© Susi Franco

I am no mans' accessory.

I will walk beside you, not behind you.

I will walk upright and proud, head erect, facing the horizon.

You will never have to drag me along.

Perhaps I will stop now and then to rest
My weary head on your shoulder;
But you will never have to carry me.
I will love you with the same intensity you love me;
I will return to you the exact same passion you give me,
Not one shade less.

If you need a woman to cling like ivy,
Be less than you are,
Then I cannot be your woman.

I am no dish-rag, waiting to be used.
I am fire and ice, steel and bone
All protecting the heart of me
That loves without question.

If you need a woman to follow you,
Look elsewhere.
If you need a woman to live Life through you,
I am not the one.

It may not be the straightest path,
But it is my journey to make.
Should you choose to make it with me
I will give to you all I would give to myself,
And even more, if the truth is known.

I will love you the same way I need to be loved.
I will never spare you the truth,
And I will sacrifice my own heart for yours
Over and over
Because I believe real love does that
Real love has the courage to deliver what its' object needs,
Doing so selflessly, willing to endure whatever price
Of sacrifice required
Acknowledging that anything less
Would not be love.
Real love gets the objective :

To either release with peace, accepting whatever comes,
Or pursue with vigilance and conviction
Seeing the absence of love as
A travesty to life.

This is the way I love,
This is the way I live.
I make no apologies for it.

I have explained it to you now
So you can understand me.

Either sign up or go to the end of the line.
Life is fleeting.