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I’ll always remember the day I meet AJ. It was such an incredible and unique experience. I was at work. (I work at a ice cream store that also sells cookies). So I was in the middle of making a batch of M&M cookies, in the back of the store, when I hear the doorbell that signals someone is coming into the store. So I quickly dust off my hands on my apron and head behind the counter at the front of the store to serve the customer that just walked in. Well the first thing I noticed about him was his eyes, when he saw me he slowly took off his sunglass’. His eyes were the most beautiful brown color I had ever seen and he had these wonderful long lashes.

“Hey, What can I get ya?” I asked him. He smiled and then started to chuckle, I blushed wondering what he was laughing at.

“Umm... I’m not sure what I want, I’ve never been here before. Is this place new? And by the way, you have flour on your forehead honey, whatca making back there?” The man shot me a quick flirty smile. I grew an even deeper shade of red and wiped the flour off my face.

“O.K., that was embarrassing! Yeah this place is sorta new, it’s been here for just over a month and I’m making M&M cookies in the back, you wanna try one?” I asked him, while thinking about how attractive he was!

“Sure I’ll try a cookie, how much are they? And don’t be embarrassed about the flour on your face baby, it was no big deal!” He replied sweetly.

“Well normally the cookies are $0.75 or you can get them made up in gift packages and boxes for varying prices but right now for you this cookie is on the house! I’ll just go get you one while you think about what kind of ice cream you want.” I replied and headed to the back to grab him a cookie, I also made a mental note that I owed the ‘house’ $0.75 as we weren’t supposed to give anything away for free, oh well chances are no one will notice anyway! I walked back to behind the counter and handed the guy his cookie, I waited a minute for him to take a bite and then say if he liked it.

“These are fabulous! You make them?” He asked between bites of cookie.

“Yeah, I just made them this morning. So did you decide what kind of ice cream you wanted?” I asked, while trying to subtly study his beautiful face without looking like I was staring at him.

“Ahh, yeah, do you have flurries?” He asked.

“Yep, we do, but we call them twisters!” I replied and smiled at him.

“O.K. then, I’ll have a oreo twister” He replied and emphasized the word twister.

“Alright, would you like a regular or large sized one?”

“I’ll take a regular one, thanks” He replied.

“O.K. it will just be a few minutes.” I told him and he went to sit down at a table. I made his twister and brought it out to him.

“Thanks so much, how much do I owe you?” He asked, while getting out his wallet.

“It’ll be $2.50 please” I told him. He handed me a $5 dollar bill, I entered the purchase in the cash register and came back to give him his change.

“So seeing as there are no customers besides me here right now, you wanna join me?” He asked and motioned to the chair beside him.

“Sure that would be great, but I just have to quickly finish the cookies, I’ll be back in a few minutes, k?”

“Great, but hurry baby!” He replied and just grinned! I finished mixing the cookie dough and scooped it on to cookie sheets, I put two of them in the oven and set the timer. Then I washed my hands and went back to sit with the guy.

“Hey, good, your back, so in case your wondering, I’m Alex, but most people call me AJ.” He informed me.

“Well it is very nice to meet you Alex, to tell you the truth, and I hope this doesn’t change your opinion of me, but I kinda already knew your name, and my name is Becca.”

“Well it is definitely a pleasure to meet you Becca, so you’ve heard of me and the group and everything? And what do you mean ‘change my opinion of you’?” AJ inquired.

“Yeah I’ve heard of the group, I even have one of your cd’s. I meant that because I already knew who you were you might think differently of me because you could think I just wanted to meet you because you were a star of a Backstreet boy!” I explained.

“Yeah I know what you mean, and I definitely do think that with some people I meet, but not with you, you seem to genuine, and hell maybe your not seeing as barely even know you, but I still think you are and I’m definitely willing to risk it if your not! So when did you start and when are you getting off work?” He asked her

“Thanks, about the genuine thing. I started at 6 this morning and I get off at 2, so like in 45 minutes.” I replied

“Wow, you started at 6, so you’ve been working for the last 7 hours, you look damn good! So do people actually eat ice cream at 6 in the morning?” AJ asked and made a weird face.

“No, but I made a whole bunch of cookies all morning and put together the orders for this afternoon, but we also have coffee so people buy that in the morning. By the way, how’s the twister?” I asked.

“It’s great, thanks! So you wanna do something this afternoon or are you too tired, I totally understand if you are, we could do something some other time, or you could say no, it’s O.K.” AJ asked, slightly uncomfortable.

“I would love to do something with you this afternoon, and for such a great looking guy and a superstar, you just seemed a little insecure there?!” I remarked.

“Yeah I was, but there’s tons of things about me you don’t know, but I would love for you to find them out and I wanna find out little unique things about you!” AJ spoke and looked me in the eyes.

“I would adore that, Oh I’ve got to go switch the cookies, where do you wanna meet this afternoon?” I asked

“How about here? Like at 2pm when your finished work, is that O.K?” He asked

“Yeah O.K but is it O.K. if I go home and change first?” I asked.

“Sure, do you have a car here?” He asked.

“Yeah I do, do you?” I asked

“Yeah, so how about I just follow you home and then we can decide what to do after that?’ He asked.

“O.K. sounds perfect! I’ll see ya later!”

“O.K, I’ll be back in like 30 minutes, bye baby!” AJ got up to leave.

“Bye!” I replied and watched him head to his truck. I went to the back and switched the cookies around that were in the oven. I cleaned up a few things and put some dishes away. Only about 10 customers came in before I left. At 1:55, Danny arrived, he had the next shift. So I counted out the till to make sure the sales and the float matched up to what it should be. I was $0.8 off, that was no big deal I just took $0.8 out of the penny bowl and put it in the till. I wrote down my count, and put it on the counter in the office. I told Danny how the day had been in terms of sales and work, although I didn’t mention meeting AJ. So I took off my apron and tossed it in a box in the back, then I grabbed my keys and headed outside the store to wait for AJ, I sat on a patio chair that was directly in front of the store. He arrived at 2:10.

“Hey, sorry I’m late, you ready to go?” He asked

“Yeah, no problem about being late, so you’ll just follow me to my house? It’s like 15 minutes away.” I asked

“Sure, lead the way baby” AJ replied and got into his truck. I got into my car and pulled out of the parking lot. AJ followed me to my house. I got out of car and walked to AJ’s truck.

“So you going to come in?” I asked him

“Uhh... no that’s O.K, I’ll just wait here for you, then we can take my truck somewhere, you wanna go to the park for a while, then we could go out to dinner someplace?” AJ asked

“Sounds fabulous! So I'm just going to shower and change and I'll be out in 20 minutes.” I told him.

“O.K.” AJ replied. I ran into the house, showered, dressed and put a little make-up on as quickly as I could. I put on a pair of black Jean shorts, a white tank top that had a star, made out of rhinestones, on the front. I slipped on a pair of black sandals and kept my hair down as it had been in a ponytail for work. I grabbed my wallet, checked to make sure I had money and a house key then I headed out the front door.

Chapter 2
