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D'sciples Members


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Prayer Requests


Email List

Our Vision

D'sciples was created by the inspiration of God.
It began back in April 1997 in a car, on the way
home one night. God began at that moment to
reveal his plan for this ministry. Since that
moment, we have seen our share of good and bad times. Nevertheless, God has always
been faithful in his promise to this group.
In all that we do, we recognize that without God
we would have nothing and with God anything is
possible. For the future, only God knows what
that will hold. As for now, we continue to
seek after his will for our lives and in some
way hope to make an impact on the lives of all
those we come in contact with.

Our Prayer

Our prayer is that in the dramas that we present,
you realize that God loves you. We all go
through things in our lives, when it seems that
no one cares, but through it all God is with us.
If you are facing something in your life that
seems to always keep you down, we pray that you
find the freedowm that we were so fortunate to
find. Rhis freedom comes only though God.
If you have never been saved and want to know
more about God and his love, we pray that you
open your heart to recieve what God has for you.