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Author Topic:   Do we need a coffee bar? - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
posted January 10, 2002 11:26     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Since the Misc mods have said that they don't want the 'spam' threads (the present ENT material or the former bar threads), and people are restricted as to who they can interact with in the lounges, do we need to create somewhere where that sort of non-specific chatty-style posting IS valid.

There is clearly a demand for such space. I have just trawled through QSF and noted in addition to the ENT Chicks posting in this style, three of our mods doing the same thing. And enjoying it (God forbid! people enjoying themselves!). There are now a lot of what might be called 'spam' threads in Misc (certainly as spammy as the bar threads every got at their height). Basically the posters are telling us (and have been for a long time) that they want a board type environment where they can be friv and chatty. (With or without post count)

So here's my suggestion. Let's kill two stones with one bird. Open up the lounges into two open fora: Ten Forward, for the more serious lounge type threads and the Coffee Bar for the truly frivolous chat. I realise that this would be at the expense of the 'smaller community' argument. My reply to that is that TBA and the ENT Chicks have clearly demonstated that you don't need a restricted forum to create community. Community develops from shared interests and posting styles.

I have suggested this in here - I am quite willing to 'go public' and suggest it in QSF. I think we need to face the fact that posters want somewhere to be friv. That was what the Terran people wanted: it's what the Ent Chicks want. If this board is a 'good' business, it will be concerned to give the public what they want. And a new/revamped forum would do that without causing mayhem in our existing 'niche market' fora for Trek Discussion.


Not now Tal!
The Fanfic Forum... The stories you wish B+B had told.

Trek Nation Administrator
posted January 10, 2002 12:06     Click Here to See the Profile for Lisa   Click Here to Email Lisa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I like it. I've always hated the lounges.

But, and here it comes, they do server this perpose of being a coffee bar place. People also complain a lot about the main forums being too bit, this smaller broken down TF solves this. They were also created when Christian got bored one day on holiday in Cornwall (meaningful lok at Kathy, he obviously stayed near Looe or LE on a foggy day) with the express perpose of doing something with the rank structure. Much as I might feel that doing anything with the rank structure that gives it prominance or even makes people think it has a perpose is wrong, they do what they were created for.

posted January 10, 2002 15:32     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The noble Christian is welcome to visit our sundrenched shores any time he pleases

Not now Tal!
The Fanfic Forum... The stories you wish B+B had told.

Mutai Sho-Rin
posted January 10, 2002 17:24     Click Here to See the Profile for Mutai Sho-Rin   Click Here to Email Mutai Sho-Rin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

89ares has taken over Lisa's body; the entire BBS is in jeopardy.

Oh, sorry, were you just a little slyype - I mean sleepy?

Jethro Elvis
posted January 10, 2002 19:03     Click Here to See the Profile for Jethro Elvis   Click Here to Email Jethro Elvis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by RevdKathy:
Since the Misc mods have said that they don't want the 'spam' threads (the present ENT material or the former bar threads),

I never said that. You have to understand that [b]susannah is a purist when it comes to the misc forum and she has become a real hard@ss about it lately

If the misc forum is good enough for bar threads, toga threads, flirting threads, kissing threads, snuggle threads, hugging threads, cuddle threads, burping threads, farting threads, fart lighting threads, wet willie threads, dating threads and stare-at-me-while-I-dress threads, it is good enough for your Reed Rage threads.

[mexican]Coffee Bar? We don't need no stinkin' coffee bar.[/mexican]

posted January 10, 2002 19:16     Click Here to See the Profile for T'Bonz   Click Here to Email T'Bonz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well I see two problems. First of all, the lounges sometimes segregate folks who want to interact but can't (like if one is a captain and one is a commodore). So sometimes a group can't hang together and that's why they go to Misc.

Secondly, some of the Misc mods really don't like the chatty, frivilous threads and would prefer that they go far away somewhere else. (although I specifically remember one who was quite willing to be reasonable about them, even though she hated them, lol!)

There does need to be one area like you suggest RevdKathy. I remember suggesting this during the infamous bar wars. Nothing ever came of it, basically I got the "but that's what the lounges are for!" thrown at me. But when the group isn't all the same rank, they can't mix together in the lounges.

