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Duo Maxwell Stats

Name: Duo Maxwell
Alias: Shinigami, ie. God Of Death
Age: 15;(16-17 in Endless Waltz)
Sex: Male
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
Eye Color: Cobalt Blue/Violet
Height: 5'2" (160cm)
Weight: 92 lbs (43kg)
Blood Type: B
Nationanlity: American
Place Of Birth: L2 Colony
Pilots: Gundam Deathscythe, Deathscythe Hell ( and Custom)
Family Relations: Orphan
Special Feature: His extremally long braid, approx. a yard(32.5 cm)
Special Abilities: Exceptional in combating skills

Personality: Duo is extremally cheerful. His happy-go-lucky attitude makes him stand out from the other mobile suit pilots, along with the fact that he rarely ever stops talking or making jokes...Ironically he pilots the gundam called Deathsycthe. Though, it's not really that surprising with the fact that he prefers to be called the God Of Death, which he was dubbed after taking on Alliance and Oz soldiers during battle. Almost always (except his pj's, school uniform) seen in black, sometimes with a black hat as well, he's adorned with a priest's white collar at his neck. Along with his title, Duo seems very "into" death, in fact once started in a fight he ends up killing the enemy and almost everything else as well. But, everyone pilot has his secrets, normally hiding them behind a mask, and Duo is no exception to this. Beneath the overly cheerful and talkitive pilot lies a very different person. The hidden side of Duo seems to come out mostly when he is battling.

Past: Why in the world would someone wear a priest's garb when you certainly aren't a priest, or that friendly with God for that matter...Well, Duo would. Duo has always been an oprhan. When he was little he use to run around with a street gang and was best buds with it's leader, Solo. An epidemic swept through the colony, killing many of the poor because they could not afford for the vaccination. Duo went off and stole some medicine and gave it to the gang(though not to himself). But, it was too late *sniff*, and everyone died...except Duo. As his best friend, Solo, lay dying, Duo told him that they would always be together, and hence, his first name was created. A little after that, Duo landed up in a church after getting caught stealing. There he meets Father Maxwell and Sister Helen. Duo goes to school and all that, getting in trouble alot when kids would tease him (he actually sends kids to the hospital), but Sister Helen is always there to soothe him and give him hugs. This is where Duo also gets his braid. Sister Helen wanted to cut it off, and Duo said no, and Father Maxwell said he could keep it. So Sister Helen put it in a braid to keep it neat. When asked by Sister Helen if he beleived in a God, he replied no. Why? Duo says that he believes only in the God of Death (shinigami). Why? Duo replies with: Well, I've never seen a miracle, but I've seen lots and lots of dead people! Things were peaceful and good, all the kids kept getting adopted....except Duo. One day when Duo comes back from school he see's Father Maxwell and Sister Helen talking with some soldiers. The soldiers don't like it that they are helping the wounded from both sides, and they are sick and tired of hearing this preaching about peace. During this little argument and female soldier turns around and slaps Sister Helen after another soldier had just knocked down Father Maxwell. Duo yells at them to stop, and, having heard that what the soldiers want is a mobile suit, he tells them that he'll get them one if they'll leave. Before Sister Helen has a chance to stop him, he runs off. Duo manages to steal a truck carrying a mobile suit and races back to the church. When he arrives, there is nothing left but rubble and bodies...As he looks on in horror he hears Sister Helen calling him. He rushes over to her side, and she smiles, thanking God that he is all right, and telling him that Father Maxwell thought of him till the end. And then she dies..and Duo screams and cries..*sniffle*...anyhoo, so that is where Duo get's his last name and his nickname as well and his reason for wearing priest garb too. He becomes known as the Maxwell Demon because he was the only survivor of the Maxwell Massacre. Next thing we know Duo has snuck aboard a ship...which just happens to belong to a certain scientist...Doctor G is quite impressed that a kid could get through his security and asks who he is. "I run, I hide, but I never lie...Duo Maxwell"(something like that), the Doc. replies with, "Ah, you're Maxwell's Demon aren't you?"(something like that). Duo shakes his head, "Not a demon, but...Shinigami"

What I Like: My favorite thing about Duo is his attitude and incredible persistance to befriend just about everyone. I think only someone with his type of attitude would make an attempt and actually succeed in becoming Heero's friend. Though with his plucky way of life he does keep things hidden in, he's the most likeable and agreeable member of Gundam Wing...Not to mention really really hot!!!