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Growing up in Glenurquhart!
This is the seventh of several pages about the 10 years I lived in the "Glen",at Shenval and at school in Corrimony,in the 1960`s.
The Summer Holiday Concert and Trip.

One of the highlights of our school year was the trip to the sea-side at Nairn,on the last day of term,before the summer holiday.But before we could go,we had to put on a concert for our parents,our mums really,they came on the trip with us. Our teacher ,Miss MacDonald,known as Det,spent several weeks getting us ready to say poems,put on sketches and short plays and sing and dance.I remember learning to dance a Highland Sword Dance and singing a duet with Irene, my wee sister.I can remember the chorus went " Hey derry ,derry down",somthing about greenwood trees. I also remember Hamish Rice as Harry Belafonte and Bridgit Tyne as Odetta singing a doleful version of " The Hole in my Bucket Song ",Neither of them wanted to do it,they could`nt stand each other,(which is probably why Det got them to do it) Bridgit was more or less spitting her lines out in a very deep and angry voice,all the mums had a real hard job keeping their laughing to the appropriate places in the song. Just before the concert, was prize -giving,each child in every class got a book.I still have "Gullivers Travels" with fantastic illustrations by "Stephen Baghot de Bere"!
left to right,Me,Archie Hutchison,his brother Johnny and my sister Irene,on the beach at Nairn,August 1963.
Hamish and Bridget

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