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Webb of Lies

Summry: Clayton Webb, CIA is dead and Harm & Mac are left trying to find out what has happened, what they find out is that Palmer isn't in Lavenworth and hasn't been for a year.

“I would feel alot better if I stayed with you tonight” it was much harder to say than she thought it was going to be.
“Mac please I’m a big boy I can take care of myself.” he almost rolled his eyes but he knew she would see that and might just kick his six.
“What... if I stay over to look out of you... will that hurt your ego.”
He laughed and made his way to the frig and pulled out some water. “It would take a lot more to damage my ego than you staying over here to look over me.”
“Yea believe me I know.” she sat down at the counter. “Harm I would feel better if you let me stay.”
Harm set the water in front of her “This is not how I saw this going down at all.” he leaned down on the counter.
“What?” she had to smile a little bit, the look in his eyes was so playful.
“I always thought I would be begging you to say over not the other way around.”
I can’t help but laugh. “I’m a Marine Harm, Marines don’t beg.”
“Just like they don’t duck.... Yea I remember now... Its very interesting what Marines do and don’t do these days.”
“Yea well I will tell you what we do do, that is we watch the Navy’s six.”
He shook his head “Alright Marine, but this is a waist of your time.”
All joking aside Mac looked up into his eyes, she had been through to much with him to lose him and although she would never admit that to him she knew she had to be here. “Harm Palmer has come after you twice already.... He has been out there for a year now, whatever plans he has its big.”

I can see the look in her eyes, its a look I don’t see often, that look of protection. I’ve come to realize there are very few people in Mac life that she cares to protect. I saw that look when I first met her regarding her uncle. He thought he saw it in her eyes back in Russia, but he wasn’t sure.
But now he was standing here looking directly at her and he understood that there was no stopping her. “I know this and that is why I don’t want you any where near me, he goes after the people in my life I care about. If I had it my way you wouldn’t be involved in any of this.”

I have to smile because after all this time and everything that we have be thought together I realize he still wants to protect me, he still doesn’t understand that I don’t him to protect me.
“Harm when are you going to learn that I don’t need you to protect me. I’m...”
“I know I know your a Marine... Marines don’t need to be protected. Okay Okay ....
Fine I get the point.” he flashed half hearted smile.
She smiled at little bit. “So does this mean your going to let me stay.”
“Good... I’m going to go down and get my over night bag....”
“No your not... give me your keys and I will get it.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mac stood at the window looking out, she couldn’t help the tears falling it all seemed like too much, everything that had happened to her the last year, it was like one emotion roller costar after another. And even though she hated herself for she was scared to death of losing Harm and it was confusing the hell out of her.

I see her standing there by the window and I can tell she is upset, I stop for a brief second to turn up the heat before close the space between us.
“Hey Nija Girl what’s the matter.”
I feel him standing behind him and his voice rings in my ears. “You scared me.” I don’t turn to face him because I’m scared of what he will see.
“I turned up the heat. Are you okay.”
At that moment everything in me melts and I turn to meat his eyes. “I don’t want you to die.”

Her words strike me as odd “What? No one is dying tonight.” I feel the emotions I’ve been trying to hind since before Russia began to surface.
“When I joined the Marines I expected there to be death.” she was trying to explain to him “but when I joined JAG I didn’t expect there to be death not like his.”
“No... first it was Chris, and then Web....”
“You didn’t have anything to so with Clayton’s death.” he reached over and pulled her into his arms.

I feel his bare chest against my face and I force myself to take a deep breath. “I don’t want to lose you.” even when I’m saying it I know its wrong. This is my partner, I work with him, he is my friend. But what I share with him runs so much deeper than friendship.
“Mac you have to trust me... I’m not going to let anything happen to either one of us.”
When I look up into his eyes I can the truth there and I want to say things to him, but I can’t find the words.
“I promise you Sarah nothing is going to happen to either of us tonight.”
“Please don’t make a promise you can’t keep.”
“I’ve broken a promise to you, I never will.” She knew his words were true, he was that kind of man, the kind of man she could really trust.
“I trust you.” her arm went around his neck and bent slightly letting his arms circle around her waists pulling her closer.
He had never seen her like this, he wanted to take all of her fears away. Taking a deep breath he pulled her closer once more. “Mac why aren’t you asleep.”

I laugh trying to hold back more tears from falling. “I can’t sleep. I’ve been too worried....” Harm pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. “Come watch over me.” he took her hand and pulled her towards his bedroom.
“Harm...” she tried to come to a stop.
“Its warmer in here, and you can watch over me better.” he said without turning around and without letting her stop.
“Harm we could get ourselves in a lot of trouble.” When they made it to the end of his bed he turned around and faced her “I won’t tell if you won’t.” She shook her head “Navy what am I going to do with you.”
He smiled and picked her up dropping her on the bed.
She laughed as she looked up at him. “Is this how you treat all the women in your life.”
He sank into the bed with her, pulling the covers up over the both them and let is arm drape over her “No... Only you, I’m only this way with you.”

Email: Andrea
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Disclaimers: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
Updated: July 19, 2003 ~ * ~ Webpage Created: Summer of 2003