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Author Topic:   Unfair bias! - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
posted February 02, 2002 18:14     Click Here to See the Profile for daedalus5   Click Here to Email daedalus5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
After viewing:

I demand that Tamek gets a warning!

I can't beleive I got a warning (and banned) for saying to "Colio Somethingorother", that he should "go take a drug overdose" - and nothing hapens with him?

Double standards perhaps?

I think so.

So much for "setting an example".

posted February 02, 2002 18:35     Click Here to See the Profile for susannah   Click Here to Email susannah     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't think it was on purpose, daedalus. That thread exploded and got off topic so fast, it was hard to keep up. On top of that, he said he was leaving, so there seemed little point. Skimming over it, I see two flames and a troll. I'll go insert those now.

posted February 02, 2002 18:36     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As the person who closed that thread without warning Tamek let me explain my reasons.

Tam resigned. In a blaze of 'glory'. And frankly, he went a little crazy when it happened. I'd say rewriting the front page with some pretty keen insults, making extraneous people admins, deleting threads and randomly banning posters was rather worse than anything in that thread, but warning for that is outside my purlieu. My honest feeling was to allow him his 'moment of madness' and hope he'd got it out of his system.

Secondly, there was the content of that thread. Almost all the flames were directed at Christian and Lisa, and I have a higher tolerance for them . There were two rather unpleasant flames at Slarus.

People were trying to use the thread to wish Tam well; sadly it degenerated and became little more than a flame-fest. So I locked it down and suggested that if people wanted to say their farewells they could do it somewhere else with more politeness: I got told off for being 'rude' just for doing that.

As for comparisons: in all the unpleasantness in that thread, nowhere does anyone wish anyone else dead, as far as I can see.

Sorry Daedalus

[This message has been edited by RevdKathy (edited February 02, 2002).]

posted February 02, 2002 19:02     Click Here to See the Profile for daedalus5   Click Here to Email daedalus5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You're missing the point.

I never wished Colio what-his-face would die, and if i did, I'd have said it.

Have you never heard of the expression "Go play on the freeway?" (Put to good use by the dad in Calvin and Hobbes, to his son?)

I could equally well say "go stick your head in a blender" or other such nonsense.

posted February 02, 2002 19:05     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK. susannah and I put our heads together and agreed a compromise: the trolls/flames at Christian and Lisa were overlooked, but the two flames at Slarus earned him one warning each. He's banned for 24 hours.

Is that better justice?

We aim to please

[This message has been edited by RevdKathy (edited February 02, 2002).]

Trek Nation Administrator
posted February 02, 2002 19:49     Click Here to See the Profile for Lisa   Click Here to Email Lisa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think the point Tamek was makign when he warned you, D5 is that moderators are held to a higher standard. Cursing or insulting members is something we have to be really wary of - because we're supposed to set a higher standard.

posted February 03, 2002 01:41     Click Here to See the Profile for where'sSaavik?   Click Here to Email where'sSaavik?     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Yeah, that was the point he was trying to get across, but his action against D was so overblown that it got drowned out.

Trek Nation Administrator
posted February 03, 2002 13:55     Click Here to See the Profile for Christian   Click Here to Email Christian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Daedalus5 - as you can see in the rules document, there are no provisions for giving a mod two warnings for something that would earn other members just one warning. So that's also not something that will be happening in the future.

Of course, this does not change the fact that moderators are held to a higher standard, and we really should not be cursing or insulting other members.

posted February 03, 2002 16:20     Click Here to See the Profile for daedalus5   Click Here to Email daedalus5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


Please bury this thread under a deep pile of sand. (preferably with a sandcastle ontop).

PS - I will NEVER stop slagging of Rick Berman and Brannon Bragna (I enjoy it far too much!).

posted February 03, 2002 23:25     Click Here to See the Profile for where'sSaavik?   Click Here to Email where'sSaavik?     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Calling B&B idiot assholes is the inalienable right of every Trekker. Lite or regular flames against them have never been disciplined to my knowledge. Death threats and stuff are a different matter of course and should be stamped out.

But regular flames are to be expected, and in some cases encouraged.

posted February 03, 2002 23:54     Click Here to See the Profile for daedalus5   Click Here to Email daedalus5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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