Post may not count anymore, but it does in accessing the lounges, lol.

posted January 10, 2002 20:33     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What I was suggesting was doing away with the rank accessed areas in Ten Forward, and leaving two areas for chat: serious chat and friv chat. That would leave the slightly more serious still stuff for Misc. Though I'm grateful for Mr Elvis's assurance that for now at least the friv stuff is welcome there.

I really think we need a space where this stuff is accepted. I don't remember it being suggested during the Bar Wars - I wasn't in here then. It might have saved a lot of aggro then.

I also think it might save some of the heartache about rank/spamming issues. It's all very well to say that post count restrictions are for board security (flood control, inline posting, TNZ limits etc) but that really doesn't apply to the lounges. An I the only one to whom it seems silly to have rank controlled areas where you can't gain rank?

posted January 10, 2002 20:34     Click Here to See the Profile for susannah   Click Here to Email susannah     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

No, I do not like the chatty, spammy threads, and I would be enormously gratified if I never had to read another one again. However, I recognize my duty to do so when they are genuine Misc threads. Posters have their right to their little frickin' Kaffee Klatschen (Klatsche? Klatsches? Help me out here, Zun, Christian, somebody), so long as they're not totally, egregiously, blatantly spam; and so long as they're not another forum's material. My objection to the Reed Rage threads taking up residence in Misc is related to that second criterion.

Hardass signing out.

posted January 10, 2002 20:42     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, susannah for the clarification. I think the problem with the Rager threads is that they're not enough ontopic to belong to ENT, and not enough offtopic to belong anywhere else. Hence the suggestion of somewhere where the threads are selected by style rather than title.

posted January 10, 2002 22:17     Click Here to See the Profile for T'Bonz   Click Here to Email T'Bonz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It was suggested back then, RevdKathy, I well remember it.

And yes, it's rather amusing that you can't gain rank in the lounges, but NEED rank to access them.

This rank thing is a pain in the ass. Should have just done away with it!

And Susannah, I appreciate your viewpoint. Even though you hate the stuff, you were never anything but decent about them, and willing to work things out. Folks know that too. If they don't, why then I'll tell 'em so!

I feel the same way about most of the stupid sex things in ENT. They're annoying to the extreme, but as long as they're allowed by policy, I smile and accommodate them and straighten out disputes on them. But if I never saw a T'Pol catsuit/titty/Maxim thread again, I could live with that!

[This message has been edited by T'Bonz (edited January 10, 2002).]

Jethro Elvis
posted January 10, 2002 23:41     Click Here to See the Profile for Jethro Elvis   Click Here to Email Jethro Elvis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by susannah:

Hardass signing out.

If I begin to call you that on a regular basis, should I capitalize the "H" or not?

posted January 10, 2002 23:44     Click Here to See the Profile for susannah   Click Here to Email susannah     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Definitely capital H.

Trek Nation Administrator
posted January 11, 2002 00:01     Click Here to See the Profile for Christian   Click Here to Email Christian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We already have a coffee bar - it's called Misc. Miscellaneous was originally started because there were chair-throwing threads everywhere, and we wanted one forum where they could be concentrated in. If those kinds of threads were the reason Misc started in the first place, why ban them now?

I don't really think we need to divide up misc into frivolous Misc and serious Misc, even if only because we already did that when we created TNZ. Surely we don't need to have frivolous Misc, medium Misc and serious Misc?

As for the character worship threads in 'Enterprise,' that's quite simple - if the content of the thread deals with 'Enterprise,' they should be in 'Enterprise'. If the content has turned into general chat of character fans, it should be in 'Misc'.

It might be a good idea to take a little excursion to the Slipstream BBS and see how things are being handled there - worship groups have existed for well over a year there.

posted January 11, 2002 00:01     Click Here to See the Profile for T'Bonz   Click Here to Email T'Bonz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote's susannah with a small "s", but "Hardass" with a capital "H"?

That says something, I'm not sure what.

