© Susi Franco

Heat shimmers off the sidewalk
Humidity thick in the air
Laying on my skin
Like greasy facial cream.
Thunderclaps overhead
Rain dumps heavily
Sounds like a drunk
Peeing on pavement
Late at night
Behind someone's' car.
Listening to the rain
I consider the venue
Of our lost love
Realizing an unfaithful lover
Is a vicious thief
Robbing all things precious
From the soul
Leaving torn remnants
Old ticket stubs of memories
And myopic ideas
Dim reminders
Of who and what
I used to be
You were
Done with me.
Grief wells and stills
Wells and stills
Unable to free itself from
The pinions of my shattered heart
Cranking like a busted fuel pump
In an old pickup truck.
The detritus of your loving me
Is strewn everywhere
And fool that I am,
I stumble over it hourly,
Unable to recall the location of each shred.
I ask myself the question
All jilted lovers ask
Cognizant as they ask it
They can neither hear
The answer
Nor tolerate its' decibel:

Why was I not enough? ?