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2. | Encoding your compressed wav to real audio .:.

    Using your Real Producer
    Open up your Real Producer. If it opens up with a box that looks like below, make sure to check Don't Use Recording Wizards, located in the bottom left hand corner of the box.
    Once in session, on the left hand corner of the screen is the input source, make sure that the File is the only thing selected and browse to find your compressed wav.
    Now go over to the right hand corner of the screen, that is the output source, make sure that the only thing selected is the RealMedia File. Now click on the Save As.
    Once you click on the Save As, make sure you change the Save As Type is changed to say All Files. When you do this, you can then browse for your wav, once you find your wav click on it and the name will pop up. Simply type .rm after the filename then click on the Save button when you are done. You can save your wav to whatever destination that you chose to, I suggest making a new folder to save your .rm files in. This is what mine looked like after doing so:
    Now click on Ok, near the bottom of the screen. This will now bring up a new screen. You will now want to type in the Title of the song and the Author. Over on the right hand side is the Target Audience, change the setting to this: 56K, Modem then, Audio Format, change the setting to this: Music, then File Type, change the setting to this: Single-Rate for webservers Then click on the Start, located in the bottom left hand corner.
    When you are done with that, you are ready to code your music to play on your website!

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