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Real PowerPuffs

( Yes Im bored so GET OFF MY BACK)
Thanks to the amazing abilities of genetics, a team of scientist were able to create three girls each with perfect DNA ( Flawless ) amd each with enhanced intelligence, Strength, extra persecption abilities, the scientist created these girls first from a genetically created eggs that resemeble those of humans and grew them is test tubes while editing the DNA. When the girls reached the age of 4 in human years they were subjected to educational programs and special schooling at the age of 6 bio-feedback enhancers and bio-mechainal enhancments were inplemented into them. But all this would be useless if not for the powersource for which they are depended on ( chemical X )
Chemical X not only increases there strength but also is needed to run the bio equipment in there bodies, the chemical has some interesting side effects, as it changes there eye colors and gives them some interesting abilities that they weren't offically given, some examples of these are.......Laser eyes, super speed, power punches and frost breath. The ability to fly is thanks to there anti-gravity inhibiters thats powered my the chem X.

( Testing )

Before the girls are given a field test they must undergo simulated battles, in a simulator, the simulator area is no bigger than a gym in most high schools the subjects are strapped to a chair and given VR visors and simulated pain is given through attachments to the skin.

( Naming )

The girls weren't given any human names for they are weapons created by the government in order to stop threat by mutations and alien threat, in order to keep the girls under control they are required to return to HQ to rest and get a refill of Chem X which they need to survive, the names that are given by the scientist are

B01, B02, B03 but the girls called themselves by different names, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup.

( Field Test )

The girls were sent to a Town in the western part of the united states that isn't polluted by any mutants or Aliens but thanks to the miricals of science, the goverment was able to create there own send them to the town to test the girls out, what would happen if the girls even found out is a mystery.

( Armor )

The girls may be strong and all but they will need protection from the elements and the creatures they fight, there skin which is soft is very strong, stronger than Carbonized Steel or Titanium, this may also be a part of the side effects of chem X but the scientist that was in charge of this process died in a accident, the clothing they wair is also part of the armor protection, jumpsuits they wair is incredible powerful, and visors to protect the eyes and increse laser eye potential.

( Fitting in with Society )

To fit in better with the people they are trying to save alter egos are given to them and they live with a scientist that the goverment has chosen, school the teacher was also chosen, but to everyone else they are regular children that are just as ordenairy as other people when they are needed the teacher excuses them. No one must know who they are.

( Emotions)

Due to there high IQ, they seem cold towards children there own age, and to adults as well.

( Future Projects )

If all goes well then more if these ( Super Children ) will be constructed...

( Disposal )

It has come to our attention that when the girls reach a certain age they will Snap, Crack go crazy and that can not be allowed we will moniter there progress and if they are about to go mad then a team will be sent in to destroy them.

More Data to come soon..