Incentives from Sellassie WWW * New with Anatoly: Click to View or Add Text.

* Master Thesis: Ethiopians in Diaspora Poll * Ethiopians in USA * Please vote!
If you are willing to partcipate in a phone interview (20 min. max.) "Ethiopians and Rastafarians," please email Esther Sellassie Antohin with the phone number and time to call. Thanks.

* Rediscover your past @ *

* Free Scholarship Money For Your Advanced Degree *

I have to keep this old page, because I placed it into the template (even on my Theatre pages!)

I do not have time to work on Sellassie (Family) Pages, I must focus on my professional pages. Even EDU directory is reorganized in such a way that the Sellassie Online pages redirect your to my existing classes in drama and film.

This page meant to appeal to you, folks, to get involved with the promotion of Sellassie website. Webmasters are needed more than ever. Please, contact my daughter, Alexandra, who takes over as chief-webmaster for Sellassie pages. Her most recent project is eFood ("e" stands for both -- Ethiopian and Electronic). Give her a hand or your feedback at least.

GeoAlaska: Acting, Directing, Theory, Shows, Books
GeoAlaska: Theatre & Film

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HIM Quotes: Click to View or Add Text.


Ethiopian Proverbs: Click to View List Entries.


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Addis Live Music Radio *
HIM Haile Sellassie I

main INDEX * HIM * CULTURE Index NEW Family Directory Index Academics Directory Index DIASPORA Index NEW POLITICS Old Politics Directory
Old HS WWW: Haile Sellassie Family Web
H.I.M. Web-Biography: from Sellassie WWW pages
R&R: Rasta & Reggae, Rastafarianism, Texts, Links, News
HISTORY: History pages from Sellassie Family Web
FAMILY: Origins, Members, Generations, Tree, photos
Ethiop Village: Books, Music, Art, Gifts
DIRECTORIES: Listing from all Sellassie sites


When I invite you to take a part in working on our pages, I mean it. I had a few emails, but when I reply with the tasks, people disapper. If you are a webmaster, you perhaps understand where the web and internet are heading -- business. So many "dot.coms" went out of business (you can see the dead links on our pages), because there is nothing free about the Net. It can't be free. If people won't put their time in Sellassie websites, the pages will go dead too. Or we have to go comercial. This is a universal law and nothing can be done to change it.

I am working on my Theatre and Film websites, because the university pays me. And even there I seek help of students, friends and webmasters. Every live (and growing) website is a community!

So, what are the incentives? How about knowing that what you care for, exist and will exist?

Anatoly 2001

Our old call still stands: July 23 is HIM Haile Sellassie birthday and we plan to have HIM writing contest (we will post the guidelines). There are several categories for essays, including "Kids Write" -- the main goal is to collect the best testimonials about HIM influence on people's lives. Please, spread the word!

You are welcome to send your suggestions and recommendations. After we select the best, we will post them on Sellassie pages and let the readers to vote for the best!

Link to Us!

Submit Sellassie sites to search engines!

Promote Sellassie WWW!

Get your friends involved!

Read! Write! Build!

Web-ME: Click to View or Add Links.

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@2000-2001 sellassie www * Next: EDU intro * My Webtextbooks: Click to View or Add Text.

Quotes & Thoughts: CookBook: marriage of art & food
EthioBooks Pages: Click to View or Add Links.