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Author Topic:   Warnings List thread - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
posted February 15, 2002 22:26     Click Here to See the Profile for Neroon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here is the basic template that we have been using over at SlipstreamBBS, and so far it has served us very well:

Just use "Reply w/ quote" to get the UBB code, and that will help us keep this standardized for the time being.

[This message has been edited by Neroon (edited February 15, 2002).]

posted February 17, 2002 16:33     Click Here to See the Profile for Zun   Click Here to Email Zun     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Neroon, dude, I don't want to hijack your thread, but felt weary about starting yet another warning/ban-related thread, so here's another suggestion. You see, we constantly keep forgetting to unban people, as pointed out today in MA. I think it would be convenient to have an actual ban log - and by 'actual' I mean that we can see immediately if someone should be unbanned.

My idea is: Every time one of the admins actually flicks the switch to ban someone, they edit this post to add 'Banned: <username> until <date> at server time <time>.' Every time one of the admins actually flicks the switch to unban someone, they edit this post to delete that note.

While I'm typing this, I'm slowly realizing that this really isn't that much of a suggestion since there's already the ban log in the Utility - but that is so automatized that we never know if someone is actually due to be unbanned. So - do any admins think this is a nice idea?

posted February 17, 2002 16:39     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
People whom I've banned I note in my personal diary. I try to skim the utility once a week for any upcoming 'unbans'. I think if each of us did this, the problem would eventually iron out. In an ideal world, the utility could send us emails like the 'ban' ones saying 'Poster X should complete his/her ban today/tomorrow.' Then the first admin to deal with it could circlate on as we've been doing with the ban ones.

Just a suggestion :

posted February 17, 2002 18:32     Click Here to See the Profile for T'Bonz   Click Here to Email T'Bonz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It would be good for you all to have a reminder. I get emails from folks who are banned and due to be unbanned but haven't been, and they're usually not happy, to put it mildly.

posted February 17, 2002 19:56     Click Here to See the Profile for Neroon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The reason I started this one was simply because of label's news about the utility's availability. It seemed to make sense to begin a stabdardized format thread to help us keep track of warnings and bans until such time as the utility is again available.

posted February 17, 2002 22:04     Click Here to See the Profile for label   Click Here to Email label     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, the warning utility is back up although the IP addy may change. For now, it's here:

"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happen if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it? "

"Is 'tired old cliche' one?"

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