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A Quick Look at the Culture of Uzbekistan
A Quick Look at the Culture of Uzbekistan By Artur Stepanyan. My name is Artur. I live in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which used to be part of the Soviet...
Size 4K - 24-Jul-97

Ethnologue Database:
Uzbekistan Statistics about languages in Uzbekistan. Page 1 of 1.
Size 3K - 05-Jun-96

UU: Background
Understanding Uzbekistan. Business Communication Centre. 8. BACKGROUND: 8.1 Family and Community in Uzbek Culture: At the center of Uzbek life... A.... Size 28K - 20-Feb-98

UNVNews#74-Uzbek crafts live again
UNVNews #74 7/96-A British UNV devotes his time to preserving the craft culture in Uzbekistan. Size 6K - 11-May-98

Cultural/Travel/Religion Sites
Culture/Travel/Religion Sites. { Afghanistan } { Kazakhstan } { Kyrgyzstan } { Mongolia } { Tajikistan } { Turkmenistan } { Uzbekistan } or use a search... Size 6K - 07-Jun-97

MiNat - Local Russian Events
Local Russian Events. The following information is presented courtesy of MiNat. Evening of Uzbek and Russian Culture and Cuisine. With Uzbek and other.... Size 2K - 27-Mar-98

The Silk Road
By Jeff Greenwald. Eighteen hundred years ago, it took silk traders a solid week to travel the 200-odd miles...
Size 6K - 1-Feb-97

Jewish of Bukhara
This is a brief outline of the history of the Jewish community of Bukhara (also written Bokhara or Bochara), Uzbekistan, from earliest times to the present...
Size 6K - 31-Mar-98

Cultural overview[Jewish Bukhara]
The Jews of Central Asia appear to share a common history with the Tajiks, leading some ethnologists to conclude that the two groups intermarried extensively in the past ...
Size 6K - 5-May-98

The Karabair is one of the most ancient breeds of Central Asia. ...
Size 6K - 5-May-96

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