Jethro Elvis
posted January 11, 2002 00:02     Click Here to See the Profile for Jethro Elvis   Click Here to Email Jethro Elvis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It says "type A personality"

posted January 11, 2002 00:03     Click Here to See the Profile for T'Bonz   Click Here to Email T'Bonz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Christian:
Surely we don't need to have frivolous Misc, medium Misc and serious Misc?

LOL! That seems to be what would happen!


It might be a good idea to take a little excursion to the Slipstream BBS and see how things are being handled there - worship groups have existed for well over a year there.

This is true. I lurk there and those threads have been there and no one seems to mind. Folks that don't like them hop right over them.

posted January 11, 2002 05:13     Click Here to See the Profile for where'sSaavik?   Click Here to Email where'sSaavik?     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Christian:
It might be a good idea to take a little excursion to the Slipstream BBS and see how things are being handled there - worship groups have existed for well over a year there.

Well, I guess that becomes reason #2 that I would rather have a hot poker shoved through my eye socket than be a member of Slipstream. Reason #1 of course being "Andromeda."

Gotta agree with Christian on the rest of that, though. Creating even more lounge/Misc type forums doesn't really accomplish anything.

As for the topicality of the spammish threads in ENT, it's hard to argue with him. Damn.

"My point is not that everything is bad, but that everything is dangerous . . . so my position leads not to apathy but to a hyper- and pessimistic activism." - Foucault

posted January 11, 2002 06:56     Click Here to See the Profile for susannah   Click Here to Email susannah     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Christian.

Now, about that email....

posted January 11, 2002 09:18     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, so we don't need another venue for chatty type threads. Which brings us back to the current issue: where do the ENT worship threads belong? They are at least vaguely ENT related, though they do struggle to stay on topic. We are in danger of having a new sort of throwing match - a thread started in ENT goes off topic and is thrown to Misc, goes back on topic and is thrown back to ENT, starts comparing with other trek and is thrown to GD, goes back to ENT and is thrown back to ENT... I'd get dizzy, let alone the posters.

Please can someone clarify exactly what is wrong with the 'worship' threads. Especially if they've had them at Slipstream for ages without trouble. If it is simply that the ENT mods don't like the chatty style, or object to the title then I think the threads should be reinstated. If there is an issue with them being unwelcoming to 'non-members' then that's the issue to tackle, not their very existence.

posted January 11, 2002 09:28     Click Here to See the Profile for where'sSaavik?   Click Here to Email where'sSaavik?     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ If we could confine this discussion to susannah(!)'s "Reed" thread it would be easier to keep track of.

What's wrong with the threads, Revd, is that they lack the very content and general relevance that the policy requires. They're spam. At least that's how I see them. But I'm apparently in the minority here.

As for Slipstream, I don't pretend to know. It may have to do with the type of person who actually enjoys "Andromeda."

posted January 11, 2002 09:58     Click Here to See the Profile for RevdKathy   Click Here to Email RevdKathy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Replying in the other thread as per request. Could an admin close this one, to focus the discussion? This one seems to have served its purpose: I asked a question and Christian has answered no

da Woim
posted January 11, 2002 15:49     Click Here to See the Profile for da Woim   Click Here to Email da Woim     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Coffee Bar", my ass!

What we really need is a full-on Liquor Bar!

I, myself, never begin my modding duties without at least two shots of bourbon in me. Only then am I ready to tackle the VOY forum.


[This message has been edited by da Woim (edited January 11, 2002).]

posted January 11, 2002 22:48     Click Here to See the Profile for where'sSaavik?   Click Here to Email where'sSaavik?     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Well, that explains alot.

da Woim
posted January 12, 2002 15:11     Click Here to See the Profile for da Woim   Click Here to Email da Woim     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
*hic* What??


[This message has been edited by da Woim (edited January 12, 2002).]

posted January 12, 2002 17:22     Click Here to See the Profile for daedalus5   Click Here to Email daedalus5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Could we please stick the RPG threads in there too?

I want a pure, virgin, Star Trek gaming forum.....

Oh, heck, I'd also settle for a...err, um...


posted January 13, 2002 03:48     Click Here to See the Profile for where'sSaavik?   Click Here to Email where'sSaavik?     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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