July 4th


As a child I was taught to honor and respect the flag of our country,
perhaps because I came from a military family. Regardless of its
many faults, I thank God that I do not live elsewhere. I still believe
the values I was taught as a child and hold deep reverence and
respect for the symbol of our country. I am not able to express,
adequately, my feelings, but I think Mr. Owsley has said it
beautifully. When you celebrate this holiday give a thought
to his words (below) and don't ever forget it is still the
best country in the world to live in. Be proud of it!
I sincerely wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday.

June 14, 2001

Respect Our Flag

When you see the Stars and Stripes displayed, son, stand up and take off
your hat. Somebody may titter...it is in the blood of some to deride all
expression of noble sentiment.

You may blaspheme in the street and stagger drunken in public places,
and the bystanders will not pay much attention to you; but if you should
get down on your knees and pray to Almighty God, or if you should stand
bareheaded while a company of old soldiers marches by with flags to
the breeze, some people will think you are showing off.

But don't you mind! When Old Glory comes along, salute, and let them
think what they please! When you hear the band play The Star-Spangled
Banner while you are in a restaurant or hotel dining room, get up even if
you rise alone; stand there and don't be ashamed of it either!

For of all the signs and symbols since the world began there is none other
so full of meaning as the flag of this country. That piece of red, white and
blue bunting means five thousand years of struggle upward. It is the full
grown flower of ages of fighting for liberty. It is the century plant of
human hope in bloom.

Your flag stands for humanity, for an equal opportunity to all the sons of
men. Of course we haven't arrived yet at that goal; there are many
injustices yet among us, many senseless and cruel customs of the past
still clinging to us, but the only hope of righting the wrongs of men lies
in the feeling produced in our bosoms by the sight of that flag.

Other flags mean a glorious past, this flag...a glorious future. It is not so
much the flag of our fathers as it is the flag of our children, and of all
children's children yet unborn. It is the flag of tomorrow. It is the signal
of the "Good Time Coming." It is not the flag of your king...it is the
flag of yourself and of all your neighbors.

Don't be ashamed when your throat chokes and the tears come, as you
see it flying from the masts of our ships on all the seas or floating from
every Flagstaff of the Republic. You will never have a worthier emotion.
Reverence it as you would reverence the signature of the Deity.

Listen, son! The band is playing the national anthem, The Star Spangled
Banner! They have let loose Old Glory yonder. Stand up and others will
stand with you.

This tribute to the flag is offered to the country in appeal to all men and
women of all races, colors and tongues, that they may come to understand
that our flag is the symbol of liberty and learn to love it.

Alvin M. Owsley, Past National Commander,

The American Legion

Noteble Days In July

2nd - U.S.Army Corps Established - 1926

4th - Independence Day

27th - National Korean War

27th - Veterans Armistice Day
(Flag half staff until sunset)

Interesting Links To Visit

Fireworks Central

The White House

Visit The Liberty Bell

The Betsy Ross Homepage

Declaration Of Independence

Independence Day On The Net

First Ladies of The United States of America

The Presidents of The United States of America

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