips into hers. His tongue tentatively ventured between her lips. He pulled away and looked down at her “Can you handle it?”
His kiss, though it was only a short one made her weak
“Yea...” she stared up at him with anticipation
“Good.” he let his arms pull her to him “now get off my pillow.” he smiled at her as she began to laugh.
“You can't share anything can you?”
“Its not that I can’t it just that I don’t want to.”
She started to pull away from, willing to play his game.
“Then maybe I should get out of your bed and go home.”
His arms tightened around her “Not a chance Miss Mackenzie.” he pulled her lips to him again, as he let his hands travel down her back and grasp the soft fullness of her derriere.
He pressed her into his body and she felt his manhood react. Their mouths melded together with soft moistness, their tongues toughed.
This was the one place she gave Harm the privilege of dominance and as he was feathering her tongue again and again he made no apology for it.
“You are all I’ve ever wanted.” he said softly in her ear as his mouth found her neck.
All her senses whirred to life. It was like she had never felt him touch her before. Her arms went around his neck and she felt him pulling the sheet from between them.
And she let him, she wanted to feel more of him. She reached down and began pulling his shirt up over his head.
He only let his lips fall from her skin long enough to get his shirt over his head and toss iton the floor.

“Let the machine get it.” she whispered to him.
He obeyed and slide under the covers, pulling her bare skin up to his.
Her breast pressed hard into his chest.
“This is Rabb leave me a message and I will get back to you.” his voice rang.
“Umm... Commander ... Its Harette, I was wondering if you found the Mac. I’ve been so worried about her ... I just thought ... well...” there was a long pause. “I’m just really worried. Could you please call us when you know anything.”
Mac pulled away from Harm and looked up at him. “I called there last night, thinking if you were just upset about Brumby you might go there to talk to her.”
“I should call her and let her know I’m okay. Does she know I was drinking?”
He took a deep breath, calming his racing heart and he pulled her even closer to him. “I didn’t know if you were drinking, at the time I was hoping that you weren’t. I just told her you were upset and I couldn’t find you.”
Her eyes fell on his chest and she lightly let her hands run over the small about of hair that was there.
“I should call her...”
“Yea. She sounds worried.” Mac let her forehead rest on his shoulder. “It will be fine Sarah. Call her and I get something for us to eat.”
“Okay... I will...”
He watched her as she pulled away lay on her back. “Well what are you waiting for?”
“You get up and go... I’m naked.” He laughed. He found it so cute that she would really care weather or not she had close onnow. “I know, I helped you get that way.”
“Harmon Rabb Jr.....” she laughed. “I’m not getting out of this bed until your out of this room.” her eyes pleaded with him on some leave. She still wasn’t sure of everything, in time she would be.
He shook his head and stood up. He found his shirt and began to walk away “Don’t you worry Marine we will work on that another time.”
She laughed and watched him pull on his shirt and walk away.
Mac got up looked around the room, there had been many nights she longed to be here with him like this, and now here she was. She let a smiled come over her face. Why had it taken so long to get to this point. She wasn’t sure, but she knew she wouldn’t let it go.

~ ~ ~

Harm looked up from the stove as Mac made her way into from the bedroom, she was wearing his blue robe and his breath caught in his throat. There had been a few times that Mac had taken a shower at his place, or changed or freshened up and there was always this moment when she would walk
out of his bedroom and he would pretend for only a split second that she was there for him, and they were together like they were now. But then of course the thoughts would fade as life took over.
“Hey that looks nice on you.” he smiled.
“Thanks.” It felt nice to be here with him. There was a calm in the air that she wasn’t use too. “I’m going to call Harriet.”

~ ~ ~

“Are you sure you want to?” he was worried about her.
“I have to at least go talk to him.”
He knew she was right, but part of him felt like if she walked out that door she would be gone forever, or he would wake up and this would all be another dream. “Are you okay to go alone?”
“What do you want to come with me? That will go over well, you two have already been in one fight. We don’t need another.”
“Well then what can I do?” he didn’t want her to face this alone.
“Be here when I get back.” she smiled at him. “Harm I am coming back.” There was part of her that didn’t want to leave this new place either, but she wanted things cleared up.
He walked over and took his key and handed them to her. “We will go get the ‘vett tomorrow okay. Just take this for now.”
She let her hand fall at his side. “Hey flyboy is that worry I see on your face.”
“Yes it is Mac.”
“I can handle it...” she smiled and looked up at him. It was then she realized that he was really worried, and she was touched. “Harm he wouldn’t ever hurt me.”
“I know that....” which he knew that Mic would never lay a hand on her physically, and God so help him if he did. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
She smiled at him. “It will all be over in a few short hours. Okay I promise. And then we can get on with are lives and never look back.” He reached down and lightly kissed her on her lips.
“Please be careful and if you need anything... Call me.”
“I will.... Thank you...” she whispered, not wanting this any of it to end.

~ ~ ~

It has been well over three hours and Harm was now pacing his apartment. He had done everything to try and keep his mind off of Mac, but it was hopeless. He just wanted her to back in his arms where he knew she was safe.
“OH to hell with this.” he cursed. He had to get out of this place. He pulled his jacket on and headed out the door.

~ ~ ~

Mac used her key to open the door after the forth knock and no answer. “Harm ... Where are you ?” she dropped a large bag on the floor. “I’m back... are you here?” she yelled down towards his bedroom. Her voice cracked a little as she made her way towards the ice box. She hadn’t stopped crying since she left her place and it was all catching up toher.
Mac made her way towards his room, it had been a long 48 hours and she was tired. She looked around and spotted two candles on his night stand.
After she found some matches she lit the candles and sang down into his bed.
Her body melted against the mattress and she adjusted the pillow. Thoughts of what they had done earlier filled her mind and smiled.
He had been better than any fantasy she had ever had, and in the last few months she had been having more than she would ever admit to him.
She let her eyes drift close and for a moment her heart quicken as she realized the road she had walked down. Why hadn’t she been stronger last night? Why had it taken so much weakness to finally get to this place? The tears began to fall again as her heartache for the pain she had caused so many people.

~ ~ ~

Harm pushed the door open looked around. He knew she was back, his car was parked down stairs and there was bag sitting next to door. He silently locked the door and looked around, the sun had set about an hour ago and the apartment was pretty dark.
There was a slight glow coming from his room and he made his way towards it. When he stepped up into the room he seen her laying there on her side in his bed. He stood there watching her for a moment as memories of the last 5 years flooded through him.
Damn she was beautiful. He walked over to the bed and let his weight sink down next to her.
He lifted the rose he had in his hand and lightly let the soft pelts fall across her face.“Sarah.... wake up...” he whispered.
It was then he noticed how swollen her eyes were and he realized she had been crying.
As her dream began to lift she felt something soft touch her eyes, and then her nose and she heard Harm’s soft voice in her ear. She didn't think she would ever get use to him calling her that.
She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Hey.”
“Hey. How are you.”
“Better now that your home.” she pulled her arms around his neck and hugged him. Harm let his arms surround her.
“Where did you go?” she pulled away and looked up at him.
“I was going crazing waiting, so I went for a walk and...” he pulled the rose from behind her back “I got this for you.”
Mac smiled. This wasn’t something she would expect from Harm. She reached over and took it from him as she smelled it
“Thank you. That was really nice.” she couldn’t remember the last time a man gave her flowers. Harm smiled as he eyes drifted away from hers, he wasn’t use to giving women flowers and for a moment he was a little self conscious.
Mac saw his eyes wondering and leaned towards him and kissed his lightly on the lips. “Its really beautiful.”
“No... not as beautiful as you.” it was such a cheap line, yet he felt it catch in his throat.“Thank you.” She snuggled into his side.“How did it go?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yea....” She closed her eyes, it was hard to even think about, little alone share it with him. And god only knew how he was going to react.


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