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The Buzzards' Roost Remote Control Aeronautics Club

What's New?

Club Meeting

The BRRCC November meeting will be on 11-25-2002, 7:00 pm at the Friendship Community center located behind the fire department. We will be discussing the events and improvements for the upcoming year.

New officers will be installed at this meeting. Cory Ozment will be our new president. We are looking forward to his leadership in the coming year.

There will not be a club meeting in December due to Holiday activities already planned by many.

The January club meeting will be the last Monday in January 2003.



Our club, along with the Elmore County Club (Holtville) will have a fun fly-in November 24th at the BRRCC field starting at 1:00 pm. Come when you can. Anyone is invited to fly or watch.


Club dues should be paid at the November meeting or they can be mailed to James Hicks.



If you have any news, announcements or events
that you would like to see listed here let us know.



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