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  Anyone having trouble moving threads?

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Author Topic:   Anyone having trouble moving threads? - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
posted February 26, 2002 03:17     Click Here to See the Profile for Neroon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
At first I thought it was just me. It probably is, but I am not so sure anymore. This evening I treid to move a thread to Misc. and it ended up in Trek Art!

posted February 26, 2002 16:06     Click Here to See the Profile for Vektor   Click Here to Email Vektor     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm... I didn't have any trouble moving it from Trek Art to Misc. :shrugs:


Trek Nation Administrator
posted February 26, 2002 19:31     Click Here to See the Profile for Lisa   Click Here to Email Lisa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think this is just down to general server woes. I have seen more seriously strange threads in the past few days than I have in more than 2 years here.

The only thing that would stop this, is that server upgrade.

I pruned the forums back this morning, which should help a lot.
Then again, we have a double whammy of Enterprise tomorrow night, including a 'sexy T'Pol episode' (BB's words, not mine) so we should start battening down the hatches, putting tape on the windows and hanging the blackout curtains soon as we can.

posted February 26, 2002 20:39     Click Here to See the Profile for Neroon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The thing is that it happened to me twice that I can think of. Lately, I haven't had cause to move any threads, and with luck maybe I won't have to before the server move.

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