Welcome to my literature page. Here I will present literature written by myself, by my friends, and by a bunch of dead guys that I happen to like. If you would like to suggest a short work by a dead guy, or anyone in particular that won't get me in trouble you can email me with the title of the work, the author and a location of where i can find it. I would also like to present a grouping of banned books for you to look through and maybe even read.
if you have a colour preference or you think that colour makes all the difference:
Andreya's death in brown or Andreya's Death in green by myself, one of my best friends brent, and my good friend alison.
here are some other poems that i hope you enjoy:
"legends of the fall"
young, forever
because of me...
i lost a friend today
forest life
shove aside anger!
translucent shadows
time after time *6/20/03*
flowers in the attic *6/23/03*
drive to eternity
A Rose's End
poems by other people:
Flower list
by Kate Greenaway
The Raven
by Poe
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
The Highwayman
by Alfred Noyes
In Flanders Fields
by Lt. Col. John McCrae
item that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with literature: welcome to goid's deathday party.
kate's knitting frenzy