Story by: Max Xeus Reporter
I’m in band class and I really do love the class. The only problem I have is some of the students in the class. I’m looking into a career that has at least something to do with music. And band class helps me in a college course of Instrumental music, right? Wrong.
There are about only five people in the entire band that care at all about music. There’s me and four of my friends. That’s five out of thirty-five people.
The rest of the class took the class for one reason and one reason only. It was an easy ‘A.’ It was a blowoff. Now that’s not fair to those of us who are actually there to learn and grow. The people who took it as a blowoff totally disrespect everything that I stand for. And that really pisses me off. I’m there to learn, while they joke around and play their instruments while the instructor is trying to teach. That’s not cool.
Everyday, someone is talking or playing while the teacher is trying to say something. No matter what he does, he can’t get them to shut up. He’s written people up, he’s issued detentions, he’s suspended people, and he’s yelled. Everything and still no result.
Now, I really have no way to solve this. But maybe it will open someone’s eyes. See, kids that are serious about music or at least learn about involuntarily excel in math and science. Which means that a person that is serious in band can get a good job in engineering, which starts out its payroll at just about $68,000 a year. Good pay for people in band, isn’t it?
So maybe this will open some eyes to the possibilities of a better musical system, where only the serious kids are let in, and the blowoffs are kicked out. For all you band people out there, wouldn’t that be just perfect?