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The Verdict Is In.
The People Said NO to MAPS.
This site was created in advance of the 1998 MAPS referendum in Birmingham, Alabama.
It is being maintained because there is still some interest in MAPS today.

Maps & Legends
What is MAPS?
Where will the money go?
Who wants MAPS?
What's so bad about MAPS?
Are there alternatives?
How can I find out more?
How can I get involved?

What is MAPS?

On August 4, Jefferson County citizens will vote on a proposal to increase taxes in order to finance a domed stadium and other public projects. The proposal is called MAPS - "Metropolitan Area Projects Strategy."

This stadium would not house a major-league sports team, because Birmingham does not have one - nor does the city stand a good chance of attracting such a team. So supporters of the proposed stadium emphasize its other uses, by calling it, for example, a "domed convention center."

Supporters also take care to emphasize aspects of the "MAPS" proposal other than the stadium. Here's how the proposal is described by the MAPS Victory Committee's public relations staff:

"MAPS, the Metropolitan Area Projects Strategy, is a county-wide economic development plan that outlines how Jefferson County can pool its resources and energy to improve education, public safety, regional transportation, cultural and historic landmarks, quality of life issues such as a new regional zoo and greenway trails, and convention and entertainment facilities."

The words "domed stadium" don't appear on this list. Instead, there are a number of initiatives to improve things like education and public safety - things that no one in their right mind could oppose!

So what is all the fuss about?

How much will it cost?

First you need to know that the legal basis for MAPS (Metropolitan Area Projects Strategy) is Act No. 98-127 (Senate Bill 283), which passed the Alabama Legislature early this year. The new law would amend the state constitution in order to:

The plan is controversial, yet it passed through the Legislature with relatively little debate. Instead, Jefferson County voters will have the final say in a special vote on Tuesday, August 4.

The Legislature predicts that MAPS will cost $703.2 million. In order to raise the money, the following taxes will be increased:

  1. The sales tax will increase by 1 cent per dollar.
  2. The lodging tax will increase by 2 cents per dollar.

These tax increases will only take effect if a majority vote "Yes" on August 4. [Next Page]

More about the tax increase
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Edited by Rob Collins